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NAME— Susanoo Abe


AGE— 38

D.O.B— 12/25


GENDER— male



FAMILY (IF ANY)— Miho Abe(daughter), Chijun Fujimoto(son)(adopted)

FRIEND(S)— Nezu, Aizawa



PERSONALITY— Susanoo is hard to read and unpredictable; not being able to have a good understanding of normal human emotions and while he of course have those emotions and does express them in...some way- it's just so complex, frustrating even, for him to deal with in a healthy way. Because of this Susanoo is very observant and closely watch people whenever he can(plz don't take that in a stalker way). At first glance it is obvious that he's a gentleman, with the way he carries himself and the way he acts, no doubt a true gentleman. Though withdrawn, he has a tendency to be aloof and have unfriendly streaks with certain people. While he does not lie, he does leave out informations and goes through the effort of keep his past trauma hidden. Despite this, he very willing to amend his matter the cost. Susanoo may not seem like it but he can have a fierce dedication on something or someone if he feels like it. Nonetheless, Susanoo is a great and creative dad and a gentleman who still refuses to go on a date.

QUIRK— Reality; able to control the molecules of his surroundings Susanoo can bend and reshape them using willpower and imagination.

ABILITIES— high tolerance to the cold, father instincts, fast reflexes

DRAWBACK/WEAKNESSES— his quirk doesn't allow him to destroy or disintegrate the things he is control; either he puts it back to its original state or change it into something else completely, he can't stand humidity and will practically melt if exposed too long, emotions can also interfere with his quirk usage; too much strong emotions could mess him up big time, not the greatest at hand to hand combat

BIO— had a poor life at a young age till he started going to UA that his life became better, went to the same school as his late wife but she was in class 1c while he was in the hero course, later on they fell in love and got married. Few years after the birthing of Susanoos daughter Miho, his wife died due to a planned plane crash coming back from a business trip. Went kinda numb for a long time since then but with the help of his friends that he came back to his senses. Years later adopted Chijun and made him go to UA- specifically in class 1c.

LIKES— reading/books and his now remaining family

DISLIKES— planes and the smell of sewage


GOAL(S)— to help guide his students on becoming better heroes.

. taller than Endeavor
. Is the now legal guardian/parent of Chijun
. Now focuses more teaching his students than actually hero work
. He adopted Chijun without even thinking, it just felt right for him.

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