Fulfilling the duties

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Gabby: We've received some dares from Lynn-chan and Rococo and today, Lucas will be fulfilling those requests ^^

Lucas: But I'm busy :(

Gabby: With what?

Lucas: Uh.....with my duties as a noble

Gabby: Don't lie to me, I saw your rip apart your chores list again

Lucas: Fine >:(


01: Do a split

Lucas: My legs are going to ache after this

Madison: Sir, you may need to change clothes first

Lucas: Why? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Madison: I don't think those shorts can handle vigorous activity

Lucas: Nonsense, this is going to be fine

Madison: *sighs* Bien, je ne t'empêcherai pas d'avoir l'air d'un idiot

(Translation: Fine, I won't stop you from looking like a fool)

Lucas: What was that?

Madison: Nothing

Lucas: If you say so

Lucas: *jumps up a bit then lands on the floor doing a split*

Lucas: I did it-- uh..... Madison....

Madison: What is it, my lord?

Lucas: I think I felt my shorts rip a little

Lucas: This is embarrassing, help me!

Madison: *stifling her laughter*

Lucas: Madison!

Madison: Pfft, sorry, young Earl *carries him*


02: Eat spaghetti with a spoon

Madison: Here you go *puts a plate of spaghetti on the table*

Lucas: Did you make this?

Madison: No, it's made by the new cook, Rococo

Lucas: Thank goodness--- I mean, thank you for giving it to me

Lucas: *picks up a spoon* I'm hungry, I have no time for this

Madison: A dare is a dare

Lucas: *desperately tries to make the noodles stick on the spoon*

20 minutes later.....

Lucas: *throws the spoon aside* Screw this *eats it using his hand*

Madison: Sir, you're getting sauce on your clothes

Lucas: I don't care, I'm starving


03: Slap Madison

Madison: I'm pretty sure Rococo hates me

Gabby: Who doesn't?

Madison: Ouch

Lucas: I'm sorry for this *slaps her*

Madison: Ow! I think my cheek is bleeding

Madison: Did you get your nails done?

Lucas: Yes, they're really sharp and polished

Madison: . . . . Lucky me


04: Give your parents a call and tell them that they're the worse for leaving you behind like that

Lucas: I'm gonna die

Madison: Don't exaggerate things--- nevermind, I agree with you

Lucas: *dials his parent's number* Wish me luck

Mrs. Wilson, from the other end: Who is this?

Lucas: It's me, Lucas

Mrs. Wilson: Oh, it's just you. What is it?

Lucas: *gulps* Listen, I'm tired of you people treating me like I'm some sort of worthless puppet you can just throw around whenever you please!

Lucas: So do us all a favor and disappear! *Ends the call*

Madison: Congratulations, young lord---

Lucas: *hides under the bed* I'm dead meat

Madison: It's not that bad. But then again, Duke and Duchess Wilson are pretty horrible

Lucas: Stop scaring me like that!


05: Wear long pants for the whole entire day

Lucas: Hmph >:(

Gabby: You need this dare, wear trousers for once in your life

Lucas: I don't want too, they're too warm and stuffy

Lucas: I definitely like shorts better

Gabby: Dude, you're a noble. Have some DIGNITY

Lucas: Eh.....nah

Gabby: . . . .

Gabby: Just put these on *hands him some long pants*

Lucas: *puts on the pants* I'm disliking this already

After 24 hours......

Gabby: Okay, time's up---

Lucas: *cuts the pants short* Sweet relief!!

Gabby: You have got to stop doing that

Lucas: Hm....no :)


06: Try to act merciful for once

Lucas: Ugh, fine *hops off the maid he was sitting on*

Maid: Thank you, my back was aching

Madison: But what about the other maid? I thought you were supposed to punish her because of theft?

Lucas: I would LOVE to poke her eyes out and watch it bleed, but unfortunately I can't

Madison: So, we'll just let it slide this time?

Lucas: yes.


07: Order takeouts by yourself (I have a feeling you have not done this before)

Lucas: I haven't, but how hard could it be? *Takes out his phone*

Lucas: Hello? Is this the pizza place?

Cashier, on the other line: Yes. What's your order? Make it fast, I was in the middle of hating my job

Lucas: Gee, so whiny

Lucas: Anyways, I'll order one pizza

Cashier: What type?

Lucas: Um.... anything will do as long as there's no anchovies or onions

Cashier: Mm, okay

Lucas: How long will it take to arrive?

Cashier: 30 minutes

Lucas: Is there any way to make the time shorter?

Cashier: Look, kid, just wait.

Lucas: But--

Cashier: I don't care *hangs up*

Lucas: . . . .

Lucas: I hope they get fired


08: Don't bother little vampy for the rest of the day

Lucas: Aww :(

Lucas: But he makes such a great chair

Gabby: You have got to stop sitting on his lap

Lucas: Eh, no. It's comfy there :)


09: Throw a strawberry pie in your face

Lucas: You have got to be kidding me

Lucas: *grabs the pie and smashes his face into it* Adrien might try to eat me now :(

Adrien: Ew, no. I like pie on a plate, not on the face of a shameless noble

Lucas: Phew :𝖣

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