Descendent of king solomon

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Name: Sabah Al-Abadi

Species; Human/Djinni Hybrid 

Anatomy: Like a horse he's stronger than an adult,man has more muscle,can lift more than his weight and his speed is increased aswell as his sexual parts are increased up as  When not erect, the penis is 50 cm long and 2.5 to 6 cm in diameter with the distal end 15 to 20 cm free in the prepuce and, he's able to destroy bone with a kick along,with His djinni powers,giving him advantages in intangibility.

Personality: Clever, Patient, Kind caring wise Charismatic, humble, Serious about, the law, and friendly(towards people and friends) but is stern, Intimidating, and menacing(to people,who attack first, or even try to break, his laws)

Nationality; Arabic/Israelite

Affiliation: Ethiopia, Hellsing organization, and God.

Occupation: Ruler of Ethiopia.

Flaw; He isn't nice nor will he be nice if you have, excuses to commit a crime and he isn't gonna, to try to look or be nice and, can even get salty, when told what, to do by a literal demon..

Sexuality: Straight 

Disability: He's lactose intolerant 

Ancestor; King Solomon

Belief: Orthodox Christianity 

Hobbies; Sculpting, Reading, practicing Alchemy building houses, and Enjoying Tea and wine

Quote: I've seen my ancestors, mistake of having multiple concubines,I won't make that mistake.

Second Quote: It doesn't matter, if you're good or bad, what matters, is your actions, of yours as that's human nature.

Third Quote: You, used me as an example,of God supporting,witchcraft when I'm using powers, from God then your as foolish,as a Donkey.

Final Quote: I don't Believe, how much of a grave, mistake, you've made, listen here you, may leave after killing someone, I care about, but one day I will find you, and you will never sleep again, never go without, looking behind you on a dark road and when you least expect it, I WIll show You hell on earth, now Leave.

Age: 18-27

Gender; Male

Home; Ethiopia


Ancestor: King Solomon.

Mother: Amal

Father; Salman

Likes; Reading, music God, tea Drinking alcohol, and Enjoying Books

Dislikes: Shaitan, Smoking, Demons,  False gods, and, being seen as an idol.

Skills and fighting skills.

Sculpting Mastery: has a mastery in sculpting 

Enhanced weaponry; The user has the ability to create and/or wield powerful weapons with attributes far superior to those of mundane weaponry such as greater strength, durability, attack power, firepower, range, rate of fire, ammunition type and capacity, damage potential, etc. They may also have been produced by master craftsmen using either conventional or supernatural means to make them unique arms of great power. Some weapons can be even further. When in the possession of skilled wielders, the weapons can display capabilities beyond the functions of their design.

Carpentry Mastery: The user is a master of carpentry/construction work, allowing them to easily build/rebuild such things as buildings, ships, timber bridges, concrete formwork, and the like.

Political Mastery: The user, either innately or through training, is a master of politics. The user can intuitively understand the mechanics behind any policy, political system, and power dynamics, and understand how to manipulate it. Users have an intuitive mastery of the associated political skills, speech, and body language, expertly sending all the right signals, granting them major leverage in any political situation and allowing the user to easily to be successful in any political situation regardless of who they exert these talents on.

Aroscience: The user knows everything about the air/the gases/the vapors/the skies/the vacuums/the weather/breathing and/the atmosphere. As such, the user knows everything within the air, and what dwells there. The user knows everything when it comes to the air because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how the air is supposed to work.

Vapor Magic: The user is able to perform a form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells and feats derived from vapor.

Pegusus Magic: The user is capable of performing magic associated with pegasus or pegasus-like beings. Sources can include actual instruction from a pegasus, using a pegasus as a source of magical power, or even using substances/tools that come from or are connected to them

Bird Magic; the user is capable of performing, the allows them, to become a bird of any kind with no limit as it can, be a mythical or basic bird. 

Eye magic: Users are able to use their eyes to cast various spells, either by channeling a spell or by the eye grants them the ability to use magic. Because eye magic is a technique of magic rather than a type of magic, users can achieve the same applications of magic.

Powers and abilities

Land lordship: has lordship over Ethiopia.

Authority: has authority over the people and country of Ethiopia.

 Dijinni physiology: A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Djinni (also spelled: Djin, Djinn, Djinny, and Djinnee) Air type Jinn in Arabian Mythology, their bodies sharp like copper capable of mimicking the air. Djinni is capable of manipulating the air to whatever they see fit and due to the nature bound to the air, they are grand experts in air types of abilities because it's a part of them.

Pegasus Physiology: A user with this ability either is or can transform into an pegasus, a winged divine horse, usually depicted as white in color. While the original Pegasus was semi-divine individual, later pegasi are essentially sentient, intelligent winged horses, also usually white but most colors appear.

Hybrid Physiology: Is a Hybrid of a Human and, a Djinni.

