Chapter 1: Welcome to Green Dolphin

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

2011, Florida. Green Dolphin Street prison:

Jolyne: Oww... Wha... Gh...

Guard: Stop being so dramatic, your fingers can't hurt that bad. Sorry about yesterday, FE40536, but... It's your fault for hanging on to the bars. Them's the rules.

Jolyne: I had already let go... And, you hit me twice.

Guard: Hmm... I missed that, did you saaaay something ?

Jolyne: No... What do you want with me ?

Guard: You have a visitor. Stand up, I need to cuff you.

Jolyne: ... ... A visitor... Who... Who is it ? ... My mom ?

Guard: How should I know ?! Stick out your hands !

Guard: Stand at that mark, and let me explain the rules. You have 30 minutes max. You can hold hands, but you're not allowed to kiss or get naked. This is because it could allow you to exchange objects. Any presents you receive will be given to you after inspection. You're not allowed to speak in any foreign language, either. Your conversation will be recorded, and your meeting may be canceled prematurely due to the content. Wait at that spot until the door in front of you opens !

Trashcan: You can't go any further... Turn back...

Kid-in-the-trashcan: Abandon the meeting and go back to your cell.. You... You can still turn back... You... You can't meet that man. Don't go to the meeting.

Jolyne: WHAAA ?!! Who are you ?! Wh- Who are you?! 'Who is that kid ?! Wh- What the fuck ?!'

Kid: I can't explain it... I don't know the details either... But in this world, there exist things worse than death, and one of them is happening right now. I want you to let me save you. You can still make it... Go back to your cell !

Jolyne: But who are you ?! How did you get here ?! How do you know me ?! None of what you're saying makes any sense !

Kid: Don't go !

Jolyne: I... I can't... I want to see my mom ! And i'm sure she feels the same way... I want to show her that I'm well and hopefully put here at ease a little !

Kid: ... ... ... then at least... take this... You can't let go of it. Treasure it as much as you treasure your mom...

Guard: Ok ! FR40536, get inside the visiting room !

Jolyne: ... ... ... Hiee ?! Wh- hat is this ?! A... Bone !! Ah !

Jolyne: 'Not mom... Inside there... It's a man...'

Jolyne: Th- This is... This is !

Jotaro: That pendant I left with your mother... Did you take it ? Jolyne.

Jolyne: ... ... ...

Guard: H- Huh ? BUGAAAH !!

Jolyne: Now I'll go to solitary confinement for a while !! If I had known it was you, I would have never come ! You've got some nerve, coming in here and acting like my father ! Get the hell ouuuut !!

Jotaro: ... Gimme a break... Sorry, but I'm getting you out of here. Right now. That's the whole reason I came, in the first place. But, also... You probably shouldn't have done that.

Jolyne: Huh ?!

Jotaro: Punching that guard... That was a bad idea.

Jolyne: Duh ! That's what I wanted ! To get away from you !!

Jotaro: No, you don't get it. It's a bad thing, not because he's a guard here... But rather...

Guard: Oowwwww... Damn, did I feel that one... You really pack a punch, you know that ?

Jolyne: W- What ?! How... I hit that guy as hard as I could ! He can't be awake !

Guard: Oh, trust me Jojo, I know you didn't hold back... Almost dislocated my jaw there, with your [Stone Free]...

Jolyne: How do you know... Don't call me Jojo ! The only ones who can use that nickname are my mom and... And...

Guard: So I take it my disguise was convincing then ? Even though, it's true that it has been more than a decade since the last time I had to babysit you... And I did change quite a bit since then. But even so...

Your POV:

"You've grown quite a lot, haven't you ?"

Jolyne: You... But then, all this time... Back there... With her...

"Ah, Goo-Goo Dolls ? Good times."

Jolyne: But... Why are you here ?!

"Ask you self-proclaimed father over there. To be frank, 99% of all the shit that happened to me these last 20 years was because of him."

Jotaro: I have the suspicion you're holding a grudge against me...

"No, really ? What made you think that ? After all, what could've possibly happen to justify it ? Let's try, in chronological order: 'Hey Y/n, wanna come with us to Egypt to kill a near-immortal vampire and save my mom ? You'll probably lose most your friends and almost die though'."

Jotaro: ... Remember you went out of your free will-

" 'Oh, Y/n. What, you just spent years in an alternate dimension and risked your life fighting a literal deity ? That's cool and all, but my grandpa cheated on his wife and I need to look after his illegitimate son. Wanna tag along, I promise you won't have to fight any serial killer with terrifying powers'."

Jotaro: Uh... I... I never really forced you-

"Hey, remember that vampire you killed years ago ? I need you to go to Italy and search for someone, which I may forgot to mention is actually his son. What do you mean you became an operative for the biggest mafia of the entire country ?"

Jotaro: ... ... ... ...

"'Oh, you once again went to another universe, landed in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and had to fight everyday for your life, almost dying on several occasions and losing most of the people you cared about there ? That's cool and all, but you see, I was such an absent father that my only daughter ended up in prison, so wanna go and check if she's okay ? I know I could do it myself, but i'm way too busy caring for Koichi and jacking off to starfishes pictures.' I think that takes here and now."

Jotaro: ... Okay, you point then ?

