"The future heirs of nothing."

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Ooooooo! Another remake of Gold and Midnight's backstory! This time, what I have right now will definitely stick for a long time!

This time featuring MORE CHARACTERS! WOWAH—

That's right, other than Black and useless chatter of villagers, there are other relevant people!—

Now for warnings!

This will contain:


Fake saviour/goddess

Mentions of a war



Body mutilation


Harsh words (not only cursing)

I will not hold back on Black being an absolute asshole—

Now let's get started!~

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. A king and a queen ruled peacefully, their subjects happy.

Their kingdom stood tall, its sight beautiful throughout the day and night. The goddess statue, in the very center of the kingdom, stood there with all its glory. That goddess was their saviour, they respected and adored her. People would come and say their wishes to the statue, hoping it would come true.

The queen had a very hard time bearing a child, so she went to the goddess statue and wished for the blessing of a child.


Elaine, the queen kneeled in front of the goddess statue, the moonlight softly shining onto it.

"Hello, Solaris.. I hope you are doing well.. I have a wish to make.."

She looked up at the statue, the way it was positioned almost made it seem like it was looking down at her.

"Me and my husband have been.. having a difficult time with getting me conceived.. I.."

She hesitated, doubting herself. Maybe she just had a fertility issue she was never aware of? It'd be silly to make a wish if that was the case...

But that slight chance that she isn't... A flicker of hope..

"... All I wish for is a child. Even just one will do..."

She placed her hands together, looking hopefully up at the statue.

".. That is all. Have a good night, Solaris."

She gave a soft smile, standing up to her feet. She dusted off her dress and headed back to the castle.


One day, her wish was answered and she was beyond joyed. The kingdom roared with excitement at the sight, the first princess. The King and Queen adored her all the way. To her first step and even just her second word.


"Come on, Midnight! You can do it, dear!"

Amarillo, the king, encouraged the little child with purple hair as she held onto a pillar for support due to her little legs.

Midnight seemed hesitant, staring at the floor in worry, her eyes watering while looking up to her parents.

Amarillo was only a few inches away, but to Midnight that seemed far. Elaine stood next to her husband, her hands clasping together, her starry eyes filled with excitement for her little one.

"We'll catch you if you fall, little moonlight. Do not worry."

Elaine said, with such a soft and caring voice, Amarillo would've melted instantly if he wasn't encouraging Midnight.

With the help of her parents encouragement, the little moon decided to carefully take one step, then another, her small legs shook, but she persevered.

Her parents stayed silent, watching her with awe, they even teared up at the sight. Midnight finally landed in her father's arms, looking overjoyed herself.

Midnight had reached them. She reached them.


And then there was a second princess! A gift from the goddess perhaps? Everyone was above the moon, two princesses! The first princess loved her to bits along with the king and queen.



"Yes, Midnight. She is quite small..♡"

Elaine whispered, holding her second newborn in her arms while sitting down with Midnight. Midnight peaked down at her younger sister, the smaller one giggling at the sight of her.

"Can you say 'Gold', honey? That's your little sister's name.."


Elaine's eyes widened a bit before softening, letting out a small laugh.

"Not quite, moonlight.. but we'll get there eventually."

She kissed Midnight's forehead. Midnight smiled brightly, giving her mother and her little sister a kiss on the cheek.

"I will make sure you two grow up happily, that you'll love and protect each other... Me and your father will always be here for you two.. I promise that."


As the princesses grew, their SOULS were like nothing ever seen before. It was everything yet nothing at the same time! Almost like a mirror... A reflection of souls.


"How fascinating..."

Kedrick, the kind royal councilor mumbled as he observed the two sisters' souls. The souls spun slowly, they were heart shaped, yet flat and reflective, like a mirror. All the soul traits are flashing onto it, before returning to its glass appearance, and then it repeats as it spins.

"I've.. never seen anything like this, or read anything about a soul like this.."

"Does that mean we have special souls, Mr. Kedrick?!"

Gold hopped excitedly, her soul turning yellow and spinning a bit faster. Midnight's soul also glowed yellow, but Midnight kept her excitement silent, too shy in front of the civilians.

In this kingdom, the trait of a soul would reveal itself on the child's 10th birthday. Midnight was a bit of a late bloomer, as her's didn't appear on her birthday. But instead, it revealed itself when Gold's soul appeared.

"Yes, your small majesty. It's.. unknown what your trait exactly is, as all the soul traits are appearing and disappearing, it's remarkable!"

Kedrick smiled, patting their heads. He decided to take a slightly closer look as the souls spun. He checked them, surprised with the results.

"They're a lot like glass, but it seems Gold's soul is sturdier than Midnight's. Their HP has a significant gap between them."

Midnight was saddened a bit, her soul turning blue. Gold hugged her, whispering to her reassurance that she's still strong.

"But their attacks also gave a gap, Midnight being the stronger one. You two are quite special!"

They both smiled at each other, jumping up and down while giggling excitedly. The King and Queen laughed at their excitement, glad they enjoyed the news.

"Now, I highly doubt they have the abilities of the traits that shine on their souls, it's most likely something different from what we've seen."

"Then we'll have to find out through battle, correct?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Well then..."

Amarillo cleared his throat,

"General Silver! Come here please."

Silver Armstrong, the Kingdom's General, was strong but quiet, being selectively mute. Silver immediately went to the king and bowed to him.

"I order you to train princess Midnight and princess Gold. So they can find out and improve their abilities to protect themselves. Until they are capable of fending for themselves in battle, you shall also be their bodyguard."

