"Dinner isn't ready."

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We're here today with another OC backstory!

Today we haavveee~ Miss Fright!~

Or in the past, Miss Frida!

This honestly took me the longest to come up with, so I hope the idea comes across pretty good.

The way this story is set out is similar to a camera recording with damage, it'll randomly cut to a whole different section.

W A R N I N G S !

- Gore

- Weapons

- Blood, like massive amounts of it.

- Violence

- Asshat of a father—

- Cursing

- Family Loss

- Starvation

- Vomiting

- Deaths

- Screaming

- Some mlp Cupcakes kind of shit

- Drug use

- Sanity go byebye

- Memory problems

- Angst obviously

If you still want to read this, you seriously have something wrong with you or you've seen worse—

But if you don't want to read this, I have other stuff you can look at!-

With that out of the way, let's get on with it, Shall we?

F R I D A ' S
P O V :

Hmm... This should be enough for them.. I sighed, pouring the ingredients into the boiling pot. It was hard to buy any food, having to pay for the house, mother's medicine, and the twin's school stuff. We have started a garden, but those take a while to grow.. but they're coming in nicely.. I stir the pot, humming a small tune. The sound of giggling interrupts my little tune, small shushes accompanying it. I put on a small smile, turning my head to see the poorly hidden twins.

"Oh.. I thought I heard something... I must be going crazy."

I held back a giggle but kept the amused smile as I turned back to the pot, the twins sneaking up on me. They jumped at my legs, hanging onto them like koalas. I let out a fake gasp, the two laughing.

"Boo! We gotcha sis! Hahaha!"

"You're so easy to spook.. hehe.."

"Oh noo, you got me."

I laughed as I lifted one of my legs to the side, lifting up _ _ _ _ _ _, giggling. I put her down, both of them rushing to the table and helped with setting it. They sat down after they finished, telling me about their day at school. As they chat, I tried my best making the meal as tasty as it can be with what little we have. While also trying not to go overboard and wasting possible weeks worth...

"Hey sis? Is dinner ready yet??? I'm hungryyyy-"

"No, Dinner isn't ready yet.. I need to make it the best for you two and mother."

"What about father?.."

"Oh, yes, and him too..!"

He doesn't deserve it.

I locked the door to our room, turning on our speakers and played the twin's favorite song. I would play it at full blast but..


"Huh? Oh, yes _ _ _ _ _ _?"

"Are you okay? You always seem so.. uncomfortable when father comes home."

"Ah, well, it's just uhm..."

Shit. Gotta think of something.. they can't know, they're too young to know... It's already bad that they've seen his outbursts before..

"It's becausee... I have a secret boyfriend! Yeah, that."

Idiot, they may be kids, but like hell they're gonna take that. You dropped out of school and only went out for errands. You don't even use social media, how in the fucking—

"Ooooo~ Sissy's got a booyyfrieennddd!~"

"A secret one, moron. Shoosh."

"Now now _ _ _ _ _ _... Let's not use insulting nicknames.."

I gave her a slight flick to the forehead, shaking my head in disapproval. At least they took the bait. I played the song a bit louder, watched them sing along and dance. I put my back to the door, listening if he was done yet. Listening closely... It's hard to hear what he's yelling about, the walls are pretty thick, making it all muffled... I shook my head and just focused on the two, smiling and giggling as they had fun. Sometimes I wonder how they're even related to him...

They didn't deserve it.

I helped my mother drink her medicine, my hand on her back as she drinks. Her smile is still present even with her illness.. I took the cup and set it on the table. The twins won't be here until an hour or two, we still have plenty of time until he comes back..

"Ma.. can I ask ya a question?.."

"Of course, dear.. It's not like I have anything else to do..!"

She let out a laugh before coughing, I poured her a glass of water and she drank it.

"... What did you ever see in him? You and I know that he might as well be a lunatic."

Her lips thinned out as she sighed.

"I was young, stupid and.. desperate. He seemed so.. nice back then. I was easily fooled by his idiotic 'charms'..."

"Then why do you still put up with him? Why won't you fight back?! Even before the illness, you could have left and taken us with you."


She took my hands with hers gently, cupping them as she looked at me in the eyes with a soft yet.. sad look.

"I never had the strength to.. I was afraid... And I'm sorry you had to have the strength to put up with all of this. For them.."

She let go of my hands, gently placing her hands on my face, putting her forehead on mine..

"I never would have given you this life... Not for anything.."

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, I'm.. so tired. Working, rationing, hiding, putting up with him. I just want him GONE and I'd even do it with my own han—

"Shh.. it's alright.. remember, Frida, use your strength to be kind, to help. Not for violence, revenge.. you'd stoop too low to his level.. Promise me that you'll be good, will you?"

"I will, Ma.. I will."

"Now.. I'm getting a bit hungry, hon, is dinner ready?"

"Nah... Dinner isn't ready yet."

I couldn't do it.

