"I'm nothing."

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A Karma backstory rewrite lol




Now, let's get started!

(8 years old)

"What a disgrace." Mother groaned, looking at the mirror as Father drove. She fixed her hair, glancing at me through the mirror.

I tensed slightly, holding Mr. Grimm close to me. Mother scoffed a bit, grabbing her purse and focused on her make up. "Did you have to bring that ugly thing?"

"... I like it.. it was a gift from Ka—"

Father grunted, glaring at me through the mirror. "From who?"

"... No one.."

I squeaked out, squeezing Mr. Grimm.

"Well, as long as it's not in the photo. You remember what rule number two is, right?"

"... Cover my eyes."

"Good girl."

I smiled a bit, swinging my feet slightly.

"At least your smile makes up for those devil eyes." Mother laughed, putting her make up back in the purse. Oh...

"What a shame, the first one was absolutely darlin'."

"Stop. Talking. About that brat, woman."

Father groaned, angrily looking at the road, his hands gripping the wheel.

Mother simply dismissed him, looking out the window. At least this car ride is quieter...


I played around with Mr. Grimm's hands, playing peek-a-boo. I giggled, lifting him up. "Let's play.. airplane next!" I carefully got off my bed, going over to my toy box. I rummaged through it a bit before pulling out a small airplane. I put Mr. Grimm on top, and started flying him around, giggling and making the noises.

I yelped as I tripped, dropping the plane and Mr. Grimm. I made a small "oof" noise as I hit the floor with a thud, I rubbed my cheek, tearing up.


I squeaked, covering my head with my arms as I shook. Right.. no loud noises... I got up, dusting my skirt off as I looked around for the plane and Mr. Grimm.

I gasped a bit, carefully picking up Mr. Grimm. The plane wing caught onto one of Mr. Grimm's stitches, his arm loosely hanging, close to coming off. I whimpered a bit, being as careful as I could to take the broken plane wing off.

"Oh no... I'm sorry.." I sniffled, hugging Mr. Grimm close. I put the broken plane toy in the box, going over to my door. I left my room, stepping down the stairs one by one. I looked around a bit before perking at the doorway of the kitchen, hearing Mother's voice. I headed over there, with Mr. Grimm close. Mother was talking to someone on the phone, holding one of those small, bad smelling things, laughing. I tugged at her skirt, looking up at her.

She stepped away, though I was still holding onto her. So I tugged again. Mother scoffed a bit, swatting me away. I let go, suppressing a whine. I went out of the kitchen, looking at the living room entrance, the faint static and people talking on the TV can be heard, and my father's head being a bit visible from the couch. I shouldn't...

I went back to the kitchen, standing next to Mother. "Mama.. can I go outside?.."

"Sure, sure. Go, Mama's busy."

Mother shooed me away, going back to her phone call. I went to the front door and went outside, closing the door gently. I ran to the sidewalk, making a quick turn to the right. Maybe she can...

I arrived at the neighbor's house, jumping up and down to reach the doorbell. Though I didn't need to, as the door opened, Mrs. Devoe greeting me with a smile.

"Oh, hello there Kaia. What brings you here little one?"

I sniffled, lifting up Mr. Grimm up to her. "I-I didn't mean to, I hurt Mr. Grimm!" I teared up, Mrs. Devoe carefully taking him. She lifted his arm up a bit, and gave me a pat on the head.

"Oh dear, well, not to worry! Nothing but a bit of thread and needle to fix him right up!"


"Ah! Yes, but it won't hurt him, I promise!"


"T-Thank you..." I said, hugging Mr. Grimm close as I looked up at Mrs. Devoe. She smiled, putting away the needle and thread.

"It's no problem, dearie. Though, why come all the way here?"

She asked, tilting her head slightly. I stuttered a bit, looking down. "Mama was busy and.. Papa doesn't know how to fix Mr. Grimm." I said, moving his arms a bit. Mrs. Devoe hummed, a sad frown on her face. Oh no.. did I?..

"Well, if you need anything, you can always come here. I have enough threads for Mr. Grimm and many sweets for you."

Mrs. Devoe said, back to smiling. Oh, good, I didn't... I smiled back at her, kicking my feet a bit. We talked for a bit, talking about dolls, adventures and Bubba.

It was starting to get late, so Mrs. Devoe walked me home. It took a while, but Mama opened the door, luckily Papa was already asleep on the couch. I said goodbye to Mrs. Devoe and went up to my room, resting with Mr. Grimm.

(10 years old.)

