Chapter 4: Indebted

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

???: Being able to pass something on to someone... is an amazing thing. You said it yourself... In the meeting room. And you're exactly right... This is what I've wanted to steal from the very start ! This is what I've wanted to receive from the invincible one ! IT'S MINE NOW ! THIS IS MY [WHITESNAKE]'S ABILITY !!

Jolyne: Guh ! That bullet ! Where was it aimed ?! ... Huh ?! M- Manhattan Transfer's here ?!

Jolyne: Why ?! I thought his stand, Manhattan Transfer, only existed in the hallucination ?! Hey, get up !!

"... ... ... ..."

Jolyne: Shit, he's out cold... No matter, the beach is really close by ! We can dive behind the window while he's reloading...

Jolyne: Huh ? What was that ? Wh- What are you doing ? N.. No way... What was that thing that crawled across the wall ?!

Jotaro: Go on ahead... I'll catch up later. 20 meters... To the beach...

Jolyne: Y... Yeah right... You're lying, aren't you ? Did you get hurt ? Wh- Where ? A few seconds ago... It was you who knocked us away... And knocked him out... is that why ? B- But your stand can break steel doors and easily deflect bullets !

Jotaro: there are two of them. Johngalli A... And another gloopy one... Got it ? Listen carefully...

Jolyne: You... Got shot ? Wh- Where ?! Why didn't you dodge it ?! You can see bullets, right ?!

Jotaro: Just listen. Go on ahead. Take this pendant... Don't drop it. You can't tell by looking at it, but it has a transmitter in it. So that I can always tell where you are. The UUV has also been preset to follow it... Do you understand what I'm saying ?

Jolyne: ... What ... ?

Jotaro: As long as you make it to the beach, the UUV will come to you. Then this group called the ICSF will come to find the UUV. If you understand, then go... Jolyne.

Jolyne: B- But... I... I just... This is.. You can't !!

Jotaro: I always... Cared about you.

Jolyne: Wh... What ?! No... It can't be ! Y- Your chest... Y- You...

Jotaro: Go ! Jolyne... i'm just bleeding a little... I'll catch up in a bit...

Jolyne: You're lying ! You covered me just now, and the other enemy stole something from you ! That's why you couldn't dodge the bullet !! 'Ahh... No ! Don't tell me they stole his... Stand ?!'

Jotaro: JOLYNE !!

Johngalli: AHH ! Y- YOUUUUU ! When did you get these strings in the barrel ?! EAT THIS !!

Jolyne: Shut up. Right now, we're going to escape out that window and go to the beach... Stay out of our way, alright ?

Johngalli: 'S- She wrapped strings around my legs... Wh- When did she get a stand ability ? A- A stand this strong would have been detected before she even got to prison...'

Johngalli: F... Fine. I'll... D- Drop my weapon...

Jolyne: I didn't say a single word about dropping it... I was just looking to see what the best angle for pounding you would be... I think my favorite, was when your chin was aiming a little more to the right.

Johngalli: 'I... Should have taken her out before Jotaro... I- I shouldn't have... Focused on Jotaro first... Does he... Does Whitesnake know about this ? Jolyne Cujoh... Has completely inherited... Kujo Jotaro's blood... But then... That guard...'

Jotaro: If Jolyne's mind... Is this strong... Then I'm sure... She'll survive... And Y/n... I know you'll understand why I did that... I'm... Sorry... Old friend...

Your POV:

'... Mmmmh... Concussion... Such a pretty word for a fucking headache...'

'What... What happened... ?'

Johngalli: You... Did it... You... Finally got... The ultimate Stand... the power to stop time... And Jotaro's dead now... I made sure to shoot him too...

Whitesnake: Yes. I achieved all my goals... Thanks to you... Johngalli A. ! We're truly a fine duo.

Johngalli: Heh heh... please... take me back to the male prison. I... let my guard down... Hey... Where's my gun ?

Whitesnake: Right here.


Whitesnake: the man who killed Kennedy... Ended his life this way too. Lee Harvey Oswald... I think his name was ? Dead men tell no tales. That's how history always works out... You're the only one who knows my true identity. The guard's murder was all your work as well.

'What... A... Disc ? Is that Star Platinum on it ?'

Whitesnake: And that other guard... Looks like Kujo had no more use for him... or did he try to save him from the bullets too ? Anyway, he probably won't wake up for another few hours. Time to leave the scene before they get discovered.

'... He... Left me be ? But why ? If they really worked together, then, why didn't he finish me off ? And further so, why wasn't Johngalli focusing on me ? If what he really wanted was to avenge Dio... If he knew I was the one who killed him, he should've... He should have... ... If he knew... If...'

'... Is that really what you were doing, Jotaro... ? I was surprised why everyone we encountered knew about your stand ability and backstory... And yet, I was unknown to them... Because for all that time, you've been presenting yourself as Dio's killer... To cover me ? Because you knew I had no way to defend myself against an assassin like Johngalli A., unlike you... You've really been organizing my protection without me knowing, for 20 years... You...'

"So that's also why you knocked me out... To make them think I was just a normal guard you used for your daughter's escape... You... Massive... Moron... You always knew... How to make me feel indebted to you... And how much I hate that... Guess... I have no choice now..."

