Temporary servant

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Elsie: Wait, where is this supposed to go?

Calix: Attach that on the left

Elsie: My left or your left?

Calix: We're facing the same way!

Kasuke: Guys, which one of these is salt?

Calix: pour a quarter of it in your mouth to see

It was another day at the mansion and the three servants were having trouble with their chores.

Kasuke couldn't figure out which jar contains salt or sugar since both of the containers look the same, while Elsie and Calix were attaching the new curtains on the windows.

Oliver was busy himself. He was in charge of putting away the clean dishes. They were passing by the others carrying 50 plates in both of his hands, when he saw that Elsie slipped and fell off the ladder she was standing on.

He threw the plates up in the air and caught the maid in his right arm before she could fall to the floor. He then used his other arm to catch the plates.

Oliver: Elsie, please be more careful

Elsie: Thank you, Oliver. But uh, how did you do that? Isn't that pile of plates heavy?

Oliver: We've been co-workers for 2 years, I have managed to adapt to situations like this

She stood up straight and went back to her duty, while he went to the kitchen before another mishap happens.

He was in the middle of arranging the dishes when Kasuke came running in, crying.

Oliver: Kasuke, what's wrong?

Kasuke: I-I've got salt in my eyes!!

Oliver let out a sigh and guided him to the sink. They helped him wash off the salt and even wiped his face with a handkerchief to dry it.

He then helped him prepare for school and shoved Kasuke out the door before he misses the bus again.

Everyday was like this, it was mishap one after another. He was in charge of most of the duties here, and it was tiresome.

They went upstairs to the study room. He knocked on the door and Adrien opened it.

Oliver: Master, may I ask a favor?

Adrien: What is it, Oliver?

Oliver: I wish to take a day off. Last month I haven't gotten a proper amount of rest, and I think I should get some now to make up for it

Adrien: On normal occasions I would've said "yes", but today is a busy day and I can't let us be understaffed

Adrien: But, I don't like seeing you so tired too, so let's do a compromise

Oliver: What do you have in mind?

Adrien: Find someone to take your place for the day. If you manage to do that, I'll let you go

Oliver thought for a while. He needed someone who can put up with this. He grabbed his phone and dialed Atsushi.

Oliver: Sir Atsushi, could you please come here today? We need you

Atsushi: What for?

Oliver: I want you to take my place for a day

Atsushi: Huh--

Oliver: See you in a few minutes. I'm not taking "no" for an answer

He hung up the call. After about 20 minutes, Atsushi arrived at the front gate.

Oliver opened the gate and let him inside. He led him to the study room.

Oliver: My lord, I have found a replacement. Can I go now?

Adrien: You may. Have fun

The doll exited the room leaving Atsushi and Adrien there.

Adrien: So, you're the temporary replacement. Since we recruited you, I can now give you some jobs to do.

Atsushi: How old are you anyways?

Adrien: 1000 years old

Atsushi: ...... I'm 885

Adrien: I'm older than you then

The orange haired boy bowed down.

Atsushi: I shall do the chores, Adrien-san

Adrien: Good

The vampire pulled out a list from his pocket.

Adrien: You must sweep the ceiling, pick up Kasuke from school, do my homework, help me put on some shoes, comb my hair, and get me cake

Atsushi: I'm sorry but, I can't do your homework. That's sorta wrong

Adrien: I always get help with it. It's very basic stuff, I'm sure you can manage to answer a few questions from charm school.

Adrien: Write it down on a cream colored paper. You should use a 5'0 ballpoint tip, and make sure to write it in italicized style

Atsushi: (I'd rather babysit Yuto. This grown up is..... pathetic) Alright, I shall do your homework

Adrien: Finish everything I asked and come back at 6:00 pm to help Calix in the kitchen. And by the way, Kasuke's school is letting out students earlier than usual, so you better go handle that in a few minutes

He left the room. Atsushi inhaled sharply hearing his commands. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the window.

Kichiro: Hello!

Atsushi: Yes?

Kichiro: I heard what happened. I can help you with those chores if you promise to buy me a Nintendo switch

Atsushi: Fine, I accept your offer

Kichiro: Great :)

Atsushi went downstairs and went out the door. The first thing he was supposed to do was pick up the god of misfortune from school.

Meanwhile, Kasuke was already dismissed from class. He underneath a tree while clutching his bag.

Kasuke: Strange, it's 5:00 pm but Oliver still isn't here

Kasuke: What if he got ran over by a truck.....

He stood up and started running around the school yard.

Kasuke: Oliver!!! Where are you?!? Are you dead?!?!

Atsushi had just arrived at the school. He looked around the area wondering which student is Kasuke. When he saw the jinxed boy running around like an idiot, he assumed it was him. He approached the panicking boy.

Atsushi: Excuse me, are you Kasuke?

Kasuke: Eek!