Silver nodded, ready to fulfill that duty.


It was amazing... Too amazing. Of course, all good things must be balanced with bad things. A nearby kingdom grew jealous of the specialty. Greedy and wanting to force answers out of the strange souls.



"No! They are children, you heartless fools!"

"Us?! Fools?! You two are fools! Those souls are powerful, yet you do nothing for your kingdom's benefit! You could rule more land! Find out how strong it is by finding its limits!—"


Elaine yelled at the other queen, the nearby kingdom greedy for their children's power.

Guards, both from Amarillo and Elaine's side and the other kingdoms'. Swords drawn, blocking their way to each other. Gold clung to Midnight as they hid behind several guards near Amarillo and Elaine, Silver being in front of them. Silver's hands on the dual sword handles on their holster. Ready for anything.

"We are not giving you our children."

"Fine. We will be bringing the strongest armies and supplies here to wage war on you pathetic lot."

"We will give you two years to prepare. Since you're too weak to use those souls to your advantage."

"You absolute—!"

"Darling, calm. I'm as frustrated as you, but the sooner this ends, the better."

"... Hmph. Fine. Two years. But."

Elaine pushed the guards out of the way, walking towards the other queen. She got as close as she could, her eyes more threatening than the swords near her neck as she glares down at the other queen. She jabbed a finger to her chest, before dragging it into an X motion.

"You better pray to whatever god or goddess you believe in, because I will be on that battlefield. I will find you, then no celestial being will save you. No matter how loud you scream."

She turned away, not even bothering to see the other queen's reaction. Amarillo raised his hand, a stern look on his face.

"Leave this kingdom. If you or any of your royal council show your faces here, we will not hesitate to put a sword to their throats."

The other king scoffed, ordered his knights and walked away with his queen. Gold and Midnight being afraid was an understatement. They were TERRIFIED.

Once they were sure they had truly left, Midnight and Gold hugged their parents tightly. They hugged back just as tight, as if they would disappear if they let go.

Silver and the guards left to give them privacy, only a few stayed for their guard duties. They will discuss a plan later, with the rest of the council members present.

They will do whatever it takes to protect this kingdom and everyone in it.


A once peaceful life turned tense and uneasy as a war is at foot... And this is where we take a look at our characters perspectives.

Their opinions.

Their moods.

Their hopes.

Their doubts.


Especially our princesses! It is our Dear Gold's 17th birthday soon. They'll have something planned for her, a birthday she will never forget.




I dashed through the halls, saying good morning to all the servants, maids, and guards. I can't believe I slept in! I'm almost late for breakfast and Midnight didn't even think to wake me up when she awoke! I bet she wanted to take my eggs and bacon while I was still asleep. Meanie! I'm stealing her pancakes.

I sat on the staircase railings, and slid all the way down, making sure not to fall. I hopped off when I got to the bottom of the staircase and ran to the dining room, almost slamming the door open.

"Oh! Good morning, daylight!"

"Well, it seems you went to a morning jog first!"

Father laughed, mother joined. I instantly looked over to where Midnight sat, and there she was. The guilty fiend shamelessly eating my bacon!


"Sorry sis, the early bird catches the worm first."

She finished the bacon from her fork, shrugging while having a smug grin on her face.

"Don't you dare use your phrases on me! Those were mine!"

"Don't cry over spilled milk, little sister—"

"That's it!—"

I rushed up to her, aiming for her pancakes, but she stood up and raised up her plate just as quickly. I kept trying to reach it while she mockingly kept it a distance away from me while patting my head with her other hand.

"Aww c'mon sis! That ship has sailed, no need to fuss over bacon—"


Our parents roared with laughter as they watched me struggle with getting Midnight's breakfast, curse her height!

I eventually stopped, huffing and sat down to eat my eggs. As I ate, Midnight poked me. I ignored her.







I turned around only to see that she was poking me with a fork with a pancake.

"Well, I tried to be nice, but oh welll~"

She slowly started to put the pancake back on her plate but I quickly swiped it, nomming on it angrily.

"If only the villagers saw how smug you are. 'little miss shy princess'."

"Oh sister, sister..."

She placed a hand on my shoulder, finished her pancakes and placed the fork down. She looked at me dead in the eyes...

"... You're the short one~"




I smiled at her.

Before flinging an egg at her with my spoon.

Midnight yelped, getting the egg off of her with her hands.

I continued eating my breakfast as Midnight struggled.


I fixed my satchel, dusting off my dress, and was ready to go around the kingdom for errands!

Midnight got to stay here at the castle, since it is my turn to take care of them. Lucky.. but then again she just stays in the library or hoards books and goes to her secret spots.

"Do you have your list, dear?"

"Yes! I'll do my best!"

"I'm sure you will, daylight."

My parents gave me a kiss on the forehead before waving goodbye as I ran off. Mom and dad already stress over so much because of the upcoming war... I need to do something to ease them, even just a bit!

I stopped by the training grounds, I had to check up on the knights and see if they needed anything. I walked around, asking how they were doing and if they needed anything. I bid others goodbye and helped the knights who do need some help.

I checked that off the list, about to leave until a hand covered my mouth from behind. I grabbed the mystery person's arm and used General Silver's technique to slam them to the ground.




Speaking of General Silver.. I uh.. slammed him to the ground. I scrambled and helped him up.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?! Who am I kidding— hold on, I have some of Midnight's healing potions—"

I went to grab it from my satchel, but Silver stopped me. I looked back at him and he signed.

