Private roleplay

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_SweetAsSugar_ (Jennnn XD)

Name: King Liam __________
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: the pic
Curse: The king is cursed with a golden touch. Only his wife is able to touch him and still maintain her human form. Everything he touched turns to the solid metal of gold. His features show gold dropping down his cheeks. They are a reminder of his tears, which also turn metallic and stick to his face. He can never go outside when it is warm because he is unable to perspire.
Personality: He is strict and forceful often setting up a mask for his subjects. He believes that a strong kingdom makes for a strong king, mentally and physically. He is physically built and strong. He was a diligent student as a prince and had a strong mind. He does what he knows that he has to make the best decisions for his kingdom and is overall a very king. He loves his family and wishes more then anything to touch his children. It was painful for him to only watch them be born. He never hold them as babies and they weren't able to touch him as children. They knew they couldn't. He tired to connect with them many other was though. He wants to be a good father.
Likes: He doesn't have many activities that he enjoys really. The only hobby he ever really had was art. It takes a lot of steps of precaution to know harden the fibers of the brush and canvas but he was able to do it.
Dislikes: He is very content...or as content you could be with a curse such as his own. He of course dislikes it, hating that it restricts everything that he does. That pretty much branches off into everything he dislikes.
Strengths: listed above. Strong both in body and mind. He is a determined man.
Weakness: Fire and electricity are his main physical weakness. His only mental one is when his children are upset. That puts him into much distress.
Fears: He doesn't have many fears since he had now come to the terms that the curses are indeed forever. He just wants the best for his family.

Name: Princess Kristen _______
Age: 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Looks: pic
Curse: She is cursed to know how to communicate with animals but never humans. English is something is cannot obtain. She uses only sign language and hand motions to communicate almost never opening her mouth. The only person that always really knows what she is thinking is her brother. If she does try to talk all that domes out are animal like noises often sounding distressed.
Personality: This princess is very whimsical and childlike. It was very hard for her to grow accustomed to human actions. To keep her clothes without holes and not chase after things like wild animals. Even walking normal was difficult not even including being graceful like a princess. With hard work and help from her brother she was able to do it but always had her breaks at times. Her might burst into a howl or accidentally mew like a cat. The prince carries a spray bottle with him for this reason. It's a reminder. Be human and act like one. 
Likes: She likes long long walks in the woods, or runs depending on how she is feeling. Talking to her animal friends is always most pleasant. And showing off her bird whistles are always fun. If her brother is up to it they might play catch with a ball or something. She loves him more then anyone because he understands her and cares for her.
Dislikes: She doesn't like that spray bottle, not at all. She might snap at him for it, but they always figure it out. She hated discipline and the pain it was to become a 'proper princes.' Dancing is something she has come to loathe. All the steps and only on those two feel like your hands are on someone else...not a very pleasant thought in her head.
Strengths: She is very strong in a fit kind of way. She is always getting exercise and if it came down to it, she could run for a very very long time. Stamina is her strongest suit.
Weakness: Her main weakness is probably plain common sense. She reacts to things like animals would and they are the smartest creatures. She hurts herself this way, by messing with things she shouldn't. The only really good part about this is that once an animal does something that will hurt them, they learn the first time and won't do it again.
Fears: She is afraid of strangers believe it or not and hides behind her brother is she can. For a while she might stand next to him but somehow finds her way back there. He of course doesn't mind, he wants he best for his sister.
Other: She has a pet bear cub in her room that is connected outside. It's name is Tia.

Name: Prince Jasper _________
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: Pics XD
Curse: Jasper has dead branches spreading from his back like wings but is really just dead weight. He can't fly after all, they only have curses, never abilities. His 'wings' show all of his emotions. If he is upset, they droop maybe even dragging behind him. If he is angry, some type of electricity runs rapidly through them and jump from one branch to another. If he is happy, they raise higher on his back and might bud with leaves and even white blossoms. He often has to walk sideways through doors just to get in through them.
Personality: Jasper is probably the most diverse in personality of these three. It really depends on who he is with. With his sister, he is usually happy and kind and might even laugh a little. With all of his family, he is a bit more withdrawn. He smiles maybe but his wings don't lie. They are usually neutral. Around strangers he acts much different. He is cold, dismissive, and uninterested. He will tolerate the selection but he doesn't necessary like it. After all, he knows the cost of this love. And it is treacherous.
Likes: He likes a few things in life. He enjoys Painting like his father, and dancing unlike his sister. He also enjoys learning to use swords and guns. He of course enjoys activities with his sister. He always wished he could swim but it is nearly impossible with the large wings on his back.
Dislikes: The thing that he really doesn't like about his curse is the trouble of getting on clothes. It's a terrible process in the morning that he still hasn't mastered. He doesn't like dairy foods. Eggs, milk, cheese, all of it he hates. Yogurt is the only one he will ever eat.
Strengths: His strengths? Comforting perhaps? Quick thinker? He isn't really sure. Understanding his sister is a big one for him other then that...who knows?
Weakness: His family is his weakness. If you tell him they are in trouble or hurt, he will do everything he can to get back to them. The rebels know this about him and might use it to back stab him...literally. He also cannot run fast. The pushing against his wings just slows him down and cause him to tire quickly. He is a good hider however. He uses his branches as camouflage.
Fears: He is afraid of love and what it might do to him so he tries to stay distant not let anyone else suffer. He can be a king alone and perhaps adopt a human child to be the ruler and end this curse and it's affect on everyone. That is his ultimate goal. And he will try everything to accomplish it.

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