I watch the twins play tag outside from the glass doors to the backyard. I shakily sighed as multiple files are on the counter, burying my face into my hands. So.. much. So much... I hear the front door open and close, great.

"What are you doing? Where's the food?"

"Dinner ain't ready."

"Ah well, could you cook some up for m—"


I rubbed my forehead, picked up a file and started reading it.

"Well I'm tired. Whatever phase you're having stop it and—"

"Even after my mom, THEIR MOM died, you're still being this fucking difficult."

"Well I'm grieving too!! Calm down with your little tantrum and—"

"SHUT UP! YOU NEVER CARE FOR US! AT ALL! I had to drop out of school to work a job because YOU! keep hanging out with your friends."

I stood up from my seat, marched to him and jabbed his chest with my finger, glaring at him with full hatred and fatigue.

"I had to buy mom's medicine, NOT YOU. I had to pay for the twin's school supplies, NOT YOU. I had to pay and buy shit for this house and what the hell do YOU do?! GOD I'M THE ONE PLANNING HER FUNERAL, NOT FUCKING YOU."

"QUIT YELLING AT ME YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH. You have no idea what I've been doing! I've been working my ass off—"

I forced out a laugh, pushing him with every shout I let out.

"Ohoho! Work! HAH! How fuckin' funny! Last time I checked, YOU were the one coming back here with EXPENSIVE FUCKING SUITS. YOU aren't the one skipping thousands of meals just so the others could get a FULL STOMACH."

I grabbed the papers and threw them at him. Turning my back to him and heading towards the backyard. I looked back at him one last time, still glaring at him.

"I don't care what you do anymore. Don't even try talking to the twins anymore. You are no family. Not even a man. Just a waste of meat."

I shouldn't have left.

I sighed, putting the bag of groceries down on the floor. I called out to the twins to help me, they should be home by now. Huh.. No answer.. must be taking a nap. I take the groceries again, heading to the kitchen. I set the bag on the counter, I opened the fridge and... Huh, I don't remember buying any meat... I started unpacking the groceries, storing the food in the fridge and cabinets.

I heard a small thump, I looked behind me, nothing. Hmm...

"Alright you two, you've gotten better at hiding. Though I'd like both of you to help me.."


Silent. This is getting alarming. I left the groceries and went upstairs,  checking every room. Even mother's... They're still not here. I looked outside the window to the back, they aren't in the background. I started to panic, my breathing quickening and heart racing as I searched EVERYWHERE. Desperate to find them. Their shoes and bags are in their rooms, where the fuck could they be?!

I checked one final door, the door to the basement. I opened it and a foul stench hit me in the face. What the hell?! I covered my nose as I descended down the stairs, the smell getting stronger and stronger. It was progressively getting darker, I probably should've grabbed a light or something. I finally got down to the bottom, the stench disgustingly strong. I move around the walls, trying to find a light switch.

Until something grabbed my wrist. I yelped as it started dragging me further into the basement, I grabbed onto the fucker as I swung and threw them to where I assume there was a wall, hearing an audible grunt as the lights slowly flicker on. Huh, lucky, must've hit a light swi—

. . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Blood. Organs. H o o k s. They were on a metal table. They didn't have their faces anymore but I fucking knew who they were. I know it was them. This can't be happening. No nononononononononononononononono

I rushed their sides, tears falling as I grabbed their hands, no matter how cold it was. Sobbing for them to wake up. I can't. I CAN'T— I knelt down and vomited, mixing in with the dripping blood from the table, my head spinning, hurting—

"Shouldn't have come down here."

H I M.

"You fucking bastard. You sick LUNATIC."

I grabbed the axe that impaled one of them, making slow strides towards him. Monster.

"Now now, put that down—"


"Frida. Put it DOWN!"

I raised the axe high and swung.

He can't die. Not yet.

I hummed as I chopped up the meat on the cutting board, the sound of the critters outside scratching at the door.

"Oh no.. there seems to be more of you than usual.. hold on just for a moment, dinner isn't ready."

I smile at the little animals as I head down to the basement, the product on the table still screaming his lungs out. I walk up to him with my axe, poking him with the wooden end of my axe.

"Shut up, meatbag. You deserve this. Getting fed to animals. Hell, you probably don't even taste good to them."

All he did was scream back. Tch. Annoying. I rummaged around through the closet and found a metal sickle. I prepared the grill and heated it up. Once it was hot enough, I went back to the meat, opened his mouth and started burning the inside of his mouth. He kept screaming and pleading. Even tried to bite me. How pathetic.

I cut off his tongue, I'll save that for the animals. I went to the lower parts and started getting bits and pieces of meat. Maybe a bit of an organ or two.

I picked up a syringe and injected it into him, his almost still movements getting frantic again, his chest going up and down from his fast breathing.

"You aren't gonna die. That's too good for you. You're gonna stay fucking awake until only your head and heart remains. Now just stay awake."

I put the meat into some bags and headed for the stairs, giving him one last glance.

"Oh. And your dinner isn't ready yet."

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