I'm fine, princess. You actually did my move! I'm impressed.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"You can't just do that! It's not even a training day!"

Any day can be a training day, just like how any day can be a "get attacked" day. Besides, you wouldn't try it every time I gestured to you to do it while training!

"I was scared you'd get hurt and then I'll feel bad!"

I'm the General. Head of the Royal Guard, princess. I can take a beat down from a teenager.

"... Yeah, yeah, true."

I laughed a bit, scratching the back of my head. Though that was a bit awkward... It's hard to tell what Silver is feeling or emoting at all. He never takes off that mask! Or at least I've never seen him without it. Unless his whole body actually emotes it, like right now! He perked, grabbing something from his pocket, and there in his hand is a small gift box.

He handed it to me, I looked at it curiously before smiling up at him, raising a brow.

"My birthday is still 5 days away, Silver. A bit early, don't you think?"

I won't be able to attend your birthday this year, princess. I am on guard duty. Since this year is supposed to be the year the other kingdom attacks..

I frowned a bit but nodded. I understand, everyone is especially tense and afraid this year. That only means I have to try extra hard this year!

"Well, thank you, Silver.. for the present and your service."

It is my pleasure to serve this kingdom and your family, princess.

I smiled and hugged him, ignoring how the heat the metal on his armor absorbed and stung. He hugged back, patting my back. He pulled away, signing again.

Thank you for doing your utmost best at taking care of the others, after all of this is over, I'm sure your parents will throw the biggest party for everyone!

"Haha! Yeah! We'll have a blast! Speaking of taking care though.. I have to get going now, I need to go check on the others!"

I ran off again, waving goodbye to Silver as he did it back.


I head off to the kingdom's borders, next up on the list is checking on Dakota! The Determined Marshall. Too determined, they barely sleep.

I wandered for a bit before I spotted them, once again assigning daily patrols to the other knights. I smiled and ran over, yelling their name.

"Dakota! Morning!"

Dakota perked their head, looking in my direction, smiling.

"Good morning, princess. Errands I assume?"

I faked a gasp, looking hurt.

"You make it sound like I don't visit you other than for errands!"

"Alright, alright, drama queen. Seriously though, you are here for errands, correct?"

"Yup! Got anything to report?"

I smiled at them, but my smile soon faltered, the expression they had.. made me uneasy.

"Yes, actually... There have been a few figures spotted near and sometimes inside the kingdom's perimeters. Every time my men go to catch the figures, they disappear. No sign of them ever again, there was no noise either.. just gone."

"Oh no... Did you talk to Bernadette about this? Maybe the other kingdom sent some spies or even assassins here?"

"Yes, I've spoken to Bernadette about this, she said no one in the other kingdom mentioned ordering spies or assassins. No matter how long she spied on them."

I shivered, do they know we sent our Spymaster there? Do they know about our plans against them?...

Dakota seemed to notice my discomfort and patted my head, giving me a soft smile.

"Hey, it's the adults job to stress over this. To lighten your travels a bit, Bernadette told me other than that, there was nothing else of importance to report. Even the normal bandits stopped out of fear of the upcoming war."

"I guess that's good... I really just don't want anyone to fight. Isn't there a more peaceful way to resolve this?"

They shake their head, sighing.

"Peyton did their best as our Grand Diplomat. There was just no negotiating with the other kingdom. Their greed blinds them, princess."

I looked down, they're right... Dakota tapped my shoulder, I looked back up, only to find another small gift box.

"As you can guess, most of the Royal council, other than Kedrick, cannot attend your birthday this week. So we'll be giving our presents early. I hope that cheers you up, even just a bit."

I smiled, taking the box and putting it in the satchel with Silver's gift.

"Thank you, Dakota.. I'll head off, errands y'know? I hope you get some well deserved rest after all of this."

"You and me both, princess."

I laughed as I ran off, waving goodbye, they did the same.


Now for the Royal Enforcer and Warden. I looked up at the big clock tower. They should be at the prison cells.

I headed down to where it was and heard them chatting, I ran up to them, only to be surprised to see Bernadette and Peyton with them!

Bernadette saw me first and grinned, her voice echoing loudly through the mostly empty cells.

"A-Hey! Princess! What brings ya to this dingy place?!"

"Hey! I didn't know you and Peyton were going to be here!"

I smiled, Peyton hates this place! Says it's too dark for them!

"Hahah! I dragged them here!"

"She dragged me here. . ."

Peyton groaned, staying near the rest of the group.

"You hate this place though?"

"I persevered.. cus' we have something for you."

"Yup! But seriously PT, you need to brave up!"

"You have a bravery soul, I have a perseverance soul. We are different, you numbskull."

Ivory laughed awkwardly, placing herself in-between the two so they wouldn't start a fight. Justine shook his head in disappointment before looking at me.

"Welp, before we give ya the surprise, you're here for an errand run, right?"

"Mhm! Just here to ask if everything's been running smoothly and if there's anything the king and queen need to know about!"

"Well, no one's broken the law yet."

"And I haven't put anyone inside the cells for a while. So we're all good! Everything's been slightly calm with the villagers."

Ivory smiled, covering Bernadette's face as she tried to glare down at Peyton. Justine coughed noticeably, giving Bernadette a look to stop. Bernadette huffed in annoyance, but then went back to her usual smile.

