Blue - ZDeath (Soulmate AU) (Part 1)

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(Eye color Soulmate AU. Also everyone is normal humans-)

(Warning: kinda depressing)

<-Zurlo's POV->

An obnoxious beeping cut into my blissful, dreamless sleep. I groaned, slamming my fist down on the alarm clock. It crumpled under the force, and I looked up to see the numbers 6:00 flashing, glitching out, trying to retain its purpose of telling time. I sighed and forced myself to sit up, blinking at the bright light that peeped through my black curtains. Running a hand through my red colored hair, mangled from my constant tossing and turning, I stood up unsteadily. Today's gonna suck again...

You're probably wondering why I have blackout curtains and hate getting up in the morning. Thing is, I'm color blind to the color blue. It's my soul color, the color I will see when I find my Soulmate. All I can see is a flat gray, no emotion, nothing. Why is that so bad, you ask? There's a ton of blue shit. You don't ever think about it, but the sky is blue. The ocean is blue. A lot of flowers are blue. Blue is one of the most common eye colors.

See my issue?

That last one bothers me the most. The eye color. It's irritating because my Soulmates eyes are supposed to be blue. When you look into someone's eyes and see a color you've never seen before, you are destined to be with them.

But like I said, blue is one of the most common eye colors.

Sighing again, I opened my closet and pulled on a shirt and sweatshirt, then pulled up a pair of pants that I had thrown on the floor. Don't worry, I checked to see if they stank. I'm not an animal.

Least I don't have blue eyes. Looking in the mirror hanging on the wall, I saw red irises glare back at me, begging to put this pathetic soul out of its misery. I know people say that blue is supposed to be the color of "sad", but personally, I think red fits the title better.

I groaned when I saw my hair, though. It was tangled, sticking out in places, and partially covered my right eye. Grabbing a comb on my bedside table, I ripped through the snarled hair, straightening it and pulling it out from my vision.

I always make sure my eyes are visible.

<-Starry's POV->

"I'm up," I hear my older brother Zurlo mumble as he walks down the steps. I squeal, whipping around and practically bowl him over with a massive hug. I know that he's probably not feeling to great, considering he's 18 and still has yet to find his Soulmate. I feel kinda sorry for him sometimes, since I just recently found my Soulmate, an adorable boy named Akemi, and I'm only 16. We have the same soul color, so I understand.

"Good morning, Zuzu! Moony is making breakfast before we go to school!" I cry cheerfully, and Zurlo smiles, his red eyes softening, and he pats my head.

"Then we better eat before we have to leave," he chuckles, and I let go of him, rushing into the kitchen, where by twin brother, Moonlight, was making pancakes for us.

He holds up his hand as soon as I get close, making sure I didn't tackle hug him, which I TOTALLY wasn't gonna do. "Morning Zac. Do we have to buy another alarm clock again?" He asks, sounding unimpressed. Zurlo let out a nervous chuckle.

"Ugh, why can't you wake up less violently. I swear, half mine and Star's paychecks go into buying you an alarm so you actually wake the hell up," he growled, placing the last of the pancakes on a plate. "Why can't you just get your head out of your ass and get over your soul color? Everyone has this issue, but you treat it like it's only you who has to deal with it. Star had the same soul color."

Zurlo cast his gaze to the ground, like the kitchens tiled floor became super interesting. I looked to make sure, and it really wasn't. I think he was just thinking. Thinking of a reason to justify his weird way of thinking. I do it a lot, but for different stuff.

"Zac, seriously. Get your life together. Get a job or something. You can't just keep living here if you're just gonna leach off of us," Moonlight continued, and anger sparked in Zurlo's crimson eyes.

"Ok, I get it! I'm a bad brother! Now can I eat?" The eldest snapped, and I backed up. They can't fight now...

"G-Guys! We have to get ready for school! Please don't fight now!" I interjected, and they both turned to me. I felt small beneath their intense glares, previously resting on each other.

"Fine, whatever," they mumbled at the same time. I sighed with relief. Good, no fighting today...

<-Zurlo's POV->

I stared up at the gray sky, the wispy white clouds the only think breaking the monochromatic slate. School was finally over again, and I'm pretty sure I totally failed the math test today. I got an essay tomorrow, and I'm not studying for that when I seriously see no point. I know I'm never going to find the person that's perfect for me. Some people go their whole lives without finding their Soulmate.

Aaaaaand I'm depressed again. Why can't I just think positively for, like, two seconds? What the hell is wrong with me?

I guess it could be worse. My soul color could be green, like one of my friends little sisters. Little short stack named Arial. Her soul color is green. Just thinking about not being able to see nature or anything like that...

Why the hell am I still thinking about depressing shit?

Speaking of green, I was walking through the park to get home. It was the long way home, mostly because I didn't feel like dealing with Moonlight ASAP. Even if I couldn't see the sky, I could still see the trees and flowers. Except bluebells. I hate bluebells. They remind me of myself. Down as shit.

I was walking down the sidewalk, winding through the trees and cutting through the grass. Wild flowers poked out of the green blades, adding colors that I could see, and more often than not, the one I couldn't.

Ahead of me, some kid, maybe around mine or my siblings age, walked with his head down, a backpack on his shoulders, gray in color. It might be blue, I can't really tell. His sweatshirt is a similar shade, same with his hair, and his pants were black. He wore headphones, a wire connected down to his pocket. His eyes were closed, and he seemed focused on the music rather than the direction he was walking.

I didn't really care. I mostly just glanced at him before looking back at the flowers. A bluebell hung over the edge of the sidewalk, weirdly placed. It's obviously not blue, just dark gray. Nearby, a rose bush sat next to a tree, the blood red petals infuriating me. I hate the color red. It's like a curse to me...

I felt something collide with my arm, and I think that sent me over the edge, whipping around to glare at whoever decided to piss me off. It was that guy in gray, or maybe blue, the idiot with the headphones.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, dumbass!" I hissed, and he lifted his head in alarm. He was just barely taller than me, maybe one or two inches, so we were about level in eye height. His eyes shot open, and...

I stepped back in shock, my mouth agape. His eyes... they were so strange, so different...

They were blue...

(Word count: 1296)

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