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• Matthew Schmidt

• Everyone calls him Matt, Matthew is way too formal.

• 24th October

• 18

• Male

• He doesn't really label himself, he just falls in love with who he falls in love with. Obviously it's also not generally accepted either.

• young Christian Slater (as JD, Heathers)

• He's strong and great at sports, he was on the football team for most of his time in school.

• If he needs to hold his end in a fight he is more than capable.

• Matt is good at speaking to people, he usually knows what to say, hence why he weirdly just gets along with everyone.

• He is known to rebel against his dad quite a lot. For the past couple years he's been doing almost everything he shouldn't, including letting his grades drop hugely.

• He all round gets along with people however if someone makes him mad (by for example, hurting his sister in some way) he sees red. His random outbursts of anger can be triggered by others from time to time.


• Parties

• Smoking

• Football

• Driving at night

• Spontaneous plans/road trips

• Drive-in movie theatres

• Animals, specifically dogs and cats

• Architecture


• Bullies

• Societal expectations and weird social constructs

• Any sort of prejudice like racism, homophobia, etc. He will literally throw hands-

• Birds, he thinks they're annoying

• Being forced to wake up early

• Authoritative figures who try to abuse their power

• Really hot weather

• Reading


Matt is constantly getting into some sort of trouble however he rarely gets caught and punished legally, considering his dad is the sheriff and can just bail him out of it. Of course he gets consequences at home for this though.
He gets up to bad things that include fights amongst most- mainly when he's out.
He's had a past with stealing, however that was when he was a bit younger. He doesn't really have interest in that anymore.

He is also an incredible liar, it's actually quite scary sometimes how easily something he's just made up on the spot can roll from his tongue. Lying comes very naturally to him and he does it way too often.
When you see him he seems incredibly laid back and chill however it's also perfectly normal for him to be doing something he shouldn't, somewhere. He doesn't need to do anything bad, no, but he's always liked the adrenaline from doing something he shouldn't- there's many reasons why he rebels out so often but that is one. His dad being another.
Sometimes he feels like he's above everything else and he won't have to face the consequences of his actions anyway.

As much as he can definitely be bad news, he has a charm about him that makes certain people feel drawn to him. Matt is a strong character but he knows how to communicate with people, hence getting along with pretty much everyone.
He's definitely attractive looking and if he wants to he can be incredibly nice, that probably plays a part in the charm. Commonly he is very closed off to other people (when it comes to talking about himself) however the people that do get to have a moment where they just sit and have a talk with him, it could last for hours.
Maybe since his personality is usually very calm, excluding when fights start, it makes people feel fine with talking. He loves a good deep philosophical conversation, it interests him to almost see in the mind of other people.

Matt is aware that he is far from a good influence most of the time. He has an ongoing history with drugs, he smokes, sometimes drinks, and even slept around in the past. He wouldn't force anyone into the kind of things he does, he actually would rather they didn't get into the stupid shit he has, however just being around him can sometimes begin to rub off on people.
He knows his habits aren't good and he doesn't necessarily like them however he also has no intention of changing this life style.
Matt is the type of friend that your parents would warn you about and not want you to have. He's manipulative and a good liar so a lot of adults actually just think he's calm and normal for the most part however he does that on purpose... Being the sheriffs son and all..,
That's just part of him being casually quite cunning. He knows adults knowing about what he gets up to could potentially get him in trouble with his dad...

A lot of the time people who are getting close to him won't realise that he can be a bad influence, this is because he isn't directly a bad influence to them. He won't tell you to do something that will get you in trouble however he will do whatever it is and make it seem so normal that people around him sometimes pick up similar behaviours or they my join in.

His natural personality tends to be laid back, calm and relaxed, unless someone pisses him off. He doesn't care about too many things, as long as it doesn't concern him or someone he cares closely about them he could not care less. He's casual and relaxed a lot of the time however this can make him seem very uninterested. He doesn't tend to display enthusiasm towards things.
He isn't the type of person that will be amazing to talk about when it comes to your passion, if it's not a passion he shares or something he's intrigued by he will usually look very apparently not interested. However, he is very interested in learning peoples background as well as their views and opinions on things.
He's a great liar, yes, but he isn't the type of person to lie just to protect your feelings. If he's really not interested he'll just tell you.
JD is usually calm and relaxed however if you do make him angry, which tends to be by hurting someone he cares strongly for, he is almost dangerous to be around. It's weird how he can go from his usual calm self to being crazy level angry- but hey, at least he sticks up for himself and people he cares for, right..?

