Chapter 2: Sniped

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jolyne: *Cough* *Cough* Wh??? What... Was that ?! A bullet ?!

Jotaro: Stay away from the door. He's been aiming to kill us this whole time...

*Stand user: Jotaro Kujo

Stand: Star Platinum: -Power A

-Speed A

-Range C

-Persistence A

-Precision A

-Potential A

Punchy boi*

Jotaro: I told you to put out the cigarette ! For some reason, he can completely follow your movements !

Jolyne: And I told you to stop acting so high and mighty ! I was just about to put it out myself, you know !!

"Just great... Like bickering was what we need in that situation... They are 3 windows on the far right side of that hallway, that's where the shot came from. What about the bullet ?"

Jotaro: A sniper premium made for a rifle. Wherever he is, he managed to snipe us all the way in this room. The whole question now is figuring out how he did it.

"Assuming he's a Stand user."

Jolyne: A rifle ? *Cough* Hold on a minute... Why are you talking about a rifle ?! That guy in the photo... I understand that he planned to have me thrown in here ! But you said he's a prisoner here too, right ? This is the women's prison ! And prisoners don't even have their own ballpoint pens here !

"Naivety of youth. Guns can easily be taken apart... then, you just need to put each part inside a piece of ham or a bottle of shaving cream, have a friend bring it? bribe the guard and you'll be able to receive it without any sort of inspection. Little by little, piece by piece... After several month, you can put everything together and assemble your very own rifle."

Jotaro: You survived that shot due to pure luck. IT was a coincidence, you won't be able to predict when he fires next. Not with a silent rifle...

"Speaking of, I'd rather know how much you rusted since last time. How long ?"

Jotaro: Two seconds.

"... ... Aren't we just in deep shit..."

Jolyne: Y- You mean... he came over from the male prison to kill me ?! And he's still here ?!

"A silent rifle, plus some ability. The real question now is how to make you two get out of here without unwanted holes."

Kid: Don't go to the meeting... Don't let go of this... Treasure it as much as you treasure your mom...

Jolyne: hey... Do you know what this is ? I don't get it either, but it has some sort of secret...

"... Human bone. Sacrum from an adult female's pelvis. And judging from the surface appearance, it was melted by some sort of acid... Where did you even pick up that ?"

Jolyne: Acid ?

Jotaro: Shhh... Look...

Jolyne: Huh ?! What ?


"Don't stick out your face too much... i'm afraid this is more than just some piece of trash..."

Jolyne: B... But... What the... Now it's moving away... Floating down again... Like it's just dancing in the wind...

Jotaro: Don't do anything... That must be his stand... Don't do anything. Just watch and figure out what Johngalli A's trying to do...

Jolyne: It dodged ! Can it see the strings ? I can't catch it !

Jotaro: Why did you do that... Quiet down.

"It's reacting to something... But not the movements of the strings directly... More like... Look, now it's moving in a direction that has nothing to do with the strings... Air currents..."

Jolyne: What ? You mean it reacted to the air currents created by the strings' energy... And dancing around...

"And it can probably use it to sense our positions... Looks like we're stuck here until we find a way to neutralize it."

Jotaro: That still doesn't explain how he was able to snipe us in the room... Jolyne, you can't move away from the wall... The same goes for your stand. Get ready...

"Taking it out ? I can do that. On your marks, ready... And..."

Jotaro: [STAR PLATI-]

Jotaro: 'I knew timing would be a problem... I was just a little too late. I can't tell when... To stop time...'

"GAH- !"

Jotaro: he was aiming for this... For when two people move... Ho knows there are three people in this room. He was waiting for two people to move at the same time, then pinpointed our locations and fired...A single shot...

"Ksssshhh... That guy... He used that as a satellite to read the flow of the air... And is aiming at it with his rifle... A sniping satellite, acting as a relay for the bullet !!"

Jolyne: We... Weren't you hit in the head by that bullet ?!

"Not the first time. And I've had worse. In any case, stay against the wall, Jolyne. I doubt we can pull that off a second time."

Johngalli: Muscles can't be trusted. When skin is exposed to the wind, muscles become stressed and begin to subtly expand and contract. The body can't control these movements. A rifle should be supported with bone. Bones sense the stability of the ground and unify the gun with it. That's the kind of anchorage one can trust.

Johngalli: ... Meteorologists say the wind's movements are unpredictable. They have a point. But the wind isn't completely unreadable. Is this fly just flying around aimlessly ? No. It's sensing scents and the flow of the air as it flies. The fly's movements are the wind.

Johngalli: There are three people in the meeting room. I fired a bullet through one's shoulder.. Judging from his height and the location of his shoulder, that was Kujo Jotaro... It has to be. And the guard. He won't be moving anymore... I hit him straight in the head. The problem is the first shot I fired. Jolyne Cujoh... I know that shot hit, but she's alive for some reason. Did Jotaro happen to stop time then ? So be it... This doesn't change the plan at all. My stand, [Manhattan Transfer]... Is completely tracking your movements inside that meeting room !


Jolyne: You said we need to destroy that, right ? The sprinklers... the fire alarm's probably going off too... Look at it's movements ! The drops of water are preventing it from reading the air currents ! NOW ! [STONE FREE] !!

