Clarissa Everett

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Name: Clarissa Everett
Age: 28
Physical age: 19
Province: Riverward
Occupation: Seamtress
Looks: The seamstress is on the shorter side, being only 5' 3". She has chestnut eyes and golden brown hair. The only fae looking part of her is her pointed ears.
Fae traits: Her pointed ears give her away as fae but her none pointed teeth give her away as partially human. Her magic is on the stronger side of things, but heat is because of hardwork.
Animal form: chickadee
Magic: Her elemental power is fire, growing a spark into a flame and even larger if she is really up to it. She doesn't tire as fast as most being trained by her parents who wanted her to be strong and independent.
Personality: She is a very persistent person and doesn't give up easily even if she is burnt out. She is as colorful as her flames making her enjoyable to be around. She can stand up for herself and others. Clarissa was taught to be kind but at the same time firm. She believes in her own opinions and any decision she makes, she keeps to it wholeheartedly. She is hardworking as well as hardheaded.
Likes/hobbies: She likes to learn new things even if they are difficult. She loves to be challenged but can tend to get frustrated. She liked the color blue, mostly because it is opposite of the color she is used to. She enjoys cooking as well as sewing and sketching.
Dislikes/fears: She dislikes water and being in it, as it feels like her powers are withering away. She liked to admire and look at it, just never in it. She fears that she'll loose control one day and to something terrible. Her flame is an ally and an enemy in her eyes.
Strengths: She is a well balanced person most of the time, having her emotions mostly in control. She is a very social person and is fairly good at making friends. Being determined is also a great trait of hers. She never gives up.
Weaknesses: Her weakness is definitely water. It makes her feel insecure to be surrounded by it and feels almost suffocated by it.
Fae heritage: Her heritage is weak, her blood being diluted by many generations.
Thoughts on selection: She isn't too sure about how she feels about it. All she is thinking about is how strange it must be for the princes. Not to mention awkward.
Backstory: Her family was a little hard on her at times. She was the youngest and the 'weakest.' The positive thing about it is that is drove her to try try again. She was bullied sometimes but she didnt sit and cry never dwelling on the hurt but how to become better and stronger.
Passwords 1,2,3: No. never even heard of it XD. 🤗 & otakuinglasses AirJazzy 46rabbit

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