Scarlett (Scar) Ndogo

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Name: Scarlett (Scar) N'dogo
Age: 19
Sexuality: Polysexual (likes everyone but men)
Caste: 4 (Ranch Hand)
Province: Calgary
Faceclaim: Winnie Harlow
Personality: Scar is cynical and brutally sarcastic, but has a sweet side if you know where to find it. She entered the Selection at her little sister's request (demand), even though she isn't interested in men.
Strengths: working with animals, writing, thinking up comebacks
Weaknesses: too quick to judge, will limit herself to what she thinks she's good at, is sometimes rude.
Fears: failure, her sister being disappointed, being forgotten
Backstory: Scar was born with vitiligo, a skin condition. At school, she was bullied and called "patches" and other cruel names. Her resentment grew, so she stayed inside whenever she could, and learned to bite back. Her sister begged her to enter the Selection because she was too young. Scar relented and, to her surprise and horror, was drawn.
Thoughts on Selection: it's a way for the royals to play around and act like they're actually doing something.
Quote: "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes." -Jim Carrey
Theme song: The Arena


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