Incorrect quotes 2

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Ezra: You know, underneath all that, you're actually quite kind

Ella: Repeat that disgusting slander again and you'll be hearing from my lawyers


Sharron: I like being Jamie's friend, but sometimes I miss a few things

Sharron: Like the absence of noise and the moments I'm not exposed to insanity


Calix: I'm perfectly fine

Calix: The doctors said my bleeding was internal

Calix: That's where blood is supposed to be


Kasuke: I need help in talking with boys

Emilia: And you came to me?



[Elsie]: Hi, this is Elsie my phone broke and I'm using a friend's phone rn

[Oliver]: Really? Prove you're Elsie

[Elsie]: Stop making things so difficlut

[Elsie]: *Dificcult

[Elsie]: *Diffikult

[Elsie]: Frick

[Elsie]: *Tricky

[Oliver]: Yeah, that's Elsie alright


Adrien: Why aren't you doing your duties?

Oliver: Well, Madison--

Adrien: Got it. No need to explain


Lucas: I made a mistake

Adrien: Does it involve me?

Lucas: No, but-

Adrien: Then suffer alone


Takashi: Can you try to see it from my perspective?

Yuto: *Crouches down* Is this better?

Takashi: ....


Liam: Who hurt you?

Leo: Do you want a list or what?


Sharron: Okay, I'm going to leave for a few minutes to grab some food, stay right here and don't cause any trouble

Jamie: *thumbs up*

*5 minutes later*

Sharron, on the phone: WHAT DO YOU MEAN JAMIE GOT ARRESTED?!


Kitty: How do you get to a person's heart?

Berry: Knife to the chest

Kitty: Oh god, I didn't mean it like that--


Kichiro: What's it like being around Carnes?

Coral: Imagine a peaceful life with a civilized person

Kichiro: Okay..?

Coral: Now throw that idea out the window

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