Voltron OC #1

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Name: Dax

Nickname: Daxxie, Dax Man

Age: a bit younger than Allura

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay

Personality: Dax is a very charming gentleman, learning from the best, his father of course. He is always one to help others in need, making sure that everyone is safe and healthy. He is very smart and resourceful, knowing what to do in tough situations. He can be very handy too, able to fix anything that is broken or help with anything technical problem that occurs. Since he is known as a royal guard for the princess, he had to learn hand to hand combat in order to protect her. He is very skilled and strong, letting nothing stop him or get past him at all. He is very kind and good hearted, able to show his kindness in any way he can. He isn't one to get angry at all though he can sometimes get upset with the princess. He is a friend to all who come into contact with him unless it is the enemy. He doesn't take too kindly to them.


Species: Altean

Family: Coran (father), unknown mother

Side: Voltron

Crush: Lance McClain

Backup Crush: Keith Kogane

Likes: fighting for justice for the entire universe, his father, Allura and the king, the new team Voltron, going to the space mall, hanging out with his new friends, riding in the lions if he gets the chance, meeting new people, going to the different planets, learning about earth, helping with combat training and team bonding, eating food, taking a nap when he gets the chance, animals, plants

Dislikes: Zarkon and the Galra Empire (he likes the Blade of Mamora of course), the war, all the destruction to different planets, when someone on the team gets hurt or taken, betrayal, being alone, when there is nothing to do around the ship, Lotor (they are a bit like frenemies), Allura's attitude at times (not fun to deal with)

Strengths: his hand to hand combat skills, his immerse sense of knowledge, his handy skills, his strength and flexibility, protecting everyone that he can

Weaknesses: can't cook at all and will literally burn down the kitchen, when he feels like he can't help the team when they are out in their lions fighting and he is stuck in the castle, when he can't solve a complicated situation, when he isn't able to protect the princess

Backstory: Dax is the son of Coran and a royal guard to the princess Allura. When he was born, he never was able to meet his mother since she passed away after he came. His father always makes sure to tell him that his mother was a very sweet lady who loved him so much. He grew up alongside Allura, getting teased by her for being younger at times but the two were close, almost like sister and brother. He was taught by his father and other Alteans such as the king about Altean history and other things such as hand to hand combat to protect the princess from danger. He was a very skilled and smart kid growing up, wanting to learn all that he could. When he wasn't around the princess, he was with his father and learning all that he did for the castle and the king. He looks up to his father, thinking he was such a great man. He also looked up to the king too, thinking him as another father figure. When the war broke out, he was told by the king himself that he must stay by the princess's side no matter what in order to protect her. Like always, he obeyed orders, being told about the capsules that they need to stay in. He was a bit skeptical at first about it, wanting to help out in the war to end it but of course didn't want to disobey either. Though, when they were woken up by the humans a 1,000 or so years later, he already knew that the war wasn't over at all.

Other: able to get pregnant

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