"I'm tired of this shit, Jotaro. 20 years. It has been 20 fucking years, since that day I carried you to the infirmary and started this whole stuff. So let me tell you what's gonna happen from now on."

"The way out for you is ready, so, I'm gonna make you both break out of here, help you escape, then you will give me the last arrowhead as promised, and then... I'll just disappear. I don't know where I'll go, but you won't hear of me, ever again."

Jotaro: ... Very well.

"Don't misjudge things, I don't regret what happened one bit. I'm just... I just think I had enough. Enough adventure for an entire life. I just had my fill."

Jotaro: ... About that whole story with Giorno...

"Not gonna lie, I pretty much wanted to Steely Dan you all the way from Morioh to Neapolis after that."

Jotaro: Yes... About that very subject... There might be something I forgot to say to you before you came here...

"... ... ... ..."


"You have my full... Complete... Undivided... Attention."

Jotaro: The man in this photograph is Johngalli A. He's a veteran sniper who was supposedly able to hit his targets even through 20 meter wind speeds. According to an investigation, his cataract have caused his eyesight to become extremely poor. And he's currently being held in the male section of this penitentiary.

"How does that concern me ? I've never met the guy."

Jotaro: At first, it doesn't concern you. Listen to me, Jolyne. The person who framed you for murder and put you in this prison wasn't your boyfriend Romeo. It was this man... That car accident was a set up.

Jolyne: ... ... ...

Jotaro: Johngalli A. ... Sent orders to some thugs from inside this prison and got them to throw a random hitchhiker out into the street during the rain. Romeo and you both just jumped to conclusions and thought you hit him.

"So that asshole of a lawyer..."

Jotaro: He is talented, but he's also sly and only lives for making money, so if using him right, he'll be able to bend the law any way he want to. Since you already had car theft on your record, it was easy for them to pin you with something else. The one who directly hired that lawyer wasn't your rich boyfriend. First, Johngalli A. lured some rich kid into a trap. He was controlling everything.

Romeo: Help me, Jolyne. Were you lying when you said you liked me ?!

Judge: You stole that car, didn't you ?

Lawyer: It's called plea bargaining. If you admit your crime, you'll only get half a year.

Judge: 15 years ! 15 years !!

Jolyne: ... Why ?

Jotaro: ... ... ...


Jotaro: Johngalli A. Put himself in jail on purpose. Because you're related to me. So that he can dispose of you, whenever he wants.

"That still doesn't explain... Where does this all start concerning me ?"

Jotaro: ... *Fidgeting*...


Jotaro: ... Speaking to someone's heart is an amazing thing. But sometimes... Garbage gets left over. Garbage known as grudges... He never met him in person, but Johngalli A. Worked for an old enemy of ours... I'm sure of it. Even though over 20 years have passed, he's turned his fanaticism toward that man into a motive for a grudge.

"So you're telling me... You sent me in the prison to look after your daughter... Without telling me their was a military-trained, Dio fanatic ex-sniper who'd want nothing but put a bullet or 12 into my brain..."

Jotaro: ... ... ... I figured you would never accept if I told you...

"And that's it ? That was your reasoning ? I can't believe it... After all the shit we went through together... This is the level of faith you put in me ? I'm hurt, Jotaro, I'm hurt."

Jotaro: What ?

"You think mortal danger will make me step down ? I've basically been sentenced to death a few months ago. What, you expected me to be scared ?"

Jotaro: ... Your Stand isn't power-based... You would have a hard time defending yourself against non-stand users here... That's why- BUARF !!

"Jotaro, Jotaro, Jotaro... If that was really your concern... How about you come here and check just how defenseless I am ?"

Jotaro: ... IF you insist... STAR P-



Jotaro: W- What ?! 'On par with Star Platinum... Without his Stand ?!'

"That's how weak I am, Jotaro. Because unlike you, these 20 years I spent training and honing myself."

"So let me repeat. You guys will escape... And then, just forget about me."

Jotaro: Looks like I underestimate how much all of this affected you... But this is the right decision. Jolyne, you need to get out of here at once, that's why we both are here, got it ? You didn't genetically inherit anything, but since you're my daughter, you should have the potential. Did you get a Stand yet ? Just use that to escape.

Jolyne: Every time we meet, you always tell me something bad... Like how you're going to leave mom for a few years... Or get divorced... I'm sick of it. Don't you dare give me orders like you're my father or something. I get thrown in jail, and then you finally come to see me ? Why ? Because of love ? There isn't a speck of you in my heart anymore. But whatever. I'll take that shocking story and the stuff about the pendant with a little optimism. You can go now. And don't come back.

Jolyne: And Y/n... i'm grateful and all, but I won't need help. I don't need you to keep looking after me like I was still a little girl. I'll escape from here with my own power soon, there's just something that happened inside that's been bugging me, so I'm going back in for now.

"... *Sob* They grow up so fast... Uncle Kakyoin will be so proud when he hears about that..."

Jolyne: Stop it.

Jotaro: ... Wait. Who was smoking that cigarette ? None of us smoke, yet smoke's rising up from it again.

Jolyne: Pffft.



Jotaro: It... It can't be !! Jo-

Jotaro: Strings... ?! You made a net out of strings... And dispersed the power of the bullet, just like a bulletproof vest. All in... An instant...

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