Raiden Kurosawa (The Shiobi of Lighting and Scorpions)

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Name: Raiden Kurosawa


Age: 19

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Family: Takeshi Kurosawa(Father, alive), Emiko Kurosawa(Mother, alive)

Village: The Village Hidden in the Clouds

Rank: Chunin

Jutsu Elements: Lightning and Earth

Love interest: Tenten

Theme song:

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Likes: Tenten, his village, his team, his friends, Riddick(his Scorpion summon), his sensei, Killer B, ramen(he and Naruto ate the ramen store empty), Legion, reading, learning knew techniques and Justus, fighting enemies, camping, his weapons, drinking with B, the Vanguardians, Kirishima and Mina

Loves: Tenten, working with her on weapons, cuddling and going on missions with her, beating the shit out of Bakugo

(Tenten:blushed, Such a romantic~!)

(Raiden: Anything for my girl~!)

(Naruto: Sheesh, just kiss already!)

Dislikes: people staring or trying to touch Tenten, Union, Atlas, LOV, White Fang, red tape, the Civilian councils of the villages, rouge shinobi, criminals, politicians, Karens, people who think he and Tenten are dating for certain reasons which he hates, NTR shit(like seriously he threw up)


Issei: tries to touch and grope Tenten, plus makes verbal comments on Raiden that Tenten is only dating him cause he's black and is packing between the legs

(Which he was, first time Tenten couldn't walk for a month)

Mineta Minoru: just hates his guts cause his a Shameless perv that tries to perv on his girl, he buried him in the ground more times then he can count

Katsuki Bakugo: the two get in many fight, mainly cause Bakugo thinks he is a wimp and can't please Tenten more then he can and things the whole Charka being bullshit and calls the Shinobi powerless bastards that should bend over and bow to his greatness...yeah he gets his ass beaten more times then he can count

Izuku Midoriya: same as always, naive little boy who doesn't understand the real world and hides behind glorified heros and believes him killing will only make him a villain

Dream: To be the next Raikage


Raiden was born in the Village Hidden in the Clouds a year before Naruko, there he was raised by his family and taught to be a great Shinobi. His father at the time was a Jonin and his mother a Chunin, but they managed to find the time to spend time with him growing up. He was glad to have them and he wouldn't trade them for the world, especially since they taught him the true values of family, trust and loyalty to the Village

He would grow up to be the top of the ranks in the Academy, being proficient in Lighting and Earth Justus, and Summoning. He was also friendly with Scorpions, they seemed to be attached him and he the same, he felt at ease with them more then people. Especially one giant Scorpion named Riddick, the King of Scorpions, and the two were...well...



He was good with many weapons such as Kunai, Shuriken and twin Chokutos, he was mainly a frontline soldier during the 4th Great Shinobi War. Along with wires, explosive tags and Ninja claws, he is deadly when pushed to a corner

When the 4th Great Ninja war came around, his parents went to fight, which made him grow worried every day, knowing the consequences of war. He would fight for days non-stop to make sure if he wasn't gonna die and see his family again. There he would meet many ninjas he would call his friends after the war, even one he would come to love dearly

Soon he would help defeat Madara in the last battles of the war, using all his weapons and Summons to fight against the 10-Tails army and protect his friends and family. Also he wouldn't be trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but he managed to dodge it, surprising even the great Madara Uchiha

Madara: Why do you evade the Tsukuoymi, it can give you the peace this world deserves


Madara: It will give you the peace this world refuses to accept over and over again, I can change this world by giving you all the peace this world requires

Riaden: growled, I refuse to accept a fake reality! If there will be peace, I'll fight for it rather than it being forced on me by a mad man! I WON'T STOP TILL I WIN!!

He tributes to fight as best he can, though he was beaten but managed to help Team 7, through he can't stand tool, and was resting while he waited. And soon he woke up to see his family huddling over him and his friends Omoi, Darui and Karui. There he spent days at the Hidden Left village, kindling a friendship with Naruto Uzumaki, and got to know Tenten

The two connected over their mutual love for weapons, and their dreams to be something great.

For Tenten she wanted to be like the Legendary Sannin Tsunade

While Raiden wanted to be the next Raikage, to be strong so he can protect his family, friends and...someone special he had yet to find

Soon after the end of the war, and many other adventures that took place, the two got close and soon it was dating when the moon was about to kill them all. At the wedding, Tenten caught the bouquet and this made her blush as she wanted to be married. Raiden had planned to soon, he just wanted the time to be right, cause, you guessed it

The Merge happened

Soon they came to know other countries, the Twisting Realms, Ovius, Orario and so much more. Raiden was first to join the scouts to survey the new lands, along with Tenten as she wanted to be close to him. There they found weird and interesting new lands, resources and people that weren't human, but damn it was interesting to see

Though there was one place he and the Five Great Nations can't stand. A land made up of corruption, greed, selfish ambition and discrimination that pissed him off and the lack of discipline on the students of a so called academy...Union.

He hated it cause they let their students bully others, beat up those they declare worthless and don't even care about those that get in their way of glory and shit. He hated them cause they had no code or morals like the Shinobi, it pissed him off to the degree he wanted to kill some of them...

More so Bakugo, cause that brat pisses him off more than anyone. He's lack of respect and throwing the lives of innocents away like nothing, and more focused on glory and easing his ego. Raiden always enjoys putting him in his place, making him laugh


He and Tenten like to do foreplay sometimes, but Raiden loves her in a maid uniform, real kinky

He sees other women eyeing him, but he's loyal to his girl

...Even though he doesn't know about her planning to form a harem for him...hey she loves him but she can hardly handle him, plus she a massive bisexual.

So win-win right?

He hates girls that use their looks and bodies that get what they want, the kind that hardly try and work hard for what they want, those annoy him the most.

He also hates it when people give racists comments to him, mostly cause they think he and Tenten are dating cause he's black and has a big manhood, which he says it ain't and that he truly loves her for her


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