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NAME— Chijun Fujimoto

HERO NAME— idk........Animan? Beast? I suck at naming XD

AGE— 15

D.O.B—unknown, estimated to be around March


GENDER— male

SEXUALITY— none/unsure(he doesn't even know what that word means lol)


FAMILY (IF ANY)— doesn't know nor remember any

FRIEND(S)— none yet

APPEARANCE— this beautiful boi👇🏻

HERO COSTUME— to be honest I'm stuck on deciding on between the first one or the second one

PERSONALITY— Chijun is extremely short-tempered and is a proud young man who likes to think he's the strongest fighter in any situation and likes to challenge any people he encounters, wanting them to also praise and respect him for his skills alone which expectedly leads him into unnecessary danger. If defeated in a battle/fight he refuses to accept the fact due to his stubbornness which often causes him to be very provocative. Due to him being raised by boars and other wild animals, Chijun shows to have little understanding of normal human interactions, frequently assuming that people who approach him wants to either attack or fight him and has no idea of the concept of kindness but will grow kinda obsessed with kindness, kinda like how a child would yearn and be stingy of its parents love/affection. If surrounded by the right people Chijun can start becoming more accustomed to affections and generosity; learning to acknowledge others strengths and develop a better understanding of human interactions but still retains his proud nature and the constant want for praise. In addition, he would begin to think more strategically and use smarter tactics he would pick up.

QUIRK— Mimic; despite not knowing what to call it, it seems that Chijun can have copy and act like a animal, kinda like mimicking it's very behavior and all it's strength

. Enhanced sense of touch; developed a sharp and incredibly sensitive sense of touch to the point where he can even feel vibration in the air at times and uses this both in and out of combat
. Flexibility; is extremely flexible and can even dislocate his joints at will
. Poisons resistance; growing up in the mountains Chijun was already exposed to many diseases and bacteria's at a young which makes his immune system strong against some poisons.

. he can ONLY mimic land animals and along that comes with the natural weaknesses of the animal he mimics
. his sensitive sense of touch can often put him on edge and make him tense for no reason
. most medicines wouldn't work on him due to his high immune system
. He is very clueless on modern technology

. not much is known about him due to not having any living records on the database before and the only thing they know is that he grew up in the mountains and was raised by wild animals(specifically wild boars), rumors has it that he's the son of the Beast hero; Willowbeast with both similarities in looks and last name and that the dead body of the hero was found 15 years ago in old abandoned village.
. Chijun was later found by a hero and was brought back to the authorities due to the immense amount of trouble he caused for many people; locals, fishermen's, even tourists.
. After many unsuccessful attempts of getting a proper answer from Chijun, the same hero the brought him in would become his guardian after figuring out that his basically a orphan. The hero suggested him to go to UA because he teaches there in the general studies and thought that Chijun would probably work best in there plus he can keep an eye out of him.

GOALS— none

. he speaks broken Japanese which is to be expected since he had no one to teach him, he will say many long words wrong and will say anyone besides his name wrong(not like he cares lol)
. is left handed
. his fighting style is more loose and free, instinctively starting in a bizarrely low position, makes you feel like you're actually fighting a wild boar
. only reason on how he knows what his name is because he always had a piece of clothe with the name "Chijun Fujimoto" written in it and figured that that's his name


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