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Got another backstory! This time, for the freak herself, Karma!

This layout is a bit different too, you'll see what I mean

Now for warnings!

- Swearing

- Blood

- Gore

- Violence

- Human Deaths

- Animal Deaths

- Weapons

- Sadism

- Masochism

- Body modification/mortification?

- Suicide, I guess?

- Sexual, a bit- don't worry I'm sparing y'all from that side-

- Influenced Behavior

- Neglectful Parents

- Verbal Abuse

- A Crazy Bitch-

Now let's get this freak show started.

M I R A N D A ' S
P O V:

I sighed, rummaging through the mess of stacked papers. I need to get something interesting...

"Junk... Junk... More junk..."

The more and more I rummage through this pile, the more frustrated I get. I need something for the public, there are less and less rare stories to talk about now... I picked up another piece of paper, scanning the text. This... Is actually pretty good. More than good. Though it seems they abandoned the case... The Markwood Family tragedy.

"2 adults dead, bodies horribly mutilated... Several severed limbs of what looked to belong to rabbits... And one teen, battered beyond recognition. Yeah, this is definitely a good story... A bit old, but good nonetheless."

I started cleaning up my desk, continuing to read the paper. There was barely any evidence and almost to none leads to the murderer, one body seemed to be dead longer than the other two... What they assumed to be the teen's room, Kaia, was a mess and horribly maintained. They at least suspected that the parents were neglectful due to it's state while the other rooms were tidy, somewhat. I finished up and immediately dialed my friend.

"Hello? Miranda, it is an ungodly hour right now—"

"Yes, yes I know, Xaver. But I definitely caught something to film! Ever heard of the Markwood Family?"

"You mean the freak tragedy FOURTEEN years ago? Miranda. Seriously? That's old news."

"But it was never solved!-"

"What makes you think we have a chance at cracking it?"

"It's the pandemic dude. Literally any form of old, unsolved cases will be watched."

I hear a sigh from his end before eventually agreeing to it. We started making plans for it on the phone, I suggest we go to the actual house for the video. Xaver being hesitant about the idea, mentioning that one school horror mystery. We finished up and hung up. This is gonna be the one to make us get into the big leagues, I'm sure of it. I should get some sleep, I wouldn't want to look like a zombie in the video.


I waited for Xaver near the neighborhood of where the house is, this part of town is... Gloomy, to say the least. Or Cautious, no idea. Xaver eventually arrived with the camera, mic and a few newspapers?

"Just in case this is a bust, I have more fresh— or, well, ongoing news we could do. It's the recent murders around this whole town."

He gave me the newspaper and I read the text. That's... A lot. Ranging from infants to elders... All mutilated, almost beyond recognition.

"Yikes. Yeah, this is a good back up plan, great job, Xaver."

I patted his back as we headed towards the location of the Markwood house. The nearby folk seemed to look at us with strange glances, some worried, some irritated, some... Horrified? I shook my head, continuing onward. The house still seems to be intact, the paint job faded but still standing. The giant "FOR SALE" sign in the front yard, but broken down and ready to fall. The grass looked a bit dead, but the old, dirty toys made it look somewhat alive. Before we could even enter the fence, an elderly voice yelled out, stopping us in our tracks.

"Now what do you two think you're doin'?!"

"Ah! Sorry ma'am we're just here to uhm, check this place out for a story is all."

"Story? Sweets, this is the worst possible place you could pick for a story. Have you not heard of the story this house used to hold?"

"We do know about the case ma'am, but it's been 14 years, couldn't hurt to check the inside, yes?"

"Look, if you just want more details about the family, just speak to me. I.. used to know them."

Mine and Xaver's eyes widened a bit in surprise before nodding. The old lady led us to her house, letting us in. We sat down on the couch, waiting for her to return from the kitchen to get tea. She eventually came back and placed the tea set on the table.

"What are your names, sweets?"

"My name is Miranda Madlock, ma'am."

"And mine is Xaver Henley. Pleasure to meet you miss..?"

"My name is Evangeline Devoe, sweets. Now, ask away."

I took a quick glance at Xaver a bit before looking back at her, sucking in a breath.

"How did you know them, miss Devoe?"

"As you can see, I was their neighbor, never moved away from here even after the event... I used to visit them weekly."