I sighed, drawing on the ground with a stick, glaring at the drawing. "Dumb shouting.. dumb man on the phone..." I mumbled, glancing over to one of the windows. It showed the silhouettes of Mama and Papa, yelling at each other, flailing their arms around like the puppet shows I see on TV. I looked away as Papa grabbed Mama, not wanting to see that. I held Mr. Grimm close, grumbling.

"I don't wanna sleep out here... But I don't wanna go inside... You understand, right, Mr. Grimm?"

I held him up, his head flopping to the side. I pouted, shaking my head. "How are you not bothered? You're not even wearing clothes." I held him up by the hands, moving him lightly from left to right. I giggled, throwing him up in the air and catching him. I did it again, and again, enjoying the view of the stars behind Mr. Grimm every time he floated up to the air. I cranked it up a notch, spinning around and then throwing him up, catching him again. I did this again and again until I gasped, Mr. Grimm accidentally going over the fence.


I blinked, frozen in place for a bit. I tiled my head out of curiosity, going closer to the fence. Was that a voice?..

"Uhm... Hello?"

I knocked on it, earning another yelp from the other side.

"I'm sorry I hit you with Mr. Grimm.. I think... Uhm.. could you throw him back?"

I asked, making sure they heard me, but it was quiet enough so my parents wouldn't hear. Like they could hear me over all the shouting anyways... I waited for a bit before Mr. Grimm came flying back. I yelped, quickly catching him and falling. I stood back up, rubbing my back a bit.

"Ow... Huh?"

Mr. Grimm was wearing a scarf? Or, more so a tissue. I scooted back to the fence, lightly knocking. "Hey.. did you put a scarf on Mr. Grimm?" I asked, waiting for the mystery person to respond.

. . .

"Thank you... I appreciate it.. I'm Kaia."

"... I'm Cresch."


It was a friday night— well, I guess a Saturday.. 1 in the morning? My parents were asleep, and I'm outside, talking to Creme.

"And then they took away Mr. Grimm! Ugh!" I stomped my foot on the ground, tearing up as I crossed my arms, glaring down at the ground.

"Well.. you did kick that kid's leg..."

Cresch said, voice as quiet but hearable. I groaned, sitting down onto the ground. I held in those annoying choking noises, years still pouring.

"It wasn't even that hard!" I complained, huffing. I could've done worse than that— I've seen worse than a simple kick. That kid was annoying and mean, they pushed it... But now I don't have Mr. Grimm...

"Are you.. crying?"

"N-No... You're just listening to crickets." I said, bringing my knees up to my chest, burying my face into my arms.

"I've never heard crickets sounding so.. sad." Cresch said, shuffling coming from the other side of the fence. I ignored it for a bit, suppressing a hiccup. I'm not even sad, I'm mad... Why can't I just stop crying?!—

"I don't get it... I've been so good, haven't I? I-I know I hurt someone b-but it's not fair! Papa does it! Mama does it! I've only done it once!" I put my hands to the ground, balling up my hands into fists on the ground, pulling at the grass and dirt.

"I-Is it a grown up thing?.. What did I do wrong?.. I just want to be a good kid..."

I yelped as someone landed right in front of me. I backed up a bit, putting my arms up to protect myself... But nothing came. I peeked through my arms, a pair of eyes staring at me... Worriedly?

"You are crying..."

"... Cresch?"

They nodded, sitting down in front of me. I quickly wiped my tears with my sleeve even if they keep coming back. I sniffled a bit, looking away. "You shouldn't be on this side, my parents won't like you."

"Then.. I just won't meet them."

Cresch said, a nervous smile on their face. I blinked before laughing a bit. "Yeah.. yeah, that makes sense." I smiled slightly at them, putting my arms down to my side. Cresch seemed to perk up, staring at— wait are those cat ears??

We sat there staring at each other for a bit, before I raised my hand, pointing to their ears. "Are those.. real?"

Cresch ears flicked a bit before he nodded, looking down bashfully. "U-Uhm.. yeah."


"... I dunno."



"Are your eyes real?"

I stared at him confused for a bit before gasping. Quickly moving my hair to cover the upper half of my face. I broke a rule.. oh no...

"They look pretty."

".. Huh?"

"I've never seen someone with multiple pupils before.."

"... I've never seen someone with real cat ears.."

We smiled at each other, he offered his hand and I took it.

"If you want, we could talk longer.. now that I'm here."

".. sure."

(12 years old)

"Dumb brat. Can't even get a decent score on any of the damn subjects."

Father scoffed, crumpled up my test papers and threw them in the trash. I kept my smile, standing straight, not leaving eye contact, even if I wanted to turn away and spill. Mother just filed her nails, she merely dismissed the scores.

"But.. I really tried.. I did everything you told me to, I read, I asked, I asked Mrs. Devoe to tutor me! T-They aren't that ba—"

I yelped, falling to the ground. The tears started to prick up again as I felt my cheek. I looked up at Father, he was angry.

