For Mysteria!!! ^-^

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Masky walked around the woods thinking what to do with her girlfriend Mysteria. Masky didn't notice his son Derick walking behind him as Masky walked in the woods, but Masky heard a stick break and Masky got in battle mode only to see his son Derick.
"Derick what your doing here? Shouldn't you be with mommy?" Said Masky.
"Mommy asleep so I follow you here daddy" said Dereck with his cutest smile. Masky smiled and kept thinking of something special for Mysteria.
"Hey Dereck?" Said Masky.
"Yes Daddy?" Said Derick.
"I want to surprise your mommy, but I don't know how!" Said Masky frowning.
"How about a tea party!" Said Derick smiling (^-^).
"You just wanna see Sally playing tea party huh?" Said Masky smirking.
"W-What! N-No! Dad your crazy!" Said Derick blushing. Masky chuckled and petted his son hair "you know Christmas coming right dad?" Said Derick.
"Yeah I know" said Masky.
"Why not but mommy a gift?" Said Derick smiling. Masky smiled and petted Derick hair again "great idea! Let's go!" Said Masky taking his mask and jacket off. He grab Derick hand and walked to many shops to look for a perfect gift for Mysteria.
"This is hard choosing a gift for mommy! I want to give mommy a gift too!" Said Derick.
"Don't worry we'll get mommy a perfect gift" said Masky smiling. Derick smiled and nodded. Masky went to a jewelry shop to check on the jewelry. "Preeety!!" Said Derick (*.*).
"Yeah" said Masky smiling and checking the shop for a perfect gift for his girlfriend. He spotted a golden diamond heart necklace and was awed by the necklace. "I found the perfect gift for your mother Derick!" Said Masky. "Yay!" Said Derick smiling. Masky bought the necklace for $200 dollars, but Masky took money from killing his victims.
"I still haven't found mommy a gift!" Said Derick frowning.
"Well let's go find mommy her gift" said Masky smiling. Derick nodded and holds Masky hand as they both look at each shop they stop to find a good gift for Mysteria.
"Maybe mommy will like a new pair of headphones?" Said Derick.
"I don't know" said Masky. Derick sighs and frowns. Masky keeps checking every shop until he spots a bracelet with black pearls.
"How about that?" Said Masky pointing to the bracelet. Derick looked where Masky pointed and smiled. "YAY!! I found mommy a gift!" Said Derick smiling (^-^). Masky smiles and bought the bracelet for $100 dollars, but lucky Masky has money for taking the money on his hunting spree.

*Christmas Day!!!*

It's December 25, the perfect day for Christmas! All the Creepypastas went to the Christmas tree and open their gifts. Everyone happy and having a happy day. Derick got his gift for her mother and gave it to her. "For you" said Derick smiling.
"For me?" Said Mysteria.
"It's from me! Me and daddy bought it for you!" Said Derick "open it! Open it! Open it!" Said Derick jumping from excitement.
Mysteria opened Derick gift and smiled
"I love it Derick! It's beautiful!" Said Mysteria giving her son a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Derick giggles and smiles as he went to give Sally his gift and blushed.
"And this one from me" said Masky handing Mysteria her gift.
"Really?" Said Mysteria smiling.
"Yes, open it" said Masky. Mysteria opened the gift and looked surprised.
"I-it's beautiful!" Said Mysteria giving Masky a peck kiss. Masky smiles and loos up to see a mistletoe and smirks. Masky gave Mysteria a passionate kiss  as both Mysteria and Masky had a perfect Christmas as for Derick was about to kiss Sally cheek, but Sally backs away.
"COOTIES!!!!!" Yelled Sally.

MaskysGal I hope you like this story for you ^-^ this is my gift for you! Happy Holidays :)

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