For DD!!!!! ^-^

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Toby wanted to make a perfect day for both him and DD, so be though of making a perfect date to make DD surprised. DD always blushed and stutter a lot which makes Toby more happier and happy that Toby and DD are dating.
"Am gonna make this day special for DD!" Said Toby. He ran to the woods and found a perfect spot deep in the woods. Deep in the woods there's a spot where beautiful carnations and roses grow and what's more romantic is the perfect watch to see the stars and moon.
"This is the place! The perfect place for a special girl!" Said Toby smiling under his mouth guard.
"But I need help" said Toby. Toby ran to slender mansion to tell all the Creepypastas for help, even sc.
"Sis please help me! Your the love master! I want this day special for DD!" Said Toby begging in his knees.
"Alright! For $10 dollars!" Said sc. Toby sighed and handed sc $10 dollars. Sc smiled under her mouth guard and thinks.
"I got it! Masky get some latern a! Hoodie get some Christmas lights! Slender make some delicious food and desert! EJ cut some flowers and bring it to my bro! And I need someone to play the violin, but who?" Said sc.
"Maybe me?" Said Lui.
"Ok we'll give it a try! I would play the piano, but I wouldn't roll it to the spot in the woods! That will hurt my back" said sc.
"Can we just stick to the plan please!?" Said Toby.
"You mister! Put some fancy clothes! Like a tux" said sc putting her white coat with a heart pin "the love expert here!" Said sc.
Toby laughed a little "Alright sis I'll go buy me a tux, but what about for DD?" Said Toby.
"Leave that to Jane! I told Jane about the date so she's thinking about the dress" said sc.
"Alright! I trust you sis" said Toby waving good bye to sc and running away to a fancy shop. Every Creepypasta got what they needed and started decorating the perfect spot for a perfect date for Toby and DD. Meanwhile, in DD room, DD was asleep, but not for long by a loud whack. Sc broke DD door with her hatchet. (XD)
"DD!!!! Wake up!!!! No more sleeping!!! Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!" Yelled sc.
"Am already up" said DD annoyed.
"Good! Now let's go!" Said sc dragging DD to the bathroom.
"Now change!" Said sc. DD mumbles "curse you sc!". DD notices a long sky blue dress and changes into the sky blue dress and white flats and exit the bathroom.
"Good! Now follow the petals to your destination!" Said sc.
"What the hell are you planning!?" Said DD.
"Hush child! Just follow the petals!" Said Sc. DD mumbles again and followed the petals, as for Sc went to the bathroom and change into a maid outfit.
"I! Hate! THIS!!!!!" Yelled Sc as she exit the bathroom to take the food to the date.
Meanwhile, DD kept following the petals to the destination.
"Curse you Sc! What the hell your planning!?" Said DD. She spotted light shinning in the woods and walk to the light to see Toby in a tux and holding a red rose. DD blushed and looked away from Toby as for Toby he chuckled and walk to her girlfriend.
"You look beautiful" said Toby handing DD the rose. DD blushed redder and Toby laughed.
"You look cute blushing" said Toby. DD blushed redder and couldn't stand Toby words.
"T-Thanks! Y-You too" said DD blushing. Toby blushed as well and and couldn't hide his blushing due to Toby not wearing his mouth guard.
"W-What's all th-this?" Said DD.
"A special day for you and me" said Toby smiling. DD blushed even redder and looks away from Toby
"Come DD let's eat dinner together" said Toby holding a hand out for DD to take. DD kept blushing and looked at Toby and took his hand blushing red. Toby smiled and seated DD in her seat and sat down in his seat.
"Too bad your going!" Yelled Jeff pushing Sc with the food.
"FUCK YOU JEFF!!!" Yelled Sc blushing by the outfit. Sc served the meals and ran away blushing so Ben won't see her. DD laughed "Now she knows my pain" said DD laughing. Toby nodded and ate his meal. After the meal, Toby and DD watched the stars and moon while Toby holding DD hand. DD blushed, but holds Toby warm hand.
"Today was a perfect day wasn't it?" Said Toby smiling.
"Yeah" said DD watching the stars. Toby leaned in and kissed DD on the lips. DD blushed red, but kissed back. Toby broke the kiss and smiled. Together both DD and Toby enjoyed this beautiful night watching the stars and moon.

Darkdiamond1 I hope you enjoyed this story for you and Merry Christmas! :)

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