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• N A M E •


• G E N D E R •


• A G E •

9 moons

• C L A N •


• M E N T O R •


• I M A G E •

• A P P E A R A N C E D E T A I L S •

Swallow is a very pale cat with tan markings all over his pelt, making him resemble a tiger/jaguar type mix. Though not long, his fur is very soft. He has delicate paws and pale blue, or gray eyes. Swallow also has pretty normal sized ears, not too big, not too small.

• P E R S O N A L I T Y •

SwallowPaw is a cat that usually blends in with his clan mates. He has made no move to stand out anyways. He is quiet to those who he is not that comfortable with. Once a cat gets him to trust them, he shows more affection than what other cats would. Once you're close with him, he tries not to let you get away. He values any friends he meets and will try to make the relationship last. To his family, he is a bit distant at times. He has trouble taking advice from older cats in the clan, making some of his clan mates very annoyed at times.

• L I T T E R M A T E S •
Brother : Harepaw, 9 moons, apprentice
- Loud - Arrogant - Boastful

Sister : Smallpaw, 9 moons, apprentice
- Reserved - Determined - Awkward

• P A R E N T S •
Mother : Ferngaze, 35 moons, warrior
- Soft spoken - Humble - Submissive

Father : Owlbreeze, 38 moons, warrior
- Stern - Ambitious - Blunt

• B A C K S T O R Y •
SwallowPaw was born into a litter of three healthy kits. At a young age, their mother would often play fight with them and treat them with unimaginable adoration and kindness, while their father... tried. He would be present for the kits, yes, but he just didn't know how to interact with them. This created a rocky relationship between the kits and their father. Once they became apprentices, they grew a bit distant, though SwallowPaw and Smallpaw still had each other's backs. They've been like this ever since, their family divided.

BaccaraLily here is Swallowpaw!

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