"I'm not letting some idiotic devil doll talk to me. Either keep your mouth shut or I will do it again."

".. o-okay si—"

I cried, rolling over as I was kicked, I held my head, refusing to look at him.

"I said. Shut your trap."

I quickly nodded, a few hiccups slipping here and there. I hesitantly stood back up, quickly making my way out of the room. You're just not good enough, stop failing them.

(15 years old)

"Great. She's just like you. Your parents will find you disgraceful if she turns out like a defiant slut like you."

"Oh please, you created the damn thing too. Maybe we shouldn't have gone for another fuck I'd you're gonna hate this one so much."

I ran upstairs, shouting growing more muffled as I shut the door to my room. I teared up, hiccups escaping me as I slid down my door, desperately trying to wipe away the tears. "Stop it.. it's your fault anyways... You can't do anything!" I sobbed, glaring down at the floor. "Can't be smart.. can't be useful.. can't be good..." I hugged my knees, burying my face into them as I cried, minutes turning into hours.

I don't get it. I followed the rules. I tried so hard- I even got help studying from Creme. It was that dumb whore's fault, it's not like I wanted to jab my fist at her throat. She was being an as to Creme.

I grew tired, standing up slowly, hesitantly opening my door. It's.. so quiet... I silently rushed to a nearby window, looking down at the street. "Oh.. they left.."

I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. I headed for the bathroom next, yawning slightly. I perked up slightly, picking up a pretty shade of blue lipstick. The sink was littered with mother's make up, was she in a rush?

I looked up at the bathroom mirror, the red mark Father left still there. I glared at the mirror, gripping the sink. "They think I can't even be pretty with these.. these... UGH!" I gripped my hair, slumping down next to the sink. In the haste, some of the make up products fell with me. Eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, foundation, lip gloss...

"Defiant slut, huh... I'll show you fucking defiant."


It was dark out, and they haven't come back yet.. I scoffed, leaning back into the tree in our backyard. Geez, and I wanted to show how great I looked to them. I looked down at the mismatched plush, Mr. Grimm, next to me. I smiled a bit at it before sighing, going back to staring at the starry sky.

Creme wasn't coming today, exams and all that shit. I couldn't care less about the damn paper test. If it was just gonna rank how dumb I was. I groaned, clawing at the ground.

"Too dumb... Too useless... Too weak... Tch. I might as well be nothing, HAH!"

I laughed, tearing up. They kept coming and coming, even if I was still smiling from ear to ear. I laughed and laughed, raising my head up and holding my face. Man! How hilarious is that! I can't follow a single order right! yet I still do it!..

I can't even tell if I'm upset about this or love it.

... I'm just a husk. I'm useless on my own— I need someone to order me around—

I froze, hearing a rustle from a bush. I lowered my head, my gaze landing on a white rabbit. Oh.. how cute... I smiled, standing up and rushed over to the little thing. Before it could hop away, I grabbed it, cooing at it's pathetic attempts to kick out of my hold. I held it's ears back with a bit of force, making sure it can't bite me.

"Aww, hey there.. you're pretty cute."

I giggled at its agitated noises, tilting my head a bit in curiosity. The kicks were violent, but at this point, it was weak compared to.. others.

"You know, I heard animal ears are pretty sensitive... So this must hurt for ya, huh?~"

I snickered, tugging at the rabbit's ears again, causing a shriek and more violent kicking. I sighed, staring at the rabbit for a bit.


C r a c k.

. . .

I threw the rabbit to the side, it's lifeless body rolling off near Mr. Grimm, it's blood splattered on him and stained my hands. I stood up, grabbing Mr. Grimm and walked back inside the house. I put him in the washer, absentmindedly watching him spin in it. I looked back out to the backyard, the rabbit still being there. Should I bury it?... Nah.

I looked beyond the fence, the forest standing tall. Hmm...


I huffed, making sure to keep my balance. I smiled, knocking on the window. It took a few tries until he finally opened it, looking at me with the most (cutest) offended face.



He pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath.

"Are you aware of what time it is?"

"... Are you aware of what's on my faacee?~"

Creme blinked a bit before his ear flicked a bit, tilting his head.

"You're... Wearing makeup."


"... Crappy, makeup—"

"Ya— Wh- hey!"

Creme laughed, leaning on the window sill a bit. I rolled my eyes playfully, offering a hand to him.

"Well, whatever. I wanna go to the forest. The one behind my house."

"Kaia, we have exams tomorrow."

"You think I care about a bunch of papers??"

"No. I'm still not going."