Kid: * Prison... Also known as "The Aquarium". The short version of the story is that I've always lived here in hiding. At a certain point in time, a "Mystery" and a "Power" was born here... One normal people can't see... And it's an especially turbid one... As turbid as the bottom of a deep lake filled with corpses, this power can put people to sleep... then while its gloop digest their bodies, it steals their hearts... And the man who possesses this power has chosen not to leave the prison. Who is he ? And why is he trying to steal people's hearts inside this prison ? At this point, I have no idea either. But he stole the heart of Kujo Jotaro... Jolyne's father. Jolyne had a chance to escape, but she went back inside. She believe sthat if she can retrieve her father's stolen heart, he'll come back to life ! She says she can feel it in her blood. Is it really true ? I have hope... I have hope in how confident she looked ! As punishment for trying to escape, Jolyne got 5 years added to her sentence, and had to spend several weeks in solitary confinement. Everything will start after she gets out... Everything...*

Stand user: ???

Stand: Whitesnake: -Power ???

-Speed D

-Range: ???

-Persistence A

-Precision ???

-Potential ???*

"Well aren't you just a bizarre little fella as well ? I had my doubt when Jolyne kept talking about some kid who gave her a bone..."


"Not so loud ! My head still throbs..."

Kid: Y- You're that guard that was with Jolyne... How did you find me ?!

"if a kid was really sneaking around undetected in this prison, he'd have to avoid all sort of security. So I just focused on areas I knew had no cameras. Now... maybe you can tell me who you are, or rather, what's really happening in here ?"

Kid: No... You must not get involved into that... Someone like you...

"... This is not the right place to talk. Let's go somewhere else."

???: Dammit... I need to get as far away from that wack job as I can, then just lay low in my cell. I need to get back to my own cell quick...

"... Her too..."

Kid: Yes. Stand abilities... Stand abilities somehow toward one another, like gravity... There's no logic to it... But that's why you ran into each other...

Hermes: H- Huh... ?

Kid: Here ! Don't touch the ball !

Kid: Ever since one of the prisoners here gave birth to me, I've been secretly living in this prison.

"You... You're the one who picked Jolyne's pendant, and then you sold it, didn't you ? So this explains that... Kid ?"

Kid: We won't be able to talk here, so how about coming to my room ? Hermes: Wh- Why is there a child here ?! And you, you're a guard !! What's happening ?!

Kid: Let's just talk in my room... C'mon, hurry. Come inside before someone else appears...

"Uhh... Hello ?"

Kid: Oh, don't mind them... They aren't anything to be concerned about. They're just here. They don't talk... I'd really like to sleep in a bed, but I guess this room is a music room, so it has no bed. So I always just sleep in the piano. There's always a Mars bar and Florida orange juice though.

Kid: You can't actually eat anything. You can taste, though. And this is a Lichtenstein print. It's probably real.

Kid: Tch ! The thing I don't like about it is how there are cockroaches. Living things can't be killed with this gun, only scared. But did I get one ? Under the book ?


Kid: Right now, you're in a house ghost.

"... You had trouble passing on to the other side too ?"

Hermes: Gh- Ghost ?! D- Don't tell me... You're also...

Kid: No ! No. I'm human. Go on, touch me. My skin is warm and I have a pulse. Listen closely. This isn't a house where a ghost lives. The house is a ghost. The walls, the piano, the juice, the chocolate bar, the gun and the Lichtenstein. They're all ghosts... Do you understand what I mean by a ghost "Thing" ? They exist.

"... Traces, memories left behind... I heard about this, this room music is supposed to have been burnt down in 1984, yet... This is like the memory of that room, stuck right before the fire... But then... Uhhh..."

Kid: Emporio.

"Emporio, I can accept the ghost house. I've already seen a 'ghost street' after all... But, huuuh... These guys ?"

Emporio: I told you to not concern yourselves with them. But yes, this is the ghost of the music room. Ever since I was born, I've had the ability to use ghosts objects.

Hermes: Ability ?! Y- You mean..

Emporio: A stand ability. You got one too, right, Hermes ?

Hermes: ... ... You mentioned Jolyne just now, didn't you ? Jolyne... Do you mean Jolyne Cujoh ?

"After what happened 2 days ago, she's in solitary confinement... Even though... I still don't know what really happened..."

Emporio: Jolyne's father came to save her from an enemy, but he got killed... Jolyne says he's only in a coma... That since he lost his heart, his body shut off. We're searching for the thief and the stolen stand. I couldn't get too close, but something happened between you and the janitor in the bathroom, right Hermes ? I want to know about him ! Help me out ! We might be able to get to the thief from him ! The thief's name is Whitesnake !

Hermes: ... Heart... is that what this disc is ?

"Disc... ? You mean, like..."

Emporio: Yes ! Th- That's it !

Hermes: Calm down... This belongs to that janitor... But after I pulled it out, he didn't fall into a coma. He's actually perfectly fine. It also shows images on the surface... But it seems like they're only fragments of his memories. What is this thing, anyway ?

Emporio: The janitor must be working for the thief. Stand abilities are implanted into those discs. Were there two discs ?!

Hermes: Two... Yeah, there were...

"I think there were also two after Jotaro was attacked..."

Emporio: All discs come in pairs. Memory discs and Stand discs... Two make up one person's mind.

"You think... Whitesnake is implanting these discs into his underlings... Then, what would happen if we get our hands on the other one ?"

Hermes: No... This can't be... He's still hanging around me ? But how... I ran away from him... Wh- Where is he... WHOOAAAAAAAAA !!

Emporio: WH- WHAAAAT ?!

Hermes: H... He's trying to kill himself again ! And it seems like he's trying to take me with him ! Godammiiiit ! I need to find him ! Wh- Where is he ?! I need to stop his suicide !

"Where ? Hey, we're in the women's prison now !"



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