Chapter 3: Jotaro "Blu-Ray" Kujo

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Johngalli A.

Stand: Manhattan Transfer: -Power E

-Speed E

-Range A

-Persistence A

-Precision A

-Potential C*

"Just... In the neck of time."

Johngalli: Wha... ? Is that... The guard ?! But... I shot him straight in the head ! I'm sure of it ! He can't be alive !!

Jolyne: How did you... ?

"Jolyne, as long as you and Jotaro aren't out of this prison safe and sound, I'm afraid I still have to look after you. But don't worry, you can have the final blow."

Jolyne: Hey, kid ! Who are you ? How can a kid like you move freely around the prison ?

Jolyne: Ghh... I fell on this... yeah, that thing. This bone that was melted in some sort of acid. A female human bone... What the hell is this ?! What's going on here ?! None of this makes any sense !!

Kid: ... Not... yet. You... Still have to hold on to it.

"... Jotaro ? Come down now. danger's away."

Jolyne: catching a bullet between your fingers... is that your "stand" thing ?

"Nope... But since I heard Jotaro did it once, I've always wanted to try it."

Jolyne: Pff. The kid's safe... Look Once I caught Johngalli A's stand, he was a cinch to beat. I smashed it into pieces.


"... How is that possible ? He was sniping us from the male prison, 300 meters away. Not to mention all the steel bars between us. He just couldn't get here within half a minute. Especially not while being blind."

Jolyne: How the fuck should I knooooow ?! But he's here, dammit ! I saw him ! Hide !


Jotaro: Fine... I'll believe you.


Jotaro: If I'm not mistaken...

"You're not. These were the right pipes."

Jolyne: Yes... We did it! This time we really did it ! He came here through the vent ! There are secret passages in this prison, and for some reason, that kid knows about them ! Hey ! You ! I'm right, aren't I ?! Huh... ? Hey... Where did he go ? KID !! Are you hiding ? Hey ! You don't need to be afraid anymore ! Come on out and explain everything to us !

Jotaro: ... There's no way he could have made it here in half a minute. It's not enough time. Even the door to this room was locked.

Jolyne: So we'll just get the kid to explain it to us ! C'mon ! didn't you see which way he went ?

Jotaro: You're not making any sense. Who is this "Kid" you keep talking about ?

"Hmm... This whole situation..."

Jolyne: Ohhh, I get it... You didn't see his face, did you ? The person I was speaking to through the meeting room door was a kid... Then Johngalli A tried to take him out first.

" 'Take him out' ? What even are you talking about ? I simply followed you here, that's all."

Jolyne: Wait. That doesn't make any sense... You should have heard the kid talking ! NO, you had to ! He's the one who told us about the secret passage !

"Secret... Passage ?"

Jolyne: You piece of shit ! You're trying to mess with me at a time like this ?! The only reason you're here is because you came down through the secret passage... ... ...

Jolyne: H... Hold on... S- Something's not right with you two... Your wounds... What happened to the bullet wounds... On your shoulder and your head ? Your clothes aren't even ripped...

Jotaro: Wounds ?


Jotaro: Shot in the face ? What ? Who's Johngalli A, anyway ?

"Hmm... I think I'm starting to see the big picture here... It must be time to wake up now, Jolyne."

Jolyne: W- Wake up ?! What the fuck is this ?! Did Johngalli A. ever attack us ? And that cigarette back at the beginning ! Who lit it ? Who created that cigarette smoke ! It wasn't him ! None of this is adding up !! This isn't reality ! I'm seeing something... N- No... Someone's showing me something !

Jolyne: The cigarette smoke was there at the very beginning ! Something was up with that smoke ! THIS IS A HALLUCINATION !!

Jolyne: Uu... A dream... I was...

"Thank god... I've been trying to shake you awake for 5 minutes now... I don't recall you being such a heavy sleeper, Jolyne..."

Jolyne: Is this... reality... The photo... My dad... Showed me this photo, and told me about how the accident with the hitchhiker was all planned... That's reality... But right after that, we were put to sleep... Right after we noticed the cigarette smoke !! Reading the wind... the sniper satellite... Getting shot, even the name, Manhattan Transfer...

"... Were you dreaming... ? But, we've got to hurry... Before we all get digested and melted off... Can't... Move... You must... wake up Jotaro... Hurry..."

Jotaro: Uu... Mm... Ggh... What...

Jolyne: I... Did it... Go to the door... The chair's lags were half-melted... That's why it worked... Now that you're awake, you should be able to do it... Destroy... The door... With your ability... Star Platinum...

Jotaro: The meeting room itself... Was a trap... From the very beginning ?

"Stop asking stupid questions... And hurry... It's digesting us..."

Jolyne: It opened ! The door ! Yes ! Now pull us out ! We need to get out of heeeere !

Jotaro: Wait... What... Did you just say ? Star Platinum ? My stand's name ? Jolyne... How do you know about that ? I came into this room... We talked about the pendant, and I saw your stand. But, you still haven't sen mine... Even if you can feel its presence, as my daughter, you still shouldn't know its name.

Jolyne: ... ...

Jotaro: Something's not right here ! This isn't reality ! This is a hallucination that my mind is seeing ! BUARF- !

"Wake up !"


"Wake up !"


"Wake ! UP !!"


Jotaro: GAH !!

"Finally opened your eyes, huh ? Took you long enough."