"I'll suck your dick on my 18th birthday."

Creme's face flushed red before he shook his head, but took my hand anyways with a smile. I chuckled a bit, leading him down carefully and rushing for the forest. We tripped sometimes, but laughed it off, getting to the forest eventually. We slowed down to stroll as we entered the forest, fireflies, well, flying around. Creme let go of my hand, fascinated by the little insects and animals surrounding the place. My gaze softened at the sight, he looked cute. Really cute.

A small patch of flowers caught my attention, I smiled, plucking them out of the ground. Red, white, and oddly some black flowers. I held them up in front of me, Creme still staring in awe at the sights. I took a step forward, but hesitated. I looked back down to the flowers, the green stems meeting with the dark red stains on my hands. Oh.. right...

I quickly shoved the flowers into my dress pocket as Creme came over, something glowing in his palm. He carefully opened his cupped hands to show me, two fireflies in his palm. I smiled, asking him how he managed to catch two at the same time. He explained, and then went on a nerd rant about the little guys.

I can't.

(18 years old.)

"You've been sneaking off with a BOY?!"

"And a monster nonetheless."

I scoffed, turning my head to the side. It's no biggie. Creme just wanted to give me a birthday present. The old bag grunted, roughly grabbing my jaw to face him. I winced, glaring up at him as I gripped his wrist.

"First it was those jocks in highschool, now a MONSTER?!"

"... He's not a monster."

I managed to spat out, he looked livid. He threw me to the side, my side hitting the dining table. I winced, holding it as I looked up, keeping a smug grin on my face.

"C'mon. You can hit better than that. What? Old age is finally catching up, you— AGH!—"

I held my face, he had punched me, hard. Blood crept down my nose, I giggled, wiping it away. I ducked down another swing, quickly making my way to the kitchen, pushing the old hag to the side. I breathed heavily, smiling like a kid on Christmas. Holy shit, this was exciting. Gotta pick, which one which one which one—

I heard heavy footsteps approaching, I quickly crouched down and opened a cabinet, grabbing the first thing I saw. I quickly uncapped it, turning around and throwing it at the old crap, who was there at the right time. He yelled in pain, the liquid getting into his eyes I assume. I laughed, standing back up, gripping the counter for support. I felt around the counter, I hummed as I felt a cut on my palm. I quickly grabbed the sharp object, approaching the man.

"You're worried about a.. monster, entering your house... Ever considered you were raising it?~"

I grabbed his tie, pulling him towards me with all the force I could. His face landed perfectly on the butcher knife, right in front of my face. The blood splattered everywhere, he screamed, my eyes wide with excitement. I let go of his tie and the butcher knife, stepping aside and pushing him down to the floor. He scrambled and twitched, trying to yell for help. I put my foot behind his head, slowly adding more and more pressure until he stopped moving, the knife deep into his skull. I giggled, kicking his head over and over and over and over and over—

I paused, turning my head to the entrance with a smile. The old hag right there, frozen in place like an idiot. The moment she tried to run, I chased after her. I tripped but caught onto her dress, she gasped as I used both my hands to tug her towards me. Tears running down my face as I smiled up at her, she only looked down in horror.

"What's wrong? Is it my eyes again?"


"I'll cover them! Here! I'm smiling! Let's play together! Please. Right?"

I reached up further, bringing myself back up as she fell down with a yelp and a cry. I stomped on her face, laughing at the horrible attempts to protect her oh so perfect face. I walked past her, locking the front door. I turned back to her, she's crawling away. I sped over to her, pulling her up from her hair. She yelped and whimpered out pleas of mercy and apologies. I stared right into her eyes, never breaking the eye contact.

"Hide your husband."


"Are you deaf? I said hide him, whore."

I dropped her, frowning. She scrambled up, mumbling a small 'okay' as she went to the kitchen, I followed. Can't have her ratting me out.


"Ain't this fun? This time, I'm the one giving orders!"

I laughed and washed the dishes. I put them on the drying rack, turning to the old hag.

"Man, you've been quiet my whole life. But y'know, this type of quiet suits you."

I giggled, walking past her, giving a rough pat on the back. An eyeball falling out. I tsked, picking it up from the dining table. I shoved it back into her face, not doing much. Man, I suck at stitching. I inspected her for a bit before groaning, they're starting to stink up the house. I can't stay here any longer. I went around the house, grabbing any lethal crap I can get my stained hands on. I hauled them all into a bag, grinning at the selections. I pulled out my phone, checking the time and other crap. Until I reached Creme's profile. I stared at it before shaking my head, tears pricking up again. Fucking hell, I'm too much of a cry baby.

Someone as good as him can't be with me.

I'm nothing but a monster.

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