Green Glasses

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(A/N: The video above doesn't really have anything that inappropriate, don't worry, guys)

It was a peaceful afternoon at James' house. Well, it WAS peaceful until Emilia decided to barge in without any precaution.

Emilia: Hey bro, look at what I've got

James: If it's something stupid again, I'm not interested

Emilia: I swear, it's not

James stared at his older sister with the "Get it over with" look. Emilia took out a pair of green glasses from her pocket.

James: What exactly are those?

Emilia: I don't really know, I just heard it was good for fangirls/fanboys

Emilia: Put them on and you'll see a great fantasy once you face a person ^^

James: Okay...?

The younger Lumi took the glasses and put them on. The sound of their room door opening was heard. He faced where the noise came from to see that Ash had just awoken from his nap.

James: Sis, you said it'll show a fantasy, why isn't anything-- wait

The glasses had shown him a vision of his boyfriend wearing a cute dress along with cat ears.

Emilia: Did it work?

James: . . . . . .

Emilia: James?

Emilia: Lil bro, you good?

She saw that her brother was now blushing like an idiot while his nose was bleeding.

James: I-It did

Emilia: Oh cool, now give me those back, I'm gonna test them out on Yuri

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