There's so many layers to his personality that people often find him quite intriguing. He is a calm guy who has a charm about him however it's also clear to see he has his own problems and flaws beneath the surface- but doesn't everyone?
Whatever it is, people often want to know more about him since he is very much a closed book when it comes to himself personally. He prefers to get to know things about other people and listen to them than talk about himself. He doesn't like talking about his own issues, if he does he must really trust you.
A lot of the time his witty, sarcastic comments and nature can just make people intrigued to know more about him.

Matthew was born into this world with a good upbringing. As soon as he was born his household was filled with love. As he grew up his dad would take him hunting and fishing- and he always had a close bond with his mother. When he was little they would dance around to her favourite song 'Dancing In The Moonlight'.

When he was little and his younger sister was brought into the world, not long after him, he quickly had a close bond growing up with her. They were a close family and they did everything together when he was younger.

He always remembered playing with his toy police cars when he was little, thinking it was the coolest thing ever that his dad was Sheriff. He had a lot of respect for him. Then when he was eight, his parents seemed more stressed than usual- arguing a lot which was unusual. Matt knew it was something to do with a stressful case his dad had at work, but he was too young to understand.
Soon enough the mention of Philip Turner being arrested was all people spoke about, Oscar got so much praise for it and eventually Matt understood the basics of what was going on. Just another bad guy in jail in his mind.

Eventually the respect followed his dad everywhere, and in affect- his family. Everyone seemed to think so highly of his dad due to his job, and then a weight of pressure was put on his shoulders. His parents wanted to keep up this good and perfect reputation, and of course that meant he and his sister needed to follow in their footsteps to some respect.
As he got older, those toy police cars went in the bin.
Then he entered his teen years.

Everyone expected him to be an amazing example like his dad? So what did he do? The exact opposite. He rebelled.
Unlike his sister who was pretty, sociable, popular, smart, on the school paper etc, he went the opposite direction. In his early years of school he quickly made the football team, being one of the top players people relied on.
Soon he started going to parties, drinking, smoking, even some drugs here and there. After this he began getting himself in more intense trouble. He wanted to be his own person, not be stuck in his dads shadow. If he couldn't be perfect, why not be the exact opposite?
He did however become very protective of his sister, especially when boys got involved. He didn't want anyone to treat her bad, he knew how boys were (being a pretty asshole of one himself...).

At sixteen, he and one of his friends thought it would be a great idea to steal from a random gas station store one night. They got away with it, no repercussions, but plenty of adrenaline. For about six months it became an addiction, they managed to pull off bigger crimes here and there until one night.
Somewhere he had stolen from before, and pulled off, he tried again. Before he knew it a police car pulled up and he was arrested, apparently the store invested in security cameras.

His dad ended up having to bail him out of the trouble, since everyone worked for him it didn't get out when he did something and got caught. Matt was of course in huge trouble with his parents at which he scoffed and mostly ignored.
His dad got tougher on him as expected, this drew them further apart as he got older and a wedge was put in their relationship.
This didn't stop him getting in trouble either, after another few months he stopped stealing but the parties, skipping school, smoking, drugs, that continued.
His sister, April, never liked the trouble he got up to and would always try to intervene if she found out about him doing something illegal. He didn't listen to her, as much as he loved her and was close to her, he resented how perfect she seemed. It's common for him to call her 'Sunny' which stemmed from a nickname their dad gave her 'sunshine'. Other mocking names sometimes came into the picture like 'Miss Perfect', 'favourite child' they were siblings- they had their ups and downs.

Before he knew it his grades were slipping massively, but he didn't care. Until his coach told him he couldn't be part of the football team if they continued, it put a slight shock wave through him but it didn't work, and the coach regrettably had to let him go from the team. It was part of the schools policy.

Oscar was furious when he found out, it was one of the final straws for him. He forced him to go to Summer Camp again this year with his sister, hoping it would keep him out of trouble for a while.

Before Matt left for camp, he and his mother had a deep conversation about his behaviour. Lily had always been compassionate and understanding but she was understandably upset. She didn't want a bad lifestyle for her son. They sat and spoke for hours, it was the first time he genuinely felt bad. Part of him wanted to change but the other part of him wasn't sure he would anytime soon.

Then her favourite song came on, after the somewhat emotional chat, he danced with her in the kitchen like they used to when he was little. Dancing In The Moonlight.

• Father - Oscar Schmidt (46)

• Mother - Lily Schmidt (44)

• Sister - April Schmidt (17)

• His dad forced him to go since he's been getting into trouble and got kicked off the football team. He's not all that thrilled about going to camp this year.



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