Voltron OC #2

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Name: Aspen

Nickname: anything that Team Voltron comes up with

Age: around Allura's age

Gender: intersex (likes people to use male pronouns)

Sexuality: pansexual

Personality: Aspen is a very laid back type of creature but is always one to be curious and explore the unknown if he had the chance. He pretty much knows every inch of his home planet, longing to go out into the galaxy to explore more areas. He is also very caring and loving to everyone on his home planet. He always helps anyone in need, very nurturing to the children that are around. He hopes at one point to have his own kids but for some reason, he kind of wants to be with an outsider to his planet. Someone new that he can get to really know and make a deep and strong connection with. People call him a hopeless romantic but he doesn't care at all. He knows that he will meet someone that he will be destined to be with.


Home Planet: Aqualea

Species: Aqualean

Family: everyone on his home planet is his family so he doesn't really have one set of parents

Side: Voltron

Crush: Keith Kogane

Backup Crush: Shiro Takashi

Likes: his planet and people, meeting outsiders, exploring and discovering new things, team Voltron since they give the galaxy hope, being able to join team Voltron and help fight, learning new skills, eating food, water and swimming, animals and space creatures, when he can become somewhat human and walk around

Dislikes: Zarkon and the Galra Empire (likes the Blade of Mamora), the war, all the destruction to different planets, if anything happens to his home planet or his family, fighting, being compared to the Mer people (they are similar but the Aqualean people can become somewhat human when on land surface)

Strengths: is able to learn easily and is pretty tough, has a good nurturing mentality, good listener, easy to get along with and work well with, handy in the kitchen

Weaknesses: wishing that he can help the team out more, he feels useless when he isn't on the front lines of the war, tends to get bored easily if there isn't anything to do

Backstory: Aspen was born and raised on Aqualea. He was always big on adventure and wanting to explore other planets but he had to stay back and help out. His planet was sort of known to be like a resort planet. One where people came to have vacations and get away from their stress filled lives. Every creature was welcomed so Aspen was lucky to meet a lot of people and hear their stories about their home planets. But that all changed when the Galra decided to turn evil and take over the galaxy. Aqualea had to shut down and go into hiding so they couldn't have their planet taken over. Thanks to their vast knowledge, some knew sorcery and were able to conceal the planets location to not be found. If anyone needed to find this planet, a secret signal can be sent out for people to find them. The planet becoming a safe base for people who were fighting against the Galra, especially for team Voltron. One where they can replenish themselves and relax before going back out. That's how Aspen meets the team, knowing that he should go out with them and fight.

Other: able to get pregnant

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