Love me

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The light of the moon reflected off the windows. Adrien opened his room door and flicked open the light switch. As he stepped in, he saw Lucas standing on the edge of his balcony.

Adrien: What are you doing here?

Lucas: To see the head of this mansion obviously

The vampire turned around and was about to head out after immediately getting irritated with the other, when a sword suddenly went flying to his direction.

It barely missed him and hit the wooden door. Adrien faced Lucas again with an agitated look on him. Lord Wilson stared back at him with a serious look in his eyes.

The younger boy started walking to the count, the heels of his footwear making clanking noises that echoed throughout the room.

All that Adrien could do was back away. After a few steps, his back had already hit the wall. Lucas continued to walk to him until they were only 2 feet apart.

Lucas suddenly slammed his hand to the wall, cornering the other and making him uncomfortable. He stared at Adrien's eyes, both in intimacy and a slight hint of desperation.

Adrien: What is wrong with you?! Do you want another duel or what?!

Lucas: I.....don't want to fight

Adrien: Then what do you want?!

Lucas: I want.... you.

Adrien gave off an expression of confusion and irritation.

Adrien: What are you talking about?! I thought you love Lady Tremaine!

Lucas: I did, but....

The serious look in Lucas' eyes slowly disappeared, leaving only a trace of despair.

Lucas: No matter how many times I try to give her my heart, she always crushes it in an act of coldness.

Lucas: There's no point in going after something that's long gone. She intertwined my heart in bitterness and spite, I no longer have the same feelings I had for her years ago.

Lucas: I'm nothing to her. She only sees me as an annoying prick in booty shorts!

Adrien: Then why go after me? I don't even like you at all

Lucas: Because after all this time, I finally noticed what she saw in you

Lucas: So please, Adrien, let me have you

Adrien pushed him away and walked away, clearly annoyed. He was about to head to the balcony when he felt something wrap around his leg.

He looked down and saw that Lucas was clinging onto his left leg. His face was hidden, but the vampire still saw some tears fall down the other's eyes.

Lucas: Please, don't abandon me as well, I cannot handle another painful rejection

Lucas: All I ask for is love, why can't I have any?

Adrien: Go ask for some from other people, I'm not giving you any

Lucas: I would, but as you can see, I have nobody

Lucas: My parents don't even give me the love I need. All they care about is the family's business and wealth, they never actually focused on me. They don't hesitate to leave their one and only son behind

Lucas: As for Madison, she stays beside me, but that's a because I pay her to

The younger aristocrat clung onto his leg even tighter, his face ruined by the warm tears that rolled down his cheeks.

Lucas: Please.....I'm desperate.....

Adrien took his hands off himself and shoved Lucas away. The count glared at him with an apathetic gaze.

Adrien: Look at you. I never thought I'd see Lord Lucas Wilson beg to me. How pathetic

He crouched down and looked at him.

Adrien: I suggest you give up. You end up in these situations because you always choose the wrong person.

Adrien: Before entrusting your heart with somebody, make sure they're the right one for you. All you do is rush at things because of your desperation.

Adrien: Choose someone else. Because you won't receive any affection from me. I don't love you, you have to understand that

He stood up straight again and walked out of the room, leaving Lucas there, quiet and trying to figure out things.

"You chose the wrong one again, Lucas. Now watch as your heart gets shattered in a war of love and despair"

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