"And I'm sure good ol' DT told ya my part! So it is gift time, baby! Woop Woop!—"

Peyton grabbed something from their bag, and it was a sunhat! With beautiful yellow and orange flowers! They handed it to me and I immediately tried it on, it was so cute!! A bit big, but cute!

"We all teamed up to make it for you. Sorry we won't be able to go to your birthday, princess."

Ivory said, helping me fix it a bit.

"I sewed it all up myself, impressed?"

"And I got all the materials for it! Heh!"

"I searched for the perfect references for Ivory."

"And I did a great job at keeping you from finding out! Ya nosey Lil' kid!"

Justine messed up my hair using the hat, I squealed and laughed, swatting his arms away.

"Thank you! This is amazing! I'll keep it safe no matter what!"

"You better! We worked our asses off!-"

"But. We'll always be here to fix it for you, princess."

Ivory gave Bernadette a look before smiling at me. No wonder Silver likes her! She's so sweet!

"Ok Mx. Ivory! Hope Silver gives you lots of kisses for all your hard work!"




"Oh Solaris."

Justine shook his head, hiding a snicker. I giggled and ran off with my gift.

Now last up are the villagers! This is gonna take a while. I put on my sunhat and headed towards the village.



I hummed a small tune as I read my book, sitting near one of the many Goddess statues, though this one was more hidden away, covered in moss at the bottom and slightly cracked beneath her eyelids.

I closed it, the ending leaving a bad taste on my tongue. I sighed, leaning on the statue. I hope the gift I brought for Gold was good enough.. I'm sure everyone got her something extravagant or something... She's been working so hard... And this upcoming war is stressing everyone out.. the disappearances of knights...

I groaned, why can't I just help everyone?! I want to help mom and dad. I want to help Gold. I want to help Kedrick, Dakota, Silver, Bernadette, Peyton, Justine, Ivory, EVERYONE!

But no. Our souls just had to be the main goal of the enemy... And we have to be away from the battlegrounds and even patrols for potential threats!

"Stupid other kingdom.. stupid physical limitations.. I wish I could just help with the war.."

I mumbled, grabbing another book and angrily reading through the pages. The more I read, the more tired I got. I yawned, a small rest wouldn't hurt.. right?


I slowly opened my eyes, only to see nothing but pitch black. I looked around, yeah, nothing but black...

I started walking, every step I took, the ground made a slight ripple effect, like water. I kept walking, and walking, and walking...

It's like this place never ends.

"You're right, little moonshine."

I jumped, frantically looking around, putting my hands up to defend myself, just like how Silver taught us.. no need to be afraid.. this is fine... Calm down...

"Now now, there's no need for that. I mean no harm."

".. I... I can't exactly believe that.. since I don't see you."

My voice trembled, still scanning around the abyss to find this mystery person.

"Oh. My apologies.. let me just..."

I waited. Trying to see if anything has changed, or trying to listen for any indication that someone is here... I look to my right, still nothing but pitch black..

I look to my left, nothing..


I yelped, throwing a punch at the figure in front of me, but they redirected it, holding my wrist.

"My my, that guard certainly taught you well. That was quite fast."

I looked up and saw... T-T-The—


She let out a laugh, letting go of my wrist. I immediately bowed profusely.

"I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean to try and punch! But to be honest this place is suspicious b-BUT I'M STILL EXTREMELY SORRY!"

She interrupted my bowing by placing a hand under my chin, making me look up at her. Her light purple eyes almost looked cloudy.

"It's alright, little moonshine. I understand. This place isn't very suitable for visitors."

"Y-Yes... Where are we exactly, Ms. Solaris?"

She let go of my chin, folding her arms together. She looked a bit upset..

"It's the first time anyone's ever made a wish with such a desperate call from their own soul.. Your soul's call even bested your own mother's! Or maybe that's just how powerful your soul is.. even I do not know. I just had to answer it, and would you look at that? You fell asleep right next to my statue too!"

Asleep?... Oh! Right! I was reading, made a small rant in my head and then fell asleep... Next to the statue... Does.. that mean..

"Are.. are we inside the statue?"

"Correct, dear! Such a clever one you are. Yes, we are in the statue, that I'm stuck in. Though it's fine, I still get to see through the statue's eyes, watching everyone go on with their lives, making wishes and such."

That.. sounds lonely.. I looked away a bit, feeling bad that she was just stuck here... Why is a goddess like her stuck in this empty place? Did she do something the other celestial being didn't agree with?

"Now what's with that face, moonshine? This place isn't so bad... Nothing to clean up, I don't need to eat so food isn't a problem, and the villagers are quite amusing to watch. It wouldn't hurt to taste a frasier cake again.."

"I guess.. but.. why am I here? Are you.. here to grant my wish?"

Solaris smiled, she floated around me, I didn't realize her dress was that misty.. it was gorgeous..

"Yes, little moonlight. I made it my duty to grant every person's wish, if my power allows it. Yours is a bit difficult though.."

"How so?.. am I too weak?... Too little to do with me..?"

I gripped my sleeve, if my wish is really that difficult for a goddess, maybe there's something wrong with me?...

"Oh no no! Quite the opposite really. Your soul is strong, yes, but to defeat a whole army? Realistically, you'd only take a portion of it, dear. Even with the help of the rest of the kingdom, many precious lives that you love especially will be lost. Your opposing kingdom is strong. Best not to underestimate. It would be best to stop them as soon as possible."

"Yeah, it would.. I don't want to lose anyone.. so what are you going to do?"

