Cursed mortal

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Looks in human form(art isn't mine)

Name; Tandie 

Height: 9 feet tall

Weight: 890 pounds 



Age: 30

Sexuality; Straight

Occupation: Farmer 

Nationality; South African

Personality; Hotheaded, Strong brave wild but easily unamused, a quiet person and Responsible 

Tikbalang Curse; the Witch Nissi, cursed him, to become a Tikbalang, once he feels, the urge of lust as he was a very lustful man it was something, he struggled with.


Beast form

Hybrid form

Anatomy; Like a horse he's got the speed Strength agility and Endurance,of one as he's Extremely powerful and, capable of fighting back along with his member,getting an increase from the curse, as when the genitalia is not erect, the penis is housed within the prepuce, 50 cm (20 in) long and 2.5 to 6 cm (0.98 to 2.36 in) in diameter with the distal end 15 to 20 cm (5.9 to 7.9 in). The retractor muscle contracts to retract the penis into the sheath and relaxes to allow the penis to extend from the sheath and his physical strength with his kicks are increased to Release,2,000 psi of damage.

Fighting styles and skills.

Agriculture Intuition: He has mastery in farming and has,knowledge of farms.

Expert hand-to-hand combatant 

Supernatural Spearmenship(Users are able to wield a spear or spear-like weaponry with supernatural proficiency in speed, power, dexterity, and skill, allowing them to perform seemingly impossible feats with ease, such as piercing through nigh invulnerable or intangible materials, create pockets of vacuum with simple thrusts, cleave through entire landmass such as mountains while creating fissures, rend large objects into mere pieces with ease, block or deflect things that should be impossible to perceive, pierce targets from a short distance without moving, and manipulate the length of the spear-shaped.

Powers and abilities. 

Tikbalang physiology

Equid Physiology

Cursed physiology 

Hybrid Physiology(he is  a hybrid of a human and tikbalang)

Land lordship(He has lordship over farms)

Confusion Inducement(he can confuse anyone, and being able to screw them over

Supernatural Condition(he's supernaturally strong being able, to lift 100 tons)

Supernatural Speed(he can run at high speeds at 55 mph)

Supernatural Leaping(he can jump on buildings,and Leap onto others,with his speed at the max) 

Fertility manipulation(User can create, shape and manipulate fertility, the natural capability for living beings to reproduce (in terms of animals) or grow (in terms of plants). They can make land, living beings or plants fertile, allowing them to reproduce or grow, or make things infertile, making them unable to reproduce or grow.)

Confusion manipulation(The user can sense and manipulate the confusion of themselves, people, animals, and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling confusion, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.

Plant/Food Generation(through planting seeds and Everything,needed for a farm)

Beast divinity(The user has the animal/beast form of divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making the bestial users divine being by nature, a status which can be obtained several different ways. Users can gain this type of divinity by having a divine beast ancestry, being transformed into an divine beast, animal or half animal either by another more powerful divine being, a deity, by faith, channels, acts as a vessel for, the power/soul of a divine beast, to mimic/steal powers from an beast/animal, or be enhanced/evolved to the point of godhood. However, at times users of the beast divinities are more powerful or even weaker than other deities depending on the type of divine being they are in question)

Combat Empowerment(he gains, power from combat)

Powerful Bite(he has a powerful biteforce as a horse biteforce is at 500 PSI)

Flight(he can fly through forests and many things, as he can even use it to get to the mountain tops.

Forest Manipulation(The user can create, shape and manipulate the forests (including jungles, taiga, rainforests, woodlands, etc.) and everything in them, including all the aspects of the forests, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones. Forests are among the planet's most variable environments, richest in terms of animals and plants, with extensive natural riches and mythology surrounding them)

Invisibility(he can turn invisible and use it to get, past people)

Hybrid Soul(He has a hybrid soul, due to the curse as his soul is that, of a tikbalang and a Human)

Misdirection(Users can misdirect, able to make others lose their way, causing any/all attempt by the victim to determine their position to fail, for example trying to navigate by the stars or landmarks will cause fog, GPS will malfunction, maps or roadsigns will be destroyed or incorrect.)

Equid Manipulation(he can manipulate and control, horses and use them to help,people who need, horses in places, they need to use on farms)

Thermoception(he can sense the body heat of someone) 

Shockwave manipulation( Users can create, shape, move, control, interact, and manipulate shockwaves, a powerful compression wave produced by the movement of a body through a medium (liquid, matter, energy, etc.) at a velocity greater than the local speed of sound. Shockwaves typically originate from explosions and sonic booms, resulting in users being able to thrive in situations or locations where those are present. Otherwise, they will be able to generate shockwaves through their power or through other sources (i.e., magical). In terms of offensive capabilities, users would be able to increase a shockwave power from a minuscule vibration to titanic tremors capable of tearing down buildings to pulverizing continents. Shockwaves can extend the range of melee attacks greatly, like punches and kicks. In terms of defensive capabilities, users can use shockwaves to defend themselves from oncoming physical attacks by deflecting or outright destroying them.

Prey Instinct( The user possesses instincts that allows them to become a master of evasion and survival. Users with this ability can discern numerous factors of a situation, including how much of a threat a foe poses, what move they will make, where they are going, and if these things relate to bringing harm to the user, as well as how to hide without giving away one's presence, and how to preserve energy when running.


Path Manipulation

Spike Protrusion

Night vision 

Fauna Energy manipulation(he can manipulate Fauna energy,using the power of a horse in Construct form)

Spiritual Force Manipulation 

resistance to heat and,the cold 

Seismic Sense(he can use vibrations to Navigate)

High Pain tolerance(he has a High pain tolerance allowing,him to handle his transformation)

Drawback: When he transforms, it's painful

Weakness; Is vulnerable,to fire 


SHockwave Stomp: he stomps,on the ground creating a shockwave,sending everyone flying.

Impale: he uses the spike protruding from his hand,

Charge: He runs at 55 mph Being, able to attack and break bone.

Spear Jab: he throws,jabs of attacks,with his spear harming the target

Wilderness trap: he creates a trap in the wilderness, full of Spiked, trees, boulders, and anything, unsafe that's capable, of impalement

Chomp: He chomps, down onto someone's Neck,by Adding pressure and 500 pounds of PSI.

Spiritual Kick: He throws a kick full of spiritual energy, allowing,him to harm Spirits and witches, with more force.

Confusion Strike: He strikes down his target,causing them to become confused,allowing,him to do more brutal damage,to the target in which the confusion will last for a few minutes.


the way,he learned how to control it is by Asking, God to help him as Yahweh/God gave him the ability,to control the form but he had to get used, to the pain.

he killed the witch nissi,as it was revenge,for what she did to him.

He planned,to control his lust,as he didn't want to kill anyone.

He's learned, to stay away from People, once they come to his home as he uses misdirection,to get them away from his home.

he lives on,a large mountain,where he's safe from anyone.

His house is somewhere,in a part of a mountain,only he knows.

even,i he stays away,from people he does have,visitors giving,him food,supplies and entertainment,through computers TVs and etc.

He's a type of person,to give people,food to help people and,prefers,to not give animals,drugs.

He was,given different abilities of other supernatural powers,to help him protect his farm,and people from the supernatural.

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