Descendent of Cain

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Winged Serpent form

 Venom of God form

Equipment and Weapons.

Dark matter Sword(this weapon, can, be destructive as it's capable of cutting through spacetime and, even Affecting, the gravity of someone. So when it cuts, someone making, the target, falls to the ground, due to Gravity making their Weight affect them.)

 Name: Liam Hongern 

Nationality: American/Jewish

Occupation: Farmer 

Height: 15 feet tall

Weight: 193 pounds

Likes; Animals, God farms, drawing, and Peaceful

Dislikes: people, starting drama, and bs reasons, to attack him

Anatomy: While being, human still, he has the anatomy of a serpent, where he's flexible, can Swim fast in, areas like a forest, with a forked tongue and two members, as his scales only, appear in a serpent form.



 Cain, Abel, Samael Adam and Eve.


Mother; Unknown 

Father: Unknown 

Age; 19 

Hobbies; Farming, reading drawing, and helping animals.

Religion: Catholic Christianity 

Hobby: Farming, reading, and animals 

Personality: tough Short tempered, menacing, threatening and won't holdback(towards criminals) but is kind remorseful,  and sympathetic Loving, and, Enjoys making farms

Christianity mastery: Users, either innately or through training, are masters of Christianity, a religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, who beliefs and practices are for following the way of Christ himself be it in Catholicism, Protestantism and/or Eastern Orthodoxy, making users understanding of the sacred traditions, theology, religious texts, scriptures, rituals and prayers of Christianity

Fighting styles and skills.

Expert Assasin: The user is skilled in the art of assassination, able to dispatch their victims without so much of a struggle or even having to be near them and cover their tracks. The ways they can do this range from something complex and finesse-based like mastery of stealth, strategically and tactically planned scenarios, expertise in martial arts, and proficiency with weaponry to something simpler and more force-based like herculean strength and lightning speed to overwhelm their targets

Necroscience: Has knowledge of all forms of death.

Hagiomancy: through God, He can see the future the present, and the past and/or provide help to someone in need.

Enhanced Weapon proficiency: Users, either innately or through training, are masters of handling and wielding weapons, any implement or device that can be used with the intent to inflict damage or harm, beyond that of the peak members of the species. This means users are skilled in wielding various forms of weapons, from swords to hammers to chains to sniper rifles, being able to beat anyone wielding similar forms of weapons instantly and effortlessly.

Enhanced Unarmed Combat: Users possess transcendent and supreme skill in unarmed forms of combat and hand-to-hand combat, usually being the strongest martial artist or one of the strongest in their respective series/franchise/universe. They can usually perform feats that seem impossible to even to the most skilled and experienced combatants and are able to effortlessly subdue anyone with their peerless effort.

Jewish  Mysticism: The user is able to use esoteric powers that revolve around Jewish mysticism.

Building mastery: The user, either innately or through training, is a Master of Building things and can build anything with ease from anything. For example, the user can build a space suit from a pile of junk. It is a very effective power when it is given the proper creativity

Agriculture Mastery: The user, either innately or through training, is a master of agriculture/aquaculture using all types of methods, techniques, and skills.

Powers and abiltieis 

Superhuman physical abilities: He's superhumanly strong in all physical categories and capable of fighting other demons and,monsters

High-speed flight: he can fly, at High speeds and is able, to fly faster than the blackbird plane.

Angel soul: Users of this ability are angels among men, their spiritual essence is angelic. Users have supernatural abilities on an angelic level. Some users have powers that might be dormant due to suppression by a higher power and may have to be unlocked. Users could possibly for new abilities from their higher authority.

Divine Poison manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate divine poison that's highly effective against the supernatural, such as demons and/or angels. The effectiveness, in question, can range from trapping and/or immobilizing to outright banishing or killing supernatural threats. Furthermore, divine poison may have other properties and abilities, such as healing, Resurrection, summoning angels and/or spirits of the deceased from Heaven to the material plane

Dark matter manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate Dark Matter, a hypothetical type of matter distinct from baryonic matter (ordinary matter such as protons and neutrons), neutrinos, and dark energy. The name refers to the fact that it does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation, such as light, and is thus invisible to the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Although dark matter has not been directly observed, its existence and properties are inferred from its gravitational effects, and it is estimated to make up 84% of the universe's mass and 23% of its mass-energy.

