Hyena mutant

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Name: Oliver Anad

Nationality: Indian 

Height: 9 feet tall

Country; He was born in Ethiopia with his Indian family and came, to America.

Weight; 560 pounds 

Likes; Reading, drawing Drinking tea, and Enjoys good food

Dislikes, Drugs heroin addicts, and people, who'd sell their own kids for drugs.

Gender; Male

hero-type: Anti-Hero

Alias; Buda

Affiliation: Shield,

Occupation: Gravedigger 

Age: 18

Species: mutant

Hobbies; Hunting, drinking enjoying good food playing, sports, and getting into, new things.

Personality; Prick, Vicious an asshole rude, Angry, and will beat yo ass including showing no mercy(towards criminals or anyone full of pride) But is neutral Sympathetic calm, and chill

His necklace.


Beast form(his Beast form is an unnaturally, large Hyena male as it's 50 metes, tall) 

Near-Gnoll/ghoul Form

Ghoul/Gnoll middle mutation(this is a middle mutation of the ghoul power, as it benefits him and gives him, a more deadly defense, that protects him from physical attacks causing nails to impale their hands)

Full Gnoll Form(the gnoll, form is a type of form, that's of ghouls where it grants, the user an advantage, in apocalypse-type situations, like the undead and can be used, to fight off while as strong as a base hyena it can get stronger, the more it eats, food either of the flesh of animals or of creatures of the supernatural)

Hybrid form(he transforms, into an abnormally, large hyena humanoid, allowing him to fight mutants and, monsters bigger than him)

Crocotta Form(the crocotta is a combination, of a lion and, a hyena)

Final Mutation(this final mutation, grants him the, largest size at the same time, being most dangerous terrifying, and faster)


Sniper rifle.



Name; Spike

gender; Male 

Size limitation; His size limit is 100 feet, tall.


Apex Predator physiology 

Fighting style and skills.

Woodcutting: has skills in cutting, wood.

Animalistic Combat; he has a level of combat, in an animalistic form.

Marksmanship: he has a skill in using guns and, Weapons.

Powers and Abilities.

Authority; Has authority over hyenas.

Superior Mutant physiology

Unique Physiology

Defunct physiology The user lacks any physical weaknesses of an organic, living body including the need for rest, sustenance, or other physical requirements. They do not feel pain and cannot be poisoned or get ill. Usually, the users are formed from inorganic matter (such as stone, metal or etc.) or animated flesh, bone, wood or other formerly living matter. Redundant physiology may be capable of self-healing or regeneration, and some are capable of reproduction.

Anpla Ghoul Physiology: The user either is or can transform into an Alpha Ghoul. A more powerful ghoul is capable of more advanced abilities than lower-class ghouls regardless of their nature. Alpha Ghoul can be any one of many types of ghouls and have dominion over every or certain type of ghoul.

Kishi physiology: Users with this trait can take on the abilities of a Kishi or are one, a Kishi is an African demon that is stated to be a human (usually male) with a hyena face on the back of their head, while the hyena head is a ravenous monster that devours anything it can the human face is a cunning and ruthless predator that seduces and tricks victims, together the two entities work as one as a supernatural predator and man-eater: despite the human-like appearance of the spirit it is not of the mortal world, nor has ever truly been part of it, indeed the name Kishi is roughly translated as "spirit".

Crocotta Physiology: A user with this ability either is or can transform into Crocotta (also corocotta, crocuta, leucrocotta, or hyena), a mythical hybrid being of India or Ethiopia, usually described as a combination between dog and wolf or between hyena and lion, or as a fantastic creature with the body of a stag, a lion's neck, cloven hooves. Regardless of their other attribute, they always have a wide mouth with a sharp, bony ridge in place of teeth.

Enhancing mutation; the more, he mutates the more power, he'll gain.

Hive Mind: he's a hive mind of multiple Hyenas.

Unlimited Stamina; he has, unlimited stamina allowing, him to fight longer without, the need to get tired.

