Harry Potter OC #1

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Name: Kim Jun-seo (last, first)

Nickname: Jun

Gender: male

Species: human

Date of birth: 5/14

Nationality: Korean

Blood status: muggle-born

Wand: Hawthorn, Phoenix Feather, 13"

Height: 5'7

Weight: 148lbs


Personality: Jun used to be a shy and weak kid growing up. Not really one to get involved with anything and usually kept to himself. When discovering his magic, he started to open up a bit more, especially when going to Hogwarts. Though, because of his family status, he would often get bullied. After taking it for too long, he decided that he needed to change his image to get respect from others, especially his housemates. Now with his new transformation, he is strong and isn't one to take anyone's shit. He gives off that fuck boy vibes when around him, not one you would want to mess with anymore. If anyone picked fights with him, he stops it with a single punch. Usually gets him in trouble when caught but he manages to get away with it. He is only this way to people who mess with him. But when he is with friends, he is friendly and kind, always wanting to help them out if any problems come up. He isn't one to tune people away if they need help. He can be a bit of a softie and likes to get hugs of course.

Likes: listening to music, skateboarding when he isn't at Hogwarts, hanging out with friends, learning new spells, potions, any mythical creature that he meets, going into Hogsmeade for butterbeer and sweet treats, taking naps when he can, discovering new places and things, flying on a broomstick, quidditch

Dislikes: bullies, people who annoy him and say he doesn't belong in the house he was placed in, herbology, divination, having to study, vegetables, when he goes to the infirmary, having to leave Hogwarts, his muggle parents since they don't approve of his magic side, being alone and feeling like an outcast in his own house

Sexuality: gay

Crush: Draco Malfoy

Backup crush: Blaise Zabini

(Crushes can change depending on the rp)

Friends: friends with anyone since he's a friendly guy

Familiar: Hana (owl)

House: Slytherin

~Individual Magic~
Wand reaction: When Jun finally found his wand, an instant rush of sparks went through his body while a bright light shines out. It makes him instantly smile, knowing that this was his wand.

Boggart: his old, weak self

Patronus: dragon

Animagus: none

Amortentia: apple cider and honey

Backstory: Jun was born in South Korea but his family moved to England when he was around 6 years old. He had always felt that he was different than the other kids around him, not because of his nationality but something else. Though, he never knew what it was before he was visited by someone, Dumbledore himself. During that time, he was told of what he really was, a wizard. This made him confused a bit because he had no idea about the magical world but Dumbledore gave him a guide through what it all was. As he was pretty excited to be knowing about this world, his parents weren't as thrilled as he was. They thought it was weird that their son was going to give up everything just to go to some figurative school. Of course, they were the type of Asian parents that wanted him to be the top of his class and go to the top university to become a doctor. He never wanted that anyways. He pretty much shuts them out of his life while they do the same with him. Every time he came home, they never talked to him, pretty much acting like they never had a son. It is what it is. His magic filled life was more thrilling anyway.

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