Superhuman Condition: Users possess supernatural capabilities, attributes, and aspects that are beyond what is naturally possible. With their condition alone, they can dwarf most beings in their respective universe, being virtually supreme in their existential aspects and attributes. With their superhuman physique, they can move buildings, run at the speed of light, survive nuclear explosions unscathed, and remain active for days to weeks untired. With their mind, they can amass knowledge and information about everything, allowing them to invent and create things beyond the grasp of regular humans. They can master languages and subjects in mere days or even hours too.

Air Soul: The user has a soul that is made out of air. They may be able to manifest their soul outside their body to perform a series of activities or able to channel the air from their soul into various abilities that they can mentally and/or magically manipulate. This elemental soul is possessed by elemental spirits, deities, nymphs, genies, fairies, angels and demons, and even unique humans.

Hot Air Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate hot air, combining various air/wind-related powers with searing heat.

Cold Air manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate cold/freezing air.

Demonic Name: The users of this power have a supernatural quality to their name which causes those who speak said name aloud to call upon demonic phenomena (almost always malevolent in nature and with the absolute potential to become dangerous if attempted or misused), the power of the name is so powerful that it can cause dark miracles, infuse those who speak it with demonic power, force a demonic intervention, summon and/or banish an agent of the demon in question or the very demonic entity itself, and even still manipulate these demonic entities to gain future knowledge.

Animal Morphing:  He can only turn into or turn anything,into Flying creatures, like a pegasus or Large bird-like, a griffin or Eagle.

Mana Manipulation: in fiction, mana is basically and most commonly portrayed as the magical aspect of life force (i.e. magical life energy, or 'magical energy with life force'). Hence, it can be found on a universal scale, as the life force is fundamental to existence. Magical entities are able to control mana. They can harness this type of energy from not only their own selves but also the ambiance, since everything that exists possesses vitality, as aforesaid. Rare users can create new mana from nothing

 Demon manipulation: The user can create, manipulate, and destroy demons to do their bidding, whether it is to kill others or simply be slaves to the user. The user could potentially create and manipulate an entire army of demons.

Divine Communication: The user can communicate with and call upon their patron deities indirectly or otherwise via various ways. This often extends to speaking holy/divine languages fluently.

Wish manipulation: The user can manipulate wishes, changing them to make it something else, reverse/undo granted wishes, deny wishes from ever being granted, destroy/create wishes and imbue them onto a person, etc.

Weather manipulation: Users can sense, channel, shape, create and manipulate the weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog, and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas. 

Air energy manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate the energies of the air, emitting the air energy as a force to project energy bolts, force fields, weaponry and/or manipulate aspects of air, such as gases, wind, etc. Color appearance of blue, purple, pink, green, and/or white.

 Teleportation: The users can teleport; moving instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by spatially rearranging the subatomic contents of a system

Indomitable Belief: The user has an indomitably strong belief; a special and very powerful attitude in putting one's trust and confidence in themselves, in someone else or something. This complete, never-ending, and ever-growing faith into something that's true and inspiring for many and close to one's heart..

Resistance to spiritual powers and magic

Immunity to  poison  Possession, and corruption

Cross Manipulation: he can manipulate holy crosses to kill Demons.

Curse Removal: The user can remove/undo curses and their effects from any afflicted target, making them safe.

Exorcism: The user can forcibly remove possessing entities (ghosts, demons, etc.) from the body, object, or the location they are possessing/haunting

Purification: The user can remove the darkness or evil from a person or objects, often including demons possessing it or mind control affecting it. It can turn evil to good or merely make someone pure.

 Weakness: He's vulnerable to Spiritual Powers and, magical powers, due to his Djinni blood, making magical attacks, hard for him, to take damage along with magical, metals harming him.


Eye of Krinos: when activating a spell, he summons, a Giant Eyeball, using Eye magic, allowing him, to control, it and use it to either put, judgment on, the undead, demons, or sinners as it affects, them physically, Emotionally, and spiritually, with an explosion creating alot of destruction as the cost, for using this multiple, times will drain him of mana and, his spiritual energy.

Eyes of Nephesh: through, using Eye magic, he can control, the souls of someone through, His God's power, allowing, him to control, the undead Souls and, making them his own little puppet.

The illusion of Air: he creates, an illusion of air,as this can cause a distraction for him, to attack or escape with allies.

Demonic Control; He can mind control a demon and, make them submit to him, then

The smoke of death: He forms spiritual smoke that, can cause death through a spirit or demon Inhaling the smoke as this will give, them a slow death.

Protection Feild: He forms a Barrier made, to protect anyone as it can't be destroyed but at a cost of Being forced, to stay in one spot so if he moves, the barrier will deactivate)

Body Hardening; he uses, the Dense air and, starts, to harden his own Skin and,body allowing him, to Endure and, survive any attack.