He pulled out his sword that was hidden in his bag's pocket and pointed it at Atsushi.

Kasuke: W-who are you?

Atsushi: Easy there, kiddo. I'm Atsushi, and I'll be taking over Oliver's duties while he's on a day off

Kasuke: O-okay then

He pushed the sword away from his direction. The short Japanese boy put away his weapon.

Atsushi: Come along, kid. Let's go to the mansion

Kasuke handed him his bag. It was really heavy, because it was filled with 6 thick hardcover textbooks, 13 notebooks, a 2 liter water bottle, and other school supplies.

Kasuke: Here you go. Oliver usually carries my bag whenever we head back home from school

Atsushi: (Seems like everyone in the mansion relies on Oliver a little too much) Okay

Kasuke: Thank you

He carried his bag and they both headed back to the mansion. Atsushi let out a sigh while Kasuke was skipping happily back home without the weight of his supplies on his back anymore.

Atsushi: I hope Kichiro is doing his chores properly

They arrived at the front door. That's when Adrien decided to yell from the second floor.

Adrien: Atsushi, why aren't you here yet? I need help with shoes! Now!

Atsushi: Excuse me, but I just got back, Adrien-san

Adrien: Drop that bag to the servants' room then come back to me with my footwear.

Adrien: Also, help Elsie get off the roof, she's been stuck there for the past 20 minutes

Atsushi: Kichiro, help the lady get down from the roof

The cat boy came out of the kitchen and nodded. He went outside and climbed all the way up to the roof. There, Elsie was clinging onto the canopy.

Elsie: This doesn't look like the garden. I really need a map

Kichiro skipped to her

Kichiro: Hello, I am here to get you down

Elsie: Hello there, talking grocery bag with ears

Kichiro: Stand up please

Elsie: Okay-

She attempted to stand up, but she slipped on her own two feet and fell down. Atsushi saw this and quickly caught her.

Kichiro: Great catch!

Elsie: Thank you, humanoid orange sherbet

He nervously sweated at her remark and put her down.

Atsushi: You're welcome, miss

Elsie went to find the garden while Oliver had just arrived. He peaked through the gate.

Oliver: How's it going so far, Atsushi?

Atsushi: Horrible. I want to ground that grown up vampire so bad

Oliver: Too bad none of us can ground him. If you try, you'll probably get bitten. If any of us servants try, we'll most likely get suspended

Atsushi: Bitten? I'm not afraid of a little vampire bite

Oliver: Then go test him out. But I'm warning you, he can throw a terrible fit

The doll left the scene. Atsushi went upstairs and knocked on the study room door.

Atsushi: May I come in?

Adrien: Enter

He opened the door and stepped in. Adrien was currently reading a book.

Atsushi: There's something we need to discuss about

Adrien: Go on, speak

Atsushi: It's about your attitude

Adrien closed the book and put it aside. He then looked him dead in the eye.

Adrien: What about it?

Atsushi: I hate it. You're so obnoxious and bossy that it's driving my crazy

Adrien: Well that's how I am. So shut up and deal with it.

Atsushi: So I guess you wouldn't mind having to put up with my attitude then?

Adrien: Atsushi, I have dealt with 3 idiots 24/7 for the past two years. I can definitely handle a measly demon like you

Atsushi: If you say so

The orange boy drew out his katana and used it to slice through the curtains. Adrien just rolled his eyes.

Adrien: Elsie has done worse

Atsushi: But this is just the beginning

Adrien: Go on, this is interesting to watch

Atsushi: Are you sure?

Adrien: Yes

Atsushi: As you wish

He grabbed Adrien by the collar. He slammed him on the study table then pointed his blade near his throat.

Atsushi: I tend to get a little aggressive when I'm pissed off

Adrien: Stab me. I dare you.

Atsushi: (Dammit)  You really want to die?

Adrien: Kasuke has pointed his weapon at me 145 times already, I'm practically used to scenes like this

Atsushi: He just points the blade at you, nothing more than that

Adrien: Would you let me go already?

He let out another sigh and retracted his katana.

Atsushi: I'm still pissed off at that personality of yours.

He walked out the room, not closing the door on his way out

Adrien: I suggest you watch your surroundings, an accident might happen anytime now

Atsushi: What accident?

He pointed to Kasuke and Calix. They were holding a newly shook soda bottle with a mentos in it and it's end was pointing at Atsushi's direction.

Calix: On the count of 3, you let go and make it fly to the newbie

Kasuke: Is this a good idea?

Calix: I dunno. Okay, 3....

Atsushi took out his katana again and used it to stab the bottle while glaring at them.

Atsushi: Are you looking for trouble with me?

Calix: Uh....you got this, kid!

Calix ran off leaving Kasuke there on the verge of crying.

Atsushi silently left the place. Honestly, he was so done with them.

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