Jotaro: NO ! WAIT ! Look closely !!

"It's dodging them... the drops of water... It can even read the air currents from each separate drop. Jolyne, get back to the wall ! He's going to fire !

???: Listen carefully, Jolyne ! Kick the rock ! Underneath that pillar !!

Johngalli: Hm ?! Against the door... there's another person ! No... was he hiding there the whole time ?!

Kid: Hurry !! Move that stone under the pillar ! Kick it really hard !

Jolyne: Y- You ?!

Kid: Don't worry about me ! Hurry ! Okay ?! Don't forget what I said ! I want you to survive this !

"What ?! Who was that kid ?!"

Jotaro: No idea... neither that or what he was talking about, but he somehow knew about the gap between the walls.

"Judging bt how deep it looks... It must leads to the prison's sewer... Maybe even outside."

Jotaro: Let's go, Jolyne ! This is our only chance ! What are you doing ?! he's reading our movements ! Hurry up and get inside !

Jolyne: Where did he go ? The Stand's gone...

Jotaro: No it isn't ! It's still nearby ! he's just looking for the perfect sniping angle !

"No... She's right, it went away... After that kid... He's planning to start by him for telling us about the passageway..."

Jotaro: Jolyne, get down there ! I came here to get you out !


Jolyne: ... Before I came inside this room, that kid grabbed my hand. I can hardly believe it, but he's here. He looks like a normal kid you'd see in a park. An absolute stranger to me. But he grabbed my hand as if it was a piece of rope. And the warmth of his hand soothed me. I'm going back inside. I'm going to defeat Johngalli A. before he shoots that kid.

Jotaro: ... ... Give me a... Break...

"What, doesn't that remind you of something ? Just trying to help someone you barely know, getting involved in the biggest mess of your entire life."

Jotaro: ... Fuck.

*Stand user: Jolyne Cujoh

Stand: Stone Free (Clumped form) : -Power A

-Speed B

-Range C

-Persistence A

-Precision C

-Potential A*

Johngalli: He's around 140 cm tall. he's a shrimp... Just like a child... I don't know who he is, but that hole they suddenly opened in the meeting room is a ventilation shaft, and I can tell by the wind's movements where it leads... But ! I don't want to let that little guy lead Jotaro and Jolyne into the ventilation shaft... It might allow them to hide in a place where my bullets can't reach them... I WON'T LOSE SIGHT OF THEM EVER AGAIN ! BUT FIRST, I'LL TAKE OUT THE SMALL ONE IN THE NEXT 15 SECONDS !!

Jolyne: That boy... !!

Guards: It's the meeting room alarm !! The fire alarm is going off ! There's no camera inside the room, so we can't tell what's going on ! Arm yourselves !

"You better find whatever you're looking, and fast."

Jolyne: Where did that kid come from ? And where did he disappear to ?

Guards: Hurry up ! It's meeting room B !

Jolyne: Shit ! I need more time !

"... I can do that. Search for the way, leave the rest to me."

Guards: Ah ! There you are ! Did something happen ?! Is that blood ?!

"You could say that. Go immediately to the Male prison and arrest Johngalli A. ! He managed to get himself a rifle, and he's using it ! Also, send a medical team here, we have a wounded visitor ! Hurry !!"

Guards: O- Okay !!

"... Phew... A few minutes to breathe."

Jolyne: Did he dug this hole in the wall ? Is this how he escaped ? Oh, well... !

Jotaro: ... Joestar blood, I guess ? But Jolyne, this situation... It's too heavy. Right now ! We can only use our stands to defend... If we attack, and change the air currents, he'll track us !! Gimme a break... This is too damn heavy !

Jolyne: Th... There he is ! And he really is being followed !! But... There might not be a single window down here for him to fire a rifle bullet through ! No ! But... Wait !

Jolyne: That kid ! He's in the sewage pipe... Yes ! This is really good !! No... Super lucky !! if his entire body is in water... Then he can't create any air currents ! Not to mention he's inside a pipe ! Johngalli ! That asshole must have completely lost sight of him now !! And in this room, there are only doors ! No windows !

Johngalli: A distance of 321m... the bullet sunk 9,5Cm in the air. There is a gentle wind coming from the ocean side at 3,2m... The bullet will shift 4,2Cm to the left. A large amount of sewage water is moving around on the floor in that room. There are six openings inside it.

Jolyne: Wh... What the hell ?! O- One of the pipe's bolts ?!

Johngalli: 'Target confirmed. Head, right shoulder and part of chest are visible. Point of aim locked on the heart.'

Jolyne: Oh no ! I need to destroy it now, or he'll get shot !! [STONE FREE] !!

Johngalli: Net-like object approaching from above ! Jolyne Cujoh ! ... Strings ! It's her stand ! She actually followed me this far ? The fool ! Now I won't have to waste time tracing you from the meeting room ! You think your string net is actually capable of trapping my Manhattan Transfer ?! Target changed to Jolyne ! Full body confirmed ! Locked on the head ! SHOOT !!

Jolyne: AH !! ... Huh... ?

"Hokuto... Nishi Shinkû Ha ! (Two finger nil-space grasp)"

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