Solaris opened her mouth but hesitated to say anything, she frowned, looking worried.

"I can interfere with this war myself.. but I can't do much inside a statue... So, I would.."




"... Would?"

This is making me nervous, do I need to sacrifice someone?!

"... I can help you end the war, for the price of borrowing your soul until it has ended."

I let out a small gasp, clutching the spot where my soul lies. My soul?.. she's.. going to take my soul?.. No no, she said borrowing until the war ends..

"You don't have to make the decision right now, little moonlight... You don't have to go with this at all if you don't want to."

"But the kingdom.. If I refuse, that'd make me selfish.. letting people die for the benefit of keeping myself alive.. and you're only borrowing it..!"

My voice shook, it felt like my whole body was trembling. Suck it up, Midnight. You are a princess, the future heir of this kingdom.

"A soul is a precious, fragile thing. No matter how special it is, moonlight..."

She put a hand on my shoulder, it was pleasantly cool. She gave me a soft, understanding look.

"Take your time deciding, this is a big decision. If you still struggle to decide, you can bring this up with your family."

My eyes widened, looking up at her.

"I.. I can?"

"Of course, who better to help you than family and friends, yes?"

"Yeah.. yeah! Thank you, Solaris. I'll discuss this with them! I hope you don't mind waiting here?"

She giggled, patting my head. Oh my stars, Solaris just patted my head—

"Yes, I don't mind waiting, little moonlight."

"Alright!! Thank you again."

I bowed, resisting the urge to hug her. I looked around again before chuckling nervously.

"Soo.. how exactly do I wake u—"


I jolted awake, knocking over some books that were beside me. I frantically looked around and saw I was still at the place I fell asleep in. I looked up at the statue... Was that actually real?.. it felt real.. but some dreams just do that...

I stood up, picking up the books but one caught my eye. I picked it up, looking at it back and forth. It didn't have a title, barely any writing inside, only weird drawings and the cover was in particularly bad shape. I flipped through the pages, messy drawings scribbled through it.

Mostly I couldn't tell what the drawings were supposed to be, however, a clean, folded page caught my attention. I unfolded it, my eyes widened in shock.

It wasn't a dream, moonlight.
Do not forget about your wish, discuss it with your family and/or friends if you please.

You and your little sister take it easy. Be good, alright?

- Solaris♡

It... Wasn't a dream?! What if someone is tricking me? What if they just placed it here to mess with me?! It.. would be more realistic.. but it's like a voice in the back of my head telling me to listen.

It wouldn't hurt to listen...

I looked up at the sky, it's getting late and Gold should be done with her errands by now. Time to check on her and head back to the castle.




"Gold, dear, calm down.."

I stood there awkwardly, fidgeting with my sleeves. I gathered my family for a private family meeting and told them.. Gold is surprised and ecstatic, mom is covering her mouth in shock, but seems suspicious, while dad almost choked on his drink from the shock. I also showed them the book I found, and it definitely wasn't in any of the libraries here or in the archives.

"You.. you don't have to believe me, I find it a bit ridiculous too. It might just be someone pranking me—"

"No no... It.. would make sense for Solaris to be able to communicate to us through her wishes and gifts.."

"It has been recorded a few rare times in scrolls and history books."

"Yeah! Like the book you have, or even through an animal a kid asked for! Aaanndd~ mom did say she wished for you! And Solaris granted it!"

I nodded, bringing my hands to my chest, well.. time for the next part..

"I.. I actually made a wish. That Solaris needs a payment for."

"A payment? Must be a big wish, sis! Hahah!"

"Well, what does Solaris need? More offerings? Fix up the area that the statue was? Different offerings like money?"

"Tell us, moonlight."

"I.. I wished to help with the war."

Gold gave a soft smile, understanding, for she would wish that too. Mom and Dad looked hesitant on the idea, but stayed silent for me to finish. I took a deep, nervous breath.

"And she said she would help with the war.. if I let her borrow my soul until the war ends."




"Define 'borrow' sis—"

"That's a very hefty price!"

"Please tell me you haven't accepted it yet, moonlight?"

"No! No no, I haven't accepted! I wanted to talk to you guys about it first, and then get opinions from the royal council before I make the decision.. Solaris understood and said she would wait."

Dad sighed in relief, mom still seemed reluctant, but seemed to have calmed down. Gold looked worried but curious, a finger under her chin.

"So is it like switching places with her? You get stuck in the statue and she's here? Or does she possess you?"

"I.. I didn't really ask."


I giggled a bit, Gold Making a silly face. She always knows how to cheer up the mood. It was cut shortly after dad spoke up.

"This is.. a really difficult decision, dear. You're only 19, who knows, this could take some risks."

"I'm aware.."

I looked down at the floor, nervousness crawling up my spine.

"Are you sure you want to go through this wish, sweetie?"

Mom looked at me with worry, I nodded, giving a slightly determined look. I can handle it, I'm sure.

"Yes.. I want to help. Besides, it's only until the war ends. I'm sure Solaris will make sure nothing happens to my soul.."

I smiled, I can do this. No need to be afraid.

"If you're absolutely sure, moonlight.. now, let's discuss this with the royal council. Gold, could you please call them here?"

"On it!"

Gold jumped from her seat and zoomed out of the meeting room, this is going to take a LONG while to discuss for a final decision.



- 9PM -

"So.. what's the decision going to be?"

I asked nervously, my parents, Gold and the royal council sat at their respective seats, looking at each other, making sure that this was final. My mother stood up, clearing her throat, her voice stern yet there's a sliver of hesitance.