Burning Air: he, forms Hot scorching, air and, burns, the Opponent, leaving a Burn mark and, even nearly killing them.

healing Air: he, can use healing air, to heal those in need as the air, is compressed and, made into a liquid-solid, that is on the wound, to heal it.

Steaming-Strike: He infuses, hot air around, his Sword where, he can strike down his target, cutting them down with a burned Scar, causing them to feel agonizing, pain.

Animal transmutation: He, can use pegasus or Bird magic, to turn an object, into a living creature as it, can even be himself,at the cost of affecting his Hyrbid anatomy.

Freezing Winds; through manipulating, the cold winds, he can freeze someone, solid as they are unable, to escape.

Drawback; Even as a jinn he needs to eat more food, due to needing to eat a lot of calories to Help him fly more like the flash needs calories and food, to help him stay running once he uses up all his energy he eats a lot of food, to help him fly faster and stay in the air.

-What wishes, he won't grant-

-He won't bring back the dead-

-he can't change history as that, just be immoral and, wrong-

-He, cannot, grant immortality as it merely causes immortality, sucks once you basically, cant die-

-he will, not kill people for you just cause you are petty-

-his first, time killing an innocent, lead to him running away, as he, felt fear not knowing,what, to do with the body as it, was an  accident, with fire being involved-


-as, a male who lives, in Ethiopia he's very serious about some laws, that shouldn't be changed-

-he will protect his people to make, sure nobody is harmed in any, wars-

-he will not use Alchemy on a human body due to how it could have negative effects on the body if you even tried to revive a body with alchemy-

-He will not use necromancy or any form of dark arts, to Bring back the dead due to how it could lead to more negative consequences like possibly the body lacking a soul and not truly, bringing them back and, leading to a zombie apocalypse-

-he sees your pathetic, reasons for revenge as merely pathetic as it has no meaning other than just hate-

-He will not just break his own morals just so he, can go and be a prostitute and, dance in front of children-

Weapons and equipment.

Magic Ring: (Seal of Solomon) same ring king Solomon wielded.

-Lesser keys of Solomon(he uses these books, to get information on Demons, and to understand their true names as it connects, to the information, of how demons, work and their own history-

Kadosh Sword


Dijinn form 

Ethiopian Pegasus form(he uses pegasus magic, to transform, into a Ethiopian pegasus)



-as a man, who only wants, the peace he doesn't want anyone, in Ethiopia harmed, or Killed as he rules it-

-He isn't immortal as He doesn't possess immortality, like the Jinn Iblis-

-He's very much mortal and, prefers to, stay mortal-

-He dislikes immoral wishes due to how they basically cause problems for everyone-

-he's dealt, with the sisters of hell, and considered, them to be nuisances-

-in, some cases he's had his toughest battles, with demons, like Wrath and, how wrath is a powerful, sin-

-it's not very humble, of him to just, start stupid arguments political, or not as it still shows, arrogance-

-he has, different, forms of magic, he used, with help of God-

-He's a neutral person, when it comes, to vampires and Elves, and, doesn't have, any form of hate, toward them but won't trust, the undead if, they continued to eat the innocent-

-his, djinni powers, help him endure more pain-

-the many prophets he respected was, the prophet Moses who, with help of God saved, the Israelites-

-he fears, God as he respects, God with great respect and, treats God, like he's his father-

-he may be, a Djinni, but he won't stray away, from the Christian faith and, will treat, others like their his brothers and, sisters-

-he met some elves and, saw they were human, like him, just some had unique powers-

-on, some of  Sabah, travels he met a Wizard named, merlin who he, had a laugh when, finding out Merlin, didn't become, the antichrist people, believed would come-

-the, stronger forms, of power, he gains is through God-

-he promised, God not to teach magic,to anyone as this, would harm those who, use it-


Name: Maya

Age: 18-26

height: 8 feet tall

Species: Elf

Nationality: European

Personality: Kind loving, caring friendly, and peaceful( anyone who shows respect and kindness) but is tough, intimidating, and serious(towards people, in combat)

Fighting styles and skills

Enhanced Swordsmanship

Enhanced Combat

Powers and abilities

Elf Physiology

Superhuman  Strength

Superhuman speed

Superhuman Endurance

Enhanced Accuracy 

Enhanced Soul: Her soul, is enhanced to a higher level.

Longevity: she can age slower.

Enhanced Wisdom 

Dermal Armor

Lesser Divinity: The user has a minor portion of divinity and divine powers granting them stronger amounts of power beyond the mundane but still weaker than those of full divinity, making users a minor divine being by nature, a status which can be obtained a number of different ways. Users can gain this lower divinity by having a divine ancestry, transforming into a minor deity or other divine being either by another god or by faith, channels, acting as a vessel for, the power/soul of a divine being, mimicking/steal powers from a divine being, or be enhanced/evolved to the point of minor divinity

Containment Immunity; Is immune,to all forms of Disease and viruses

Weakness; Can still die through unnatural means.

(all the art that is used, belongs to respected creators)

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