Consumptive Healing; the more he eats, the more he will heal.

Consumptive biological regeneration:  The user can regenerate any part of their body by devouring a similar part from a victim. In this manner, they can survive virtually any injury or even old age by replenishing their deteriorated body by feeding on humans and animals for replacement parts.

Werehyena Physiology 

Superhuman Condition 

100% Muscle usage

Hyper awareness: The user has a much more advanced level of awareness than an ordinary person, and while ordinary people only notice things in general, they notice in detail. For this reason, users can plan and implement strategically and tactically what they should decide and how they should act, without missing anything. Has an increased sense of awareness far above those of the user's species, often to the extent that few, if any, little details miss their notice.

Poison manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate poisons and poisonous substances. For the sake of clarity: poison, toxin, and venom are terms for any substance that injures or destroys the health of living beings when absorbed into the system: poison is the general word, and the toxin is a poison produced by an organism (plant, fungus, animal); it is especially used in medicine in reference to disease-causing bacterial secretions, venom is especially used of the poisons secreted by certain animals, usually injected by bite or sting.

Powerful Bite: he has powerful bite force, as it's at 1100 psi

Hyena manipulation: he can manipulate any kind of hyena and, use them to fight for, him

Animal telepathy: he can telepathically, talk to hyenas and, tell them what, to do.

Unnatural Size: he's unnaturally strong.

Pheromone manipulation: The user has complete control over the pheromones, a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species, of oneself and others, including releasing pheromones that induce attraction between subjects (or within a subject for oneself), to exuding pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change/influence emotions, draw crowds, etc.

Aquatic Adaption: Like the crocotta, he's able to adapt and swim in the ocean.

Death force absorption: he can absorb the forces of death, gaining power.

Flesh manipulation: Users have complete control over the flesh of themselves and others, the entirety of the flesh or specific tissues, including growing, shaping, manipulating density/weight, creating constructs, etc.

Ghoul manipulation: The user can create, manipulate, and destroy ghouls. They control them to do their bidding, help them during situations, use them against foes, see locations and get information about a particular place, use them for battle, and use them for spying on others. The user can also understand or communicate with them, hence creating and strengthening friendships.

Telepathy: he can telepathically, talk to hyenas allowing, him to control them mentally.

Darkness Adaption: He can adapt in the darkness

Voice manipulation: The user is freely capable of manipulating their voice, allowing them to control their voices to imitate sounds of creatures such as animal noises and explosions or increase or decrease the tone of their voice.

Carcass manipulation: The user can control and manipulate corpses and dead flesh to any degree. They can use dead flesh to act as replacements for severed limbs or hurl corpses at their opponents as a form of attack.

Life-Force-Absortpion: He can absorb, the life force of someone.  

Superhuman Body: Users' physical abilities are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally physically superior over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, and more durable than regular beings (in that verse) can achieve by seemingly any method of training.

Superhuman Strength: he has Superhuman levels, of strength allowing,him to lift up to 100 tons 

Superhuman durability(he has extreme durability allowing, him to be unphased by basic damage, like bullet fire or attacks)

Acid manipulation(The user can create, control and otherwise manipulate acids, bases, and other corrosive substances, controlling the causticity, where and how the acid affects the object, the number of fumes it releases, etc. Impressively, a strong enough acid can melt or corrode metal, skin, and other solids susceptible to its effects. However, this reaction won't always be the case)

Superhuman Endurance(he's able to handle a lot of pain)

Superhuman Agility(he has superhuman Agility allowing, him to be extremely agile)

Feral Instincts(he has the Feral instinct of a hyena) 

Healing Factor(he can heal any wound but has a limit,to what he can heal)

Longevity(he can Live longer and, outlive most People)

Superhuman Stamina(he has superhuman levels,of stamina allowing,him to fight longer than, most humans) 

Pathogenesis; he can develop Develop any Virus to use, in combat 

Pathogen manipulation: The user can create, manipulate, shape, transform, cause/heal, etc. all forms of viruses and pathogens that can afflict organic life-forms

Size manipulation: he can grow to large sizes,to help him fight off larger villains and, tank powerful attacks, from buildings.