"The final decision has been made. We all accept Solaris' terms. Midnight, my moonlight.. you may proceed to let her borrow your soul."

"Of course it doesn't have to be now, sis! The bad guys haven't attacked yet!"

Gold chimed in, giving me a bright, reassuring smile. I smiled back, bowing to the rest.

"Thank you.."

"Nah, Thank YOU, kid! You have the guts to actually make a wish that big and kind! You're a brave one."

Bernadette grinned, giving me a thumbs up through her crossed arms. Silver also gave a thumbs up, trying their best to physically emote their encouragement. Peyton gave a noticeable cough, before speaking up, looking at me with their usual stern face.

"Of course, that doesn't mean you can be reckless. I'm not too fond of gods or goddesses, but I guess it would be helpful to get some help from one."

"Oh give the kid some slack, Peyton."

Justine nudged Peyton's shoulder, resulting in a groan from them. Ivory laughed a bit, giving me a soft, reassuring smile. Kedrick was writing away in his scroll, but he looked up, giving a nod before going back.

"Does this mean we get a break after Solaris arrives here?— ow, hey! I was joking!-"

Dakota, rubbed his arm after my dad gave it a playful punch, chuckling.

Everyone called the meeting and proceeded to go back to their rooms, not before my mom and dad hugged me tight, Gold shortly joined after jumping in.

"I know you said that you could handle it but.."

"Please be careful."

"Yeah! I don't want to talk to you through a statue! Hahaha!"

I smiled, hugging them all back.

"I will."


- 10 PM -

I arrived at the statue once more, taking a deep breath.

"Hello again, Solaris.. the decision has been made and they agreed. I'll let you borrow my soul until the war has ended."

I smiled, still nervous about the whole ordeal.

"I'll give it to you after the day of my sister's birthday, I hope you don't mind waiting another day!"

I bowed to the statue and turned to leave. Fog has always been common in this part of the garden but.. purple is certainly not the color it should be. My eyes felt heavy, so I stumbled, standing suddenly becoming a challenge. What's happening?

I tried taking a few steps, only stumbling further and falling onto the ground.

I didn't get a chance to say or yell anything.

It all just went dark.


I woke up once again in Solaris' abyss. I looked to my right and she was already there, her smile she always had in statues present. I bowed to her before speaking up, my voice slightly groggy, I guess being tired also affects me here.

"I'm sorry, Solaris! I didn't mean to come here at this moment!"

"Oh it's quite alright, dear. Are you alright? That was a nasty fall."

Now that she mentioned it, my body does feel weaker. My legs ached and forearms hurt from using them to cushion my fall. The "fog" also made my breathing slightly weak, had the other kingdom sneaked in? Did they released sleeping gas?

"No.. I don't think so.. I feel weaker.. I think the other kingdom snuck in and let out some sleeping gas.."

Realization struck me, they knew I was there?! Oh stars they might try to kidnap me! I need to wake up this instant!

"Solaris! Apologies but I need to get out of here as soon as possible! Who knows what they'll do while I'm asleep!"

"Oh... Well, that would be a problem..."

"Huh? Why?"

"You can only get out of here by awaking naturally. It seems they knocked your physical body out cold.."

My eyes widened in panic, what do I do?! It'll put my family and kingdom at a disadvantage! I can't just be a hostage.. Solaris seems to have noticed my distress, she put a hand on my shoulder, a serious look on her face.

"There is another way though... We'll have to do the soul wish early. If.. that is alright with you?"

I perked up a bit but soon faltered, but I'd miss Gold's birthday.. but then again, if the other kingdom made an attack like this, it means the war has already started.

"Yes. Let's.. do it."

"Alright, dear."

Solaris let go of my shoulder, holding her open palm out. I took a deep breath and let my soul out. I gently handed her my soul.

"Thank you, princess Midnight~"


- 11:40 PM -


Gold stirred in her sleep, something shaking her awake. She groaned as she lifted her sleeping mask. Gold squinted her eyes at the figure that woke her up, the lit candle they were holding by the nightstand doesn't help, but Gold could tell it was their kind Councilor, Kedrick.

".. Kedrick?.. It's late, why did you wake me up?.."

"Princess Midnight requested us to go to the dining table."

"Eh?? Why??"

Gold sat up, rubbing her eyes. Why would Midnight want to meet up at this absurd time? And at the dining table? Wouldn't it be better back at the meeting room if it was that important?

"You will find out, princess. We wouldn't want to keep her waiting, now do we?"

"No, I guess not.."

"Go change, I shall wait for you outside."

Kedrick bowed, turning around and leaving the room. Not even bothering to take the candle with him. Weird. Gold shrugged it off, figuring Kedrick was just tired and forgot. She got out of bed, headed to her wardrobe and changed. Her mind wandered on what Midnight wanted to say, did she change her mind on the soul borrowing?

Gold dusted off her clothes, picking up the candle and heading outside, Kedrick right outside the door like he said. He had bags under his eyes, yup, tired. Gold rubbed her hands once again and yawned.

"Let's go, Kedrick.."

He simply nodded and led the way. Normally Kedrick would be more talkative, even if he was tired, but he was as quiet as a corpse. Was the announcement that serious? Gold swallowed nothing out of nervousness. The more turns and stairs they took, somehow it felt cold.. it got colder and colder the further down they went. It almost scared Gold, but Kedrick was here, she'd be safe and she can use what she learned from Silver!

