Rejection - Azly (Children)

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(Warning: Overwhelming cuteness and edginess.)

<-Narly's POV->


That's all I said as I stared up at the castle. "You live here!?" I squealed, turning to the young Atlantian prince beside me.

Nīnō smiles shyly and turned away. "Ah, yeah... I-it's nothing that special, though..." he murmured, the sound barely audible.

"Nothing??? NOTHING?!? You're the prince! You are awesome and your house is nice and your nice!" I exclaimed, receiving another nervous smile.

"W-would you like to go inside? I'm allowed to bring friends in, as long as they live near the city," he suggested, and my eyes widened, an obvious yes.


<-Azzy's POV->

I growled with irritation as I heard my father and the King of Atlantis arguing. Something political, not at all fun. Just, generally bad, I guess. I continued chucking clams at each other, chuckling as they collided. Some of the shells cracked upon impact.

The sound of the doors swinging open alerted me, and I paused mid-swing to throw another innocent crustacean. Looking to the door, I saw Prince Nīnō, the king's son, and some blue Merwhale I've never seen before. Sighing, I put the clam down and sped off to the courtyard, certainly not in the mood to deal with a clingy prince and some weird guy with a horn on his head.

I finally stopped near a patch of coral, surrounded by a forest of seaweed. Drifting down to lay on my back on the rough coral, I stared up at the blue surface, a place I've never been. The White Sphere cast streams of light into the water and onto Atlantis.

I don't live in Atlantis. I'm only visiting with my father while he tries to reason with the king. He himself is a king, the King of the Sirens, the most beautiful creatures to torture the sea. I smiled as I recalled the stories of my people. The legends of our songs luring "humans" to their deaths, and the tales of my ancestors creating a feared lineage. I, as prince, inherited that fear. And I, of course gladly accepted it.

This had drawbacks, of course. We are forced to live far outside the city, in a place known not by name, but by the formation around it. Luminous Trench, a place of beauty unseen by the ignorant Merfolk. I rolled onto my side, anger clouding my thoughts. How can they not understand us?! We have as much right to this ocean as them...

A rustle in the seaweed made me sit up, alarmed. A few seconds later, the blue Narwhal from before pushed through the green plants. Upon seeing me, he smiled and waved, oblivious that he was supposed to apologize to me for startling me. "Hi! I'm Narly!" He said, swimming closer.

I scoffed, backing up. "Ugh! Peasant! Do not approach me! You're probably filthy..."

He tilted his head. Then he brushed himself off with his hands. "There, I'm clean! Now can I come over?" He asked dumbly.

... What a moron... "No, you cannot," I growled, swimming into the seaweed.

"Oh, come on!" He cried, swimming after me. I swam faster.

I turned and glared back at him. "No! Go away, idio-" I felt the side of my face collide with something hard, rough, and cold, and I reeled back in pain, letting out a screech.

Startled, the Narwhal grabbed my shoulders and held me up as I covered my lower face with my hands. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright?! Is anything broken?" He continued asking measly questions even as I pushed him away, even if he had a firm grip and was probably stronger than me.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just ran into a pillar is all," I hissed sarcastically, but the moron let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good... I thought you broke your face or something..." He chuckled. I uncovered my face and gave him a look that said, 'Are you fucking serious?', but he didn't seem to notice. "Anyway, lets start over. I'm Narly. Sorry if I scared you."

"You didn't scare me, asshole," I growled, managing to pull out of his grip. "What is a useless peasant like you doing in the castle?"

Narly smiled at me. "Ah! Nīnō and I are friends! He let me come inside! It's suuuuuuuuper cool! Do you live here too?" He rambled, and I groaned. Not hard to believe that loser is friends with this guy...

"No, I don't live here. I'm here on Royal business with my father. He's king of the Sirens," I explained, and the Merwhale gasped from amazement.

"So you're just like Nīnō, huh!? You're a prince, too? What's it like being-" I cut him off with a warning hiss, and he swam back slightly.

"What's it to some poor, ugly, stupid narwhal, anyway? I'm nothing like that fugly crybaby! He's stupid and cowardly, living in total luxury while my people are incriminated for our instincts!" I yelled, not exactly at him, but at all of Atlantis. This place was total shit. I wanted to go home. I wanted my mom. I don't care if I'm old enough not to cry when I'm away from her. I wanted her because she understood what these morons couldn't. Rejection.

Narly was clearly taken aback by my outburst, but looked more confused than frightened. Of course... He doesn't get it. No one but Sirens do.

While he was still trying to collect himself, I turned and swam back into the castle to look for my dad. I wanted to go home.

(Word count: 924)

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