"Did you know about the neglect of the child?"

"Sadly, I didn't catch it that quickly... There were instances where I would see the poor child laying outside in their backyard. I thought she was just stargazing or talking to her friend..."


"Yes, she tells me about this young lad named Creme, who she'd always meet between the fences."

"How much do you know about the family?"

"Well, I knew they were a bit... Strange. The parents were so old fashioned, even for me. While the child was so quiet for her age... I was more close to the child than the parents to be honest."

"Sorry if it's too touchy but... What was she like?"

"Oh she was such a sweetheart.. She would help me with anything I was doing as she catches me outside, and every time I babysat her, I would always secretly sneak her to playgrounds and give her gifts."

She seemed to smile at the fond memories, then her eyes suddenly saddened while she kept smiling.

"And yet she still kept a smile on her face... Even with having a family like that.. I'm so sorry, Kaia..."

"What do you think happened?"

Miss Devoe lifted her glasses a bit to wipe away forming tears, putting them back on.

"Hm... I always thought the mother was a nutcase. I think she slaughtered her husband first, seeing as it was his body that was older and hidden in their closet."

"So you suspect the mother was the killer of him and the child? But then who killed her? She was mutilated, couldn't be a suicide."

"Never said she killed the little one... That's what I'm trying to wrap my head around too..."

"Do you think anyone you knew killed them?"

"Goodness no, they're too much of a wuss, I know for sure."

She huffed a small chuckle, ok, feisty grandma, gotcha.

"Did Kaia ever hint to you that she was being mistreated?"

"No, even when we were alone together, she was always silent... But her silence and smile changed over the years. When she was a child, it just felt like a hollow version of the real thing..."

"And in her teen years?"

"There was an actual emotion behind them, I couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly though... Though I'm sure it was her finally breaking."

"How so?"

"When she was 13, I was going to say hello to her from the backyard fence, but then I heard small whimpers and squeaks, and what made it worse, there was a crack, then silence."

So the girl started reverting her urges towards hurting and killing animals? Xaver was silently taking notes with his phone, also seeming to be interested in the answers.

"I told the mother, and I never saw her outside in the mornings..."

"Did you tell the police the same thing?"

"Yes, I told them everything I knew, sweets. I was even considered a suspect."

"This is all really good info miss Devoe, though I can see why the case was closed... No weapon at the scene, the house not having any house cameras to see who did it..."

Xaver said as he scrolled through his notes about it, scratching the bottom of his chin a bit.

"Though from the police themselves, they said that any form of weapons were all missing from the house. Knives, chemicals from the kitchen, gardening tools... And the only fingerprints near there were Kaia's..."

"Miss Devoe... Do.. you think Kaia's actual breaking point was at that moment? The murder?"

"... Could... Be a possibility. But she herself got mutilated too... She wouldn't still be breathing after the next stab to the chest or face."

"Yeah you're right... Forget it then.."

Xaver sighed, closing his phone while leaning more into the couch. I sipped some of my tea, thirsty from all that questioning. We finished up our tea and ended our little interrogation at that. We said goodbye to Miss Devoe and headed out of her house. Not before she gave us a warning about the ongoing news about recent murders and insisted we take some of her self defense weapons. Xaver got a taser, while I got the classic pocket knife. It is around noon now, the sun is still up, might as well get some clips for the video. We jumped the fence and started heading towards the front door. Here we go.


"But that's all for you folks, remember, these are just theories, not a solid answer. See ya again, till next time!"

I pointed a finger at the camera and winked, Xaver did a thumbs up, meaning he stopped recording. I sighed in relief, this house was more rigid on the inside than we thought. It creaked everywhere we stepped, the occasional door unhinging here and there. At least it didn't stink, I expected the stench of iron even after fourteen years. I checked my watch, it was nearing night, 5pm.

"Alright, all we need is just a picture of the backyard and front of the house, then we'll be on our way."

"Alright, I'll meet you at the front, Xavier."

He nodded, and left the room we were in. The sound of the creaking getting farther and farther. I sighed and fanned myself a bit, it was hot as hell here. I put my backpack down on the floor, sat down, opened up and grabbed my tank top that I bought. I unbuttoned my current shirt, taking it off and wiping off my sweat with it. I heard the creaking of the floors again, sighing a bit.

