Fun Facts

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Calling these things "facts" instead of "headcanons"  since everything I say in this book is Canon since I write about OCs and all

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Leo has to change bandages 3-5 times  a day. The wound is still leaking blood after all this time so he has a whole stash of spare bandages ready in his closet

No he will not go to the doctor and have it treated properly

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Tsuki plays Friday Night Funkin. Her current favorite Mod is Moony over Girlfriend (On the stereo)

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Whenever Jamie can't sleep, Sharron tucks him in bed and sings to him until he falls asleep

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Emilia can play the guitar, but she seldom plays it since it tires her fingers

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Sharron's eyes don't seem to have any pupils. It looks a lot like actual pearls, and due to this, he has the ability to see better in the dark.

It's useful especially when he goes to the deep, dark parts of the ocean

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Artemis needs to use a whole bottle of shampoo everyday since her hair is almost as long as her whole body

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Strawberries are Adrien's replacement for blood. He can last long without having to drink actual blood

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Puppet is made for children ages 4-9. Works for adults too if they want both a son and a doll

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At first glance, people might think that Oliver is older then Adrien (Due to their height and other physical appearances). But in reality, Adrien is the older one

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Ezra likes to listen to Kpop songs and even learned some of the Korean language

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Emilia and James have been thought to speak multiple languages while still in training at their parent's house

They mostly learned Japanese, French, Korean, and Spanish. Although they rarely use most of them and prefers to keep things simple by speaking English

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Although a pure Irish, Elsie didn't develop the native accent since her parents mostly focused on teaching her English

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Ella likes to use the last name "Moon" since she can't really spell out her real name yet

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Ash and James have been dating since 1865 (Total of 156 years)

This year, they're already engaged and are going to marry soon enough

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Whenever someone creepy approaches Ash, the rakshasa will try and scare them off with his face

He shifts his face into what looks like a monster, horrendous and a true nightmare for some

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Carnes has a tendency to follow things that look like Jamie

Ranging from orange things, to anything bendy or with bandages and spirals

They even once followed a traffic cone around thinking it's Jamie

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Jamie's right eye is sensitive to light, so he covers it with bangs 24/7 as protection

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Carnes likes to annoy the neighborhood by meowing as loud as they can

Whenever they do this, Coral would be ready to knock them out cold with a bat

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Coral's pigtails seem to not be attached to the rest of her hair, it's like it only floats to wherever her head is

Don't mind the clothes, this isn't really her final design. But as you can see, the pigtails don't stick

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Ever since Carina got hired as a reaper, she was given a new amount of strength along with a change in eye color

Her original eyes were purple, as a reaper, it turned green

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Lucas' most used app is Tiktok. He likes making videos and posting them on the site

And wherever he has a Livestream, the household maids would be ready to dare him to do all sorts of ridiculous stunts. Such as doing a cartwheel or standing on the edge of the balcony

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Liam's dads own a flower shop which is right next to their house.

He also helps cater to the flowers since he loves them

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Polaris has the ability to turn into the form of an adult man with beautiful eyes.

It kinda helps boost his business since a bunch of (fan)girls call him and tell him there's a "dead body" in their house

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Sometimes when Kasuke is in distress, a small rain cloud appears above his head (caused by both his negativity and the bad luck curse)

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Jane's homeschool tutor, Amanda (23-26 years old), is in love with her, but hasn't told her yet

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Carina is nearsighted, so she uses glasses and her special blindfold to enhance her vision

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Lucas' fashion sense mostly composes of long sleeved tops, shorts (not exceeding 6-8 inches long), and heeled boots

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Misaki likes scaring the heck out of people by first appearing as a normal teenage girl, then she walks right through a wall, showing that she's a ghost

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Elsie has a tendency to get lost. Especially when she's searching for groceries

The last time they let her out, she ended up in a meat freezer while searching for bread

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During Artemis and Fenton's wedding, the spider boy was the one who wore the dress since there wasn't any suits with 3 armholes

Ever since then, their family decided to do a gimmick of making the bride and groom crossdress at weddings

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This is the 100th chapter of this book, thanks to everyone who reads this ^^

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