They finally got to their stop, Kedrick opening the door for Gold. She went in, the dining table lit with candles, food on the plates with her parents sitting at the front while the council took the side seats, the shadows covering their faces. Kedrick closed the door and went to sit. Gold looked at the seat across from her parents and saw Midnight.


"Ah! Gold! Glad you could finally make it! 10 minutes to spare too!~"

Midnight stood up, spun around and headed over to Gold, grabbing her shoulders from behind. Gold shivered, Midnight's hands were cold.

"10 minutes? For what?"

"Your 17th birthday, silly!~"

"Isn't it a bit late though?? We can always wait until the morning—"


Midnight pushed Gold, she yelped as the chair moved and caught her perfectly. It moved once again and faced her at the table, everyone's head facing towards her now. Midnight laughed as she sat down next to her, grabbing a glass that was filled with red wine. Gold looked at her, slightly scared now, Midnight's voice sounded weird, and she acted weird too! She hates red wine too...

"Oh don't be so afraid. I just wanted to give you my gift early!"

"Y-You don't have t—"

"And what better gift than to meet the ohh so great Solaris!~"

Gold froze, staring down at the table. Wait..

"Go on, look at me."

Suddenly her vision hazed out, her head rang as she heard a flicker of screams and burning. She slowly looked up, her vision flickering from a full table to an empty one, the window behind their parents went from a starry night to blazes of bright fire.

"Look at me."

Gold gasped sharply, closing her eyes, she doesn't want to. Whatever is happening, it must be a bad dream. It's just a nightmare. It isn't real. It can't—


Her chair was roughly pulled to the side, she can hear the wood crack from the grip. Hands were on Gold's shoulders, gripping them painfully. Gold winced, only cracking her eyes open for a moment. A moment she instantly regretted.


The sight mortified her. Her stomach churned, ready to throw up. Midnight's dress is torn, her veins visible, as black as an endless abyss. Blood dripping from her mouth, some of it even got on Gold's face from her yelling. Scratch marks are obvious from her own hands, the muscles visible, something wriggling under it. Midnight's eyes were narrowed, an expression screaming for help yet her smile deceived her, filled with malicious intent.


It's almost like her jaw was on the brink of unhinging, small portions of skin tearing from the stretch as she yelled. Gold's shoulders were bleeding from her grip, tears spilling from her eyes.

Before she did anything else, the door slammed open, a green shield dashed through and forcefully pushed Midnight away, along with the dining table. Gold turned her head to the entrance to see Kedrick, holding his stomach as his hands glowed green. One healing himself and the one that sent the shield. Gold immediately rushed to him, no matter how her legs shook.

"KEDRICK! OH MY STARS! Are you okay?! What's happening?! You're hurt!"

"Princess. Listen to me—"

Kedrick coughed up blood, dripping from his mouth, the red liquid mixed with black.

"The castle is under attack, I- I don't know what happened to your sister but that is not her anymore— at least, partially."

"S-So the Solaris thing—"

"Run, princess. We've been fooled. There wasn't ever a Solaris or—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a black mass pinned him right to the wall, piercing through his chest. Kedrick yelled in pain, holding onto it, struggling. Gold stumbled back, quickly catching the door frame, watching in horror as Kedrick fell limp. She looked back as it retracted, Midnight's arm bleeding and covered in the black mass. She giggled as she cried, looking up at her from the rubble of the wall, wind howling.

"Happy Birthday."

Gold wasted no time and ran off, quickly wiping her tears off. Kedrick... She dashed through the halls, the scattered fallen guards mortified her even more. Did that.. thing already get to the rest? What of her parents?! She can hear the roaring laughter from it. Hallway after hallway, she finally heard someone.



She turned to a corner, seeing her parents fight off what looked to be their fallen knights, but covered in the mass. She ran and hugged them.

"Mom! Dad!"


They hugged her tight, holding her face in worry.

"K-Kedrick, he—"

"Shh.. shh.. it's alright, baby.. we know..."

They wiped her tears, even through this hellish nightmare, they tried their best to even bring the slightest hope to their youngest daughter. They heard a scream, not the glitchy, deep voice, no, it was Midnight. It was their Midnight. They all looked at each other in hesitation but nodded, rushing over to where they heard it.

They arrived at the throne room, Midnight screaming to the sky, hitting her head with her hands, stumbling back.



They yelled from the entrance, Midnight would sob out of joy if she wasn't already sobbing from the agony. She tried to walk towards them, but stumbled, holding onto a pillar for support.

"Come on, Midnight! You can do it, dear!"

Amarillo kneeled down slightly, placing his sword on the ground but never taking his hands off of it. Midnight felt anxious, what if she couldn't? She'll just fall and fail, and—

"We'll catch you if you fall, little moonlight. Do not worry."

Elaine stood beside her husband, a hand on his shoulder while the other reached for Midnight. Her voice as soft as she remembered.

"We can help you, sis! There's still a way to stop this!"

Gold did her best to give a determined smile despite the situation, but it was for her older sister. She can't give up.

With the encouragement from her family, she tried to take a deep breath, even if it burned from screaming until her throat bled, she took a step. And then another, and another.

Amarillo smiled, tears pricking his eyes while he leaned forward, trying to reach her more. Elaine followed suit, the most caring smile in the world. Gold wanted to as well, but something nagged her. Her body was hesitating to move, and she was afraid. Why?? Her sister needed help! Why is she hesitating?! WHY WON'T YOU HELP HER?!

