Gordon Black

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Name: Gordon Black

Age: 13

District: 10

Sexuality: Confused

F/C: Joshua Colley

Personality: Gordon is, to put it simply,a little rat. He plays himself as sweet, innocent and nervous, but he is smart as a whip and doesn't have too much of a conscience. He would betray anyone to save himself, even though he wouldn't like doing it. He is a sweet talker, and can usually talk his way out of a situation. The only thing that stays the same on both sides of his act is his love of theater. Although he didn't get many chances to watch shows at home, Gordon loved pretending as a child, and grew into a boy who could easily flip his mask.

Likes: Drama/Theater, his home, indigo

Dislikes: Very sweet food, suspicious people,
having to do something he doesn't want to do.

Strengths: sweet-talking, looking innocent, basic medical herbs

Weaknesses: Not physically powerful, is very small and light (cant go without food for too long), isn't good with any weapons.

Weapon: doesn't know much about any, but can stab with a dagger or knife is need be

Token: a scrap leather bracelet

Quote: "So you'd better run for cover when the pup grows [up]" -Gavroche, Les Miserables

Family: Parents, a twin brother Cameron

Backstory: Gordon led a pretty typical life as a District 10 child. He and his brother shared many interests, including theater and talking. They each practiced on each other, and they both were assigned to raising calves. They both agreed that they wouldn't volunteer for each other, so when Gordon was reaped, Cameron gave him his token.

Theme Song: If the World Only Knew

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