Stealthy: he's extremely stealthy allowing, him, to get past guards Superhuman Hearing: Users' sense of hearing is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed to a superhuman level. Allowing them to hear anything over incredible distances, hear things that are seemingly too quiet to be discernible as well as being able to hear sounds over an insane range of frequencies. Advanced users are even able to hear individual molecules/atoms and their movements, or even the supernatural/paranormal, including the activities or spirits or immaterial beings and creatures. This also allows them to acquire auditory information from even the future or past.

Accelerated Growth: Users can accelerate/enhance the growth of any/all biological material including themselves, allowing them to make things grow quickly and cause an overgrowth of the affected material as well.

tool manipulation: can manipulate and, use tools, for building things.

Superhuman Sight: Users have a sense of sight that is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings of their universe because their capabilities are pushed to a super-human level. Allowing them to see kilometers away, see in all directions at once, see in the dark, see the faintest distinctions, and track things too fast for the normal eye.

Acidic Bodily Fluids: like a Hyenas Stomach, Stomach acids,are highly acidic as his digestive system, is strong enough to destroy matter of animals, like Lions, Bears and many animals, and hard to bite through.

Immunity to Enchanted items,Magical attacks viruses Acid, poison, and disease

Resistant to heat and, the cold 

Dimensional travel: He can travel through dimensions

Infinite Digestive system: Due to a Hyenas digestive, system he can Eat and consume anything, which grants him, the advantage to consume even, larger animals or bite through.

Mouth Manifestation(he can form any mouth on, any part of his body and,use it to Tear flesh apart or knock out, someone with bite force)

Superhuman Smell(he has a great smell, allowing, him to Smell things,from a far distance but it can sometimes, suck knowing he can smell, foods, that's worst be terrible)

Superhuman Speed(he can run at 40mph like a hyena)

Tracking(he has good tracking skills, allowing, him to track down, anyone who's lost)

Fear masking: He can mask his own Fear allowing, him to fight when facing something he could fear.

Frequency Manipulation (of Different sound frequencies)

Omnitone(he has no limit, to the sound, he can control)

Prehensility: he has a Full Prehensile, body allowing, him to control every part of his body.

Weakness: is vulnerable, to fire and ice attacks


Poison-Body; He makes his body,poisonous to where,anyone who bites or attacks,him will get poisoned.

Size enhancement; He can enhance his own Size.

Bodily Aspect  Enhancement: By Speeding up, his development.

Limb-Expansion: he can expand any, part of his body with ease as that includes every part with no limit.

Dark vision: He fires, beams of Darkness, from his eyes, doing immense damage.

Sonic-Scream: he can create a sonic scream, capable of Sending someone flying 

Ballistic Scream: he creates, a Ballistic sound, causing earthquakes and, sound capable of destroying, someone's brain.

Vocal Mind control: he can mind controlling, someone through the control of sound.

Hypnotic Vision: He can hypnotize someone, using his hypnotic, vision allowing, him to knock them out, or tear them to pieces)

Chomp; He bites down on the victim, doing immense damage, to the flesh

State of Mind: Users can enter a special state of mind, where they understand who they are and what their true purpose is. They are able to gain new abilities, as well as increase their current abilities. Users are also able to achieve outstanding feats that others are rarely capable of. Users' intelligence increases and they gain hyper-awareness, increased speed, strength, reflexes, great mental focus, etc.

Silent bullet; He fires a Bullet, with sound frequencies Being, silent, as this can Kill someone, without them knowing the bullet, is close. 

Silent Movement; He removes, the sound from him and, moves at high speeds, preparing to attack.

Acid Attack: he forms. acid from his hands and, throws it burning, the victim

Acidic environment: he creates an area full of acid, where the victims are affected by it.


White tiger

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