Gold snapped out her mindset, that.. was loud. Was it really her thinking?... Gold looked back up, Midnight almost inches away. Midnight made eye contact with Gold, her eyes widened before falling onto the ground, her arms the only thing keeping her up. Before their parents could ask, she threw up the sickly mixture of blood, vomit and black mass. She quickly looked back up with a snap, eyes terrified.


Her neck snapped to the side, her grin wide as she started crawling towards them. Fast. Dark claws tearing the carpet and Midnight's fingers, staining both with blood. Before Gold could even at least get one of her parents of the way, the black mass reappeared and charged right at her parents. Amarillo blocked some of it with his sword but his legs got stuck to the ground while Elaine was less fortunate.





Gold froze, but at this point, is it even new?

Midnight had reached them. It reached them.


Silver blocked and slashed at what used to be her comrades, alive yet suffering. Their souls tormented by the mass, it had consumed them.

Even through the wreck of this battlefield, through the falling rubble and flames, she spotted Gold. There she is. She parried the sword that swung at her and immediately booked it. Grabbing onto Gold's wrist, she starts running, she needs to be safe.


She looked at the poor girl, eyes puffy, tears spilling and blood splattered onto her clothes and face. Poor girl... Silver couldn't sign to her right now, her hands were full and would rather focus on the task at hand. She simply nodded at Gold and kept running. Slashing easily through the enemies and dodging.

She halted to a stop at the sight of Midnight, or what used to be her. Her hair is a mess, drenched head to toe with blood and the black goop, dress torn, revealing the torn skin and her muscles wriggling as something thin and black slithered out. Twitching, she looked up, stared at them dead in the eyes. The most torn up skin being her chest, the black goop spilling out with splatters of blood. It just didn't stop.

Silver held her sword up, giving Gold her other sword, not letting Midnight out of her sight. Midnight started scratching at her chest, clawing at it, she groaned in pain, for she cannot scream anymore. Her veins were drowning and she could only watch.

"It.. itches... It itches so bad! Why won't it stop?! I just wanted to help! I didn't want THE FUCKING HELP! WHY WON'T IT STOP FUCKING ITCHING?!—"

Yet despite that, she still screams. Her voice horrible to the ears. But it isn't as disgusting as the sound of her skin tearing apart even more. The muscles, the tendons, the veins, it's sickly squelching noise as it rips and pours out more blood. Her ribs cracking open, like a gateway to hell. Fitting, as something was crawling out.

Gold held her mouth, resisting the urge to throw up. Silver winced, if she had a choice, she would've looked away, but she couldn't. She needs to protect the last princess, no matter what.

It kept creeping out, one by one. The left arm, right arm, head, torso... It was disgusting. Like a morbid display of a butterfly crawling out of its cocoon. What came out was a woman, still drenched in blood. She was tall, her dark hair covering her face as she continued to get the rest of her body out. She wore a black, still torn, dress with a slit on her left. Once she was finished, Silver didn't give her a chance and called upon her soul's power and sent cyan strings in her direction, immediately tying her up.

It only resulted in a giggle from her, she slowly raised her head, revealing a sickly sweet smile.

"My my.. what lovely magic you have, General Silver. Probably the best out of your little council members~"

Silver felt her blood boil, immediately using all her strength to lift the strings up to slam her back down to the ground. The woman hissed in pain, but held onto Silver's magic as it retracted. Her smile returned, her arm glowing purple as a black mist covered her arm.

"Why don't you have fun with your friends and lovers, hm? I'll make sure to put your magic to actual good use~"

Silver yelled in pain, dropping her sword as she held her right forearm. It felt like it was burning, her soul feeling like it was being squeezed to death. The cyan strings were slowly losing their color, dulling down to a darker tone.




Silver yelled at Gold, her veins turning black as time went on. The woman laughed, tugging on the strings, and it indeed moved Silver's arm. She used that arm to pick the sword right back up, aiming to slash at Gold. Silver stopped it with her other arm, grunting as she fell back onto the ground. Struggling on the ground, the woman laughed hysterically.





Gold hesitantly raised up her sword, only to almost get a heart attack by the woman tugging the strings towards her direction, moving Silver's body so she could miss.

"It's like walking a dog! Come on lil guard dog! Time for a waaallkkk!~ HAHAHAHAH!—"

Gold sucked in a breath, raising up her sword once more and swinging it down. Silver yelled in pain but interrupted it by biting down on her tongue, it may have resulted in a bleeding tongue, but it's fine. The woman seemed surprised but pleased.

"Maybe you're not as weak-willed as I thought, Gold. Buuuttt I'd rather still have your soul~"

She snapped her fingers, and Ivory appeared. Her left arm fully engulfed in the black mass as she looked lifeless. Silver stood back on her feet, panting heavily as her wound kept bleeding. Gold went to step forward but was stopped by Silver's sword blocking her way. Gold looked almost offended, looking at Silver, who was giving her a stern look.

"No. Go."

"Silver, you just lost your arm! You can't fight!"

"I'm giving you a headstart, princess. GO. I'll be fine."

She turned back to Ivory, then to the lady with a snarl.

"I can handle a beat down from a bitch."


Gold panted as she ran away, she didn't know how long she ran, she just knew she was far away from the castle, before she decided to stop, she yelled as she fell through something, falling onto her face.


"Woah! You look horrible!"

She looked up and saw a colorful haired woman, along with a.. skeleton???

Oh boy...

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