Demonic lightning manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate lightning derived from the deepest pits of Hell, sporting the capability to destroy nearly anything it strikes with absolute malevolent intent. In addition, demonic lightning is capable of inflicting excruciating pain; both physically and spiritually tormenting the victim, has the potential to corrupt one's soul, and is very effective against the holiest of supernaturals, such as angels. More powerful users can even ultimately summon/resurrect/create evil spirits, elemental entities, and/or demons from Hell, as well as conjure and control hellish thunderstorms.

Mark of Cain: due to his Connection, to his ancestor, he's given divine protection, from Yahweh from anyone who harms him.

Damage Reflection: like Cains, curse anyone who harms him will feel the same pain, Sevenfold)

Famine Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate famine, a large-scale scarcity of food, usually caused by environmental factors, resource rarity, natural disasters and/or man-made events. The user can trigger extreme hunger/starvation, animal and/or crop death and a general loss of societal vitality. 

death manipulation: Users can decide, determine and manipulate the causes of death, allowing them to choose and control when, how, where, and why someone dies and even induce the circumstances/events that will lead to the target-appointed death

Immunity to viruses Disease poison magic and reality warpers

Resistant to holy powers Demonic Energy Unholy powers  and, demonic possesion

Storm manipulation: The user can sense, create, shape, and manipulate storms, including strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc.

Damage Empowerment; With Each form of Damage, he suffers he'll gain power as it goes, his muscles growing in power and strength.

Shockwave Generation: he, can generate shockwaves, with each attack, from his blade or physical attacks.

Weakness; Divine power negation or beings, of higher Authority, can harm or defeat him.

Drawback: When he uses, the Mark of Cain, it works like a supplement, he will feel weaker, becoming vulnerable for the Ability to work as that's the cost of using it.


Curse of infertility; to any woman or man, who commits, rape he'll curse the, with infertility, giving them the incapability of giving birth as this, is for those who truly, don't feel regret for their crimes.

Ayin of Venom: the Ayin of Venom, can, cause venom and poison to Appear, in the target, body causing, the insides of the body, to decay, get sick, and even, almost die.

Poisonous-Feild: he creates a Poisonous field, where he can affect anyone as the divine powers, can Cause agonizing pain, to demons.

Distinigtation: He uses a high-level, form of fire Disintegrating the target, and killing them

Demonic thunderbolt: He forms, demonic energy, creating a thunderbolt, this can spiritually kill, demons spiritually and physically.

Spiritual-disease-attack: He fires an energy attack, with spiritual diseases, made to harm someone physically and spiritually like, a demon, as it can kill the demon.

power of negation: With his control over any power, due to power embodiment, he can negate any power, with no limit.

Darkside view: he forces, the target, to feel the sins, they committed as their soul, making them feel regret, sadness physical and mental pain as it, has no limit, to anyone who sees themselves, as good or bad.

Constriction: he, puts his enemy in a chokehold, where he can crush them with his Sepertine, body.

Negation over Power; He can control the powers of anyone, with no limit with ease as it's an ability that he, can use through attacks hitting him as they are, negated sevenfold.


-growing up, up saws his anger as a problem, so he went, to get help with his anger problems, due to how it made, he look like an angry man-

he's enjoyed making farms, for animals as it would, help the animals, who are needing help needing it and, he'd do it cause he wants, too.

his farm is used, to help society with, any animals, that are needed for food, and help with other farms.

he's trained physically, in his Supernatural abilities to make, him powerful and, dangerous enough, to Fight off demons, who come, to the church.

he has a skill, with using the powers of a serpent.

he's trained physically, to protect his farms, from anyone who tries, to kidnap his animals.

the military, he trained in, helped him learn how to use different weapons.

His best, weapon is a large Dark matter sword, allowing him, to cut through any Armor with ease as the Effects, of the Weapon are fatal and, dangerous 

-he will, not waste his time, on pointless shit, knowing full well, those types of people, will just want to be right and, not be held accountable-

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