Tristin Graves (The Onyx Rhino Legion)

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Name: Tristin Graves



Age: 20

Race: Human, Honorary Cabal

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Family: Glynda and James Ironwood,(adoptive parents)

Rank: Valus

Height: 7'2

Affiliation: The Onyx Rhinos of the Cabal

Likes: his girlfriends, his adopted parents, the Cabal, some Guardians, his armor and weapons, cooking, learning military strategy and tactics, his fellow Legionaries, the Legions of the Cabal, cooking, reading, learning new battle tactics, cleaning his guns, Kirishima and Mina

Dislikes: Union(Minus RWBY cast), Atlas, LOV, White Fang, other Guardians, racists, bullies, Grimm, pervs, assholes, Issei, Bakugo, Mineta, Hive, Fallen, Scorn, Vex, people who disrespect the Legions

Hates: Issei, Bakugo, Mineta, RDL,

Harem members(Now): Zeph Jominj (Awoken Hunter) and Blake Belladonna

(Blake(ORL): FINALLY!! Hi everyone, I'm a nice Blake for once!)

(Tristin: Hehehehe)

Theme song:


Tristan was just a child when he was found by the Cabal, he was only 4 when the Onyx Rhinos came to Remnant in secret. He was running from the Grimm for miles, running from his bullies and tormentors cause he had no semblance the people had on his world. But he did have many friends, they just couldn't always protect so he tried to stand up for himself

Sadly he wasn't strong enough and son they beat him till he was broke and was about to be eaten till they came and decimated them with ease, there he was taken in by them and trained by the Cabal. There he told them of what he went through and it pissed them off, but they knew he needed to grow strong in order to regain his honor and make sure it never happened again

There he learned all their weapons, armors and tactics, even going as far as to learn their history. He looked up to Thor'ouc, the Primius of the Onyx Rhinos Legion, as a father figure and does anything to protect his honor. He took all combat classes and strategy, making sure to know everything about the art of war and battle. He forged his own armor with the forge masters helped, then his weapons with the Guardians help, who became like siblings...well one is more then that

Soon he would meet the Guardians of the Traveler, first they tried to kill the Cabal cause they thought he was being attacked. But when he fought alongside the Cabal, this confused the Guardians as why would a Human fight alongside their sworn enemy, and how strong he was with his natural strength. He threw a Titan(Exo) 10 feet into a pit of land mines

He would then he would get to know these Guardians, who were a Warlock(Human) named Victor Ramses, Titan(Exo) Crimson-12, and a beautiful Hunter(Awoken) named Zeph Jominj, who he got along with very well~. There he became a emissary between the two factions even helping Caiatl with certain things to make things go smoothly

He rose up the ranks of the Cabal, earning his title as Valus after countless tests to rise the ranks and a mission or two. He also got taller due to their basic training and even some testing to help him get stronger. He had to get use to their food...don't ask him

When they noticed the merge between realms, even the land of Remnant he grew up on. So he and his Legion would scout the lands, meeting interesting, and incredibly weird people, and managed to established many alliances with those who wanted it. Though when Union came around, he had to not blow them all up with an orbital strike

Though he was glad to see his friends and family, even Blake Belladonn, who straight up tackled him into the floor when she saw him. He would rekindle with his friends and more so with Blake, with Zeph joining in from time to time~

He is the warrior that will defend his Legion and their honor, don't mess with him or you'll get your head busted in pieces


He hates people interrupting his meals, he will literally beat the dog shit out of you if you do

He will also beat the shit of those who try to touch his girls and will hold them close possessively

Same with his guns

He likes to kill Vex and use their bodies as props for jokes, one time he made some Vexs look like they were college drunks at a house party that got way out of control

Zeph: Tristin why? Just why?

Tristin: a dare really by Cardin, said I couldn't do, but damn it I did!!

Blake: Hehehehe

Also he hates Issei cause he tried to force himself on Blake, he ended up breaking all his bones and crushed his dick with his foot. He enjoyed the screams of the little bitch

He beats Bakugo up cause he doesn't stop yelling, Mineta cause he pervs on his girls and enjoys hanging Monama by his feet off the land tank they use, makes him see how far he'll go down if he moves to much...or when he gets bored

Oh and he likes blowing shit up, like seriously he blew up multiple Hive Tombships for hours, he smiled every time as he did, the Cabal think he's a pyromaniac half the time.


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