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My main and first OC I've ever created. He's my baby ((:

Name: Radar

Nickname: Rads, D*****

Age: 29

Height: 6'0-6'1

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Friends/Current Family -Bakku, Will

Enemies- rival gangs

Old family: Scott, Ian, Zephyr

Appearance: tall Caucasian male, muddy red eyes, red-brown hair, facial and body "scars", often has sunglasses or 3D glasses on him (cuz he has iffy eyesight), wears his red and black vest, jeans, and steel-toed boots, carries an assortment of nick knacks and momentos

Personality: outwardly very outgoing, bubbly, and energetic. Impulsive, follows his heart and emotions more than common sense. He was a rowdy and troubled kid and adult, then he met some people and learned to grow up and now feels almost obligated to help his friends grow as people as best he can, caring, loyal but has a hard time keeping up with relations and is quick to fight or argue.

-Darkness/Shadows: Has very powerful attributes to darkness but it manifests in a way Radar can't control, like it has a mind of its own. He learned that he can control it somewhat if he doesn't get worked up and it doesn't get overwhelming but has been known to lash out quite a bit
-He developed a bs detector and calls out people for both petty and serious lies

Likes: Ramen, friends, smoking (though he wants to stop), sparring

Dislikes: His past, the dark, hamsters

Backstory: ERROR 404

Come back later 🙂

Fun fact: Rads lives/hides with Will and Bakku in a rented house. How does he pay for that? Not the most legal means but whatever works

He specialized in guns, specifically a modified 9 mm from a friend and a sniper rifle. He also knows his way around C4.

He also cannot remember his birthday so he celebrates (rather changes his age number) when he feels like it's been long enough

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