"Xaver, don't come in here, I'm changi—"

I turned around and froze on the spot. My heart stopped and then started beating quickly, that isn't Xaver. A tall, pale woman leaned at the doorway, her eyes wide with manic, she had multiple pupils... and she's smiling wide at me. Dried up blood covering her torn clothes.

"Damn..~ Is it hot in here toots or is it just you?~"

I backed up, bringing my backpack with me. She let out a giggle and took slow steps towards me, almost mockingly. My breathing quickened, but kept my movements somewhat calm and sneaky. I aimed to get the pocket knife from the back of my backpack, only for her to come charging at me. She had me pinned down, kicking away my backpack.

"Nuh-uh, honey~ I'd rather be the one holding the knife in this relationship."

She laughed, using one hand to keep my arms above me, while the other took out a butcher knife, her legs on top of mine to prevent them from moving. Shitshitshitshitshit— I tried and tried to struggle my way out, failing every time. She just kept laughing at my weak attempts, raising the butcher knife high. I turned my head away and closed my eyes, waiting for the pain.

Only to hear... A moan. A fucking MOAN?! My eyes opened quickly, the lady having a taser to the neck and she looked like she ENJOYED it. I quickly moved away from her as Xaver kicked away the knife she had. I quickly got my backpack, grabbed the heaviest journal I had in there and hit the woman in the head with it. Xaver slowly got the taser off of her, she's knocked out cold. I grabbed my phone quickly from my backpack, dialing the police. While it was ringing, Xaver handed me the tank top I dropped and offered to take the phone, wanting me to get a shirt on. I obliged and gave it to him as I changed, listening to him explain the situation to the police. We hope the police get here soon, we don't have any rope to tie this crazy bitch with.


"The camera is on. Start talking."

"Alright alright, no need to be such a prick, officer."

I looked at the handcuffs on my wrists, orange ain't my color. I looked back up at the camera next to the policeman, glaring at me. I chuckled a bit and then started

"Heya, the names Kaia Markwood. The kid you found fourteen years ago is just some poor kid next door I dragged in and battered. Good thing she looked pretty similar to me, huh?"

I laughed while banging my fists on the table.


"Aight Aight ya douche. Anyways, my sob story was that my parents were total shits. Shitty room, shitty rules to follow, shitty attention span towards their own kid. Rule one, smile. Rule two, never show your eyes. And rule three, no one likes a lady who chatters. Un-fucking-believable, right? They'd always ignore me, only two people ever cared for me and it wasn't them. So uh... Heya Gramgram Evangeline, Creme... Sorry this is the last time you'll see me alive. Anyways, I watched my ma murder the fuck out of my pa, then told me that was how love worked. People hurt you because they love you, and she hurt him because she loved him. So being the dumb, fuckin' emotionless doll I was, thought it was true. I enjoyed every last squeak and whimper the rabbits I got a hold of when I was a teen. I felt the same way when it came to humans. I hope the rabbits I gutted didn't have a family, for the human though, Pft-"

I was going to laugh, but that wasn't funny. None of this was funny. I almost dared slip into a frown. I kept grinning, leaning a bit on the table.

"So I murdered her. Showed her the love she taught me.. Ignored her every plea and beg, just like she did... pretty intense Karma, huh? Actually..."

I looked towards the policeman, he raised an eyebrow in question.

"Hey, officer, this live or something?"


"Hah, neat. Well everyone, I'll be gettin' the death sentence for all the mess I made. So this'll definitely go down into the roots off all your minds. Call me Karma instead of Kaia."

"What makes you think you'll be remembered? You're just a ruthless freak that's about to get the death sentence. That's the only thing you'll be remembered for."

"Yeah yeah, well. I've heard some killed themselves before they even got their face onto this and gave their last story and words to the world."

I grinned, staring right at the camera, smiling wide.

"Never seen them do this before."

I quickly pulled the knife I sneaked in out of my orange sleeve. Before the officer could even do something, I lifted the knife up and jabbed it straight into my left eye. Quickly doing the same to the right, as I kept the grin on. Dare I say it actually felt... Kinda good. I kept going over and over and over with all the strength I had that was draining by the second. Everything already went dark a minute ago, but now, everything just felt hollow.


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