Jotaro: What are you... I can't feel my cheeks...

"Yeah, that's normal. Had to wake you up one way or another. Okay, how many fingers am I holding ?"

Jotaro: ... You're flipping me off.

"Good ! You're definitely awake now. Now to get you both out of here."


Jolyne: OW !!G- Goddammit... Son of a bitch, this pain... This is definitely reality !

"Now out ! Before you guys are just some goo ! Out !"

Jotaro: ... All thanks to your stand, I suppose... ?

"What do you think ? As soon as it started going all goopy around these parts, lil' old Act I and everything was good again. Could've gone for Act II right off the bat, but before I knew it, you guys were already too far gone. Had to wake you the old fashioned way."

Jotaro: Why does it sound like you enjoyed it...


Jolyne: Gh... Hey... This bone... What do you think it means ?

"Bone ? Where did you get that ? There was no meat for breakfast today."

Jolyne: '... I only saw him, but I know that boy exists ! I don't know how, but he really exists inside the prison !'



"Listen, I don't know what these 'dreams' you're talking about were, but right now the amount of shit you're in is unfathomable. Both of you will become heavy-sentenced criminals if you don't get out of here ASAP. So, Jotaro, what's the plan ?"

Jotaro: ... Jolyne... That pendant... Do you have it on you right now ? That pendant is very important.


Jotaro: I have a bit of connection with the ICSF... So I borrowed a UUV that can hold two people and parked it on the sea floor near this place. After I explain the plan, we'll get in it.

Jotaro: The location is...

"Here. This is a blueprint of the prison. The X is the meeting room, and that's the hallway we're in. If you did your job correctly, then it should be at that area, with the windows facing the ocean. Thankfully, the security level in these parts is only for the general public, so it's pretty scarce."

Jotaro: Good. So from the beach, we'll get in and drive the UUV, which is easier to operate than a motorcycle, and escape to the outer sea. Jolyne, i'm sure you're wondering about Johngalli A. and a bunch of other things, but we'll deal with all that once we get out. Got it ?

Jolyne: ... ... ...

"Whatever. let's go."

???: Kuoooooooh... They escaped... They actually escaped... From this meeting room...

Jotaro: Looks like there's no camera in this hall. If we turn this corner, the hallway's window will be right in front of us... And once we break it and get out, we'll be 20 meters from the sea.

Jolyne: ... 'Oh. That noise was only the spinning of the fan...'

Jolyne: Owwwww... Gh... Stairs...

Jotaro: At least look where you're going when you run. C'mon, don't panic. Stand up.

Jolyne: ... ...

Jotaro: What's wrong ? Stick out your hand.

Jolyne: It... It was just an accident... Th- Thanks. But I don't need your hand. I can stand up on my own...

Jotaro: That's not what I mean. You need to be careful, even when you fall. What if this got knocked away and you lost it ? You just need to think of the UUV outside the window.

Jolyne: ... Huh... ?

Jotaro: What ? That's very valuable. You need to take good care of it. C'mon.

Jolyne: ... You never change. You approach things in a calm, logical manner. Did you take this out of my hand before I fell ? When I was a child... Even when I had a really high fever, and felt like I was going to die, you never came back from Japan... And when all I did was take your car out for a little joyride, you said I stole it... Even then, you said you had work to do and got on to some airplane and left. But of course you did. I'm fine, after all.

Jolyne: I don't even get hurt when I fall ! I can't even do that right ! See ? Lucky me ! Woohoo !

Jotaro: ... ... What are you talking about ?


"... Well. If anything, the fact you lack any kind of tact is still intact... You two go on ahead, I'll cover up for you."

Jotaro: Wait. Something's been bugging me since earlier... We're being followed... Quietly... Get down.

Guard: No one's down this hall. Maybe they went the other way !

Jolyne: Guards ? What...

Guard: Hey... Did you even check this ?! Look closely ! Th bars have been bent out of shape by something ! The prisoner must have gotten this far already !

"Wh- What ?! That's..."

Johngalli: Jotaro's behind the pillar... Jolyne's on the steps... And the guard's atop the stairs.

Jolyne: He's... Not a guard ! He disguised himself and came straight for us ! JOHNGALLI AAAAAAAAAA. !!

"Alright... You two hurry to the UUV outside ! I'll handle the motherfucker !"

Jotaro: 'Wh... What ?! That shape ! Manhattan Transfer !! I thought that Stand was the product of my own hallucination ! Yet now it's right over their heads !'

Johngalli: Eat this !

"Try me bitch ! Tenryû Kokyû Hô !! (Art of Dragon's breathing)"

Jotaro: It can't be ! Is this a hallucination too ?! NOOOOO !! THIS IS REALITY ! TIME STOP !!

Jotaro: There are... There are !

Jotaro: TWO OF THEM !! Johngalli A'a Manhattan transfer... And the source of all that gloop ! Another stand !! This was all planned ?! This other guy planned everything ! It was all leading up to this moment... Where I would cover them and be forced to stop time !

Jotaro: Manhattan Transfer wasn't the product of my imagination, he showed it to me in the dream, just like a movie ! And he's after... ME !! Time moves forward !!

"H- Huh ?! BUGUARF- !!"


???: You were one move... Too late... Kujo Jotaro... I've been waiting for this moment.

???: I've... Already done it... yes... It's mine... What came out of you is all mine now !

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