Chapter 5: *Slap*

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Hermes: the... the electricity stopped... Where is he ? We need to find him !! We need to defeat him !

"... It's not that he stopped... He failed. He just failed to off himself."

Hermes: What ?!

"Electrical resistance... Trying to kill himself with electricity... In here, he'd only have small tensions of 110 Volts to work with... hardly enough to even seriously hurt someone... You think he'll try again ?"

Hermes: Yes !! That guy only thinks about offing himself, he literally doesn't care about anything else !

"Then, if he knows what he's doing... He'll be looking for saline water. That way he'll be able to lower his body's electrical resistance to the point where 110 is assured death, with a nice added bonus in pain."

Hermes: Saline water... SALINE WATER ?! IT'S USED FOR WASHING WOUNDS AND IV'S !! THERE'S A TON OF IT NEXT TO THE MEDICAL ROOM !! If we don't crush him and take the other Disc out of his head, this will happen again !

Emporio: I can't go any further... Right now, there are too many prisoners on that floor.

*Stand user: Hermes Costello

Stand: Kiss: -Power A

-Speed A

-Range A

-Persistence A

-Precision C

-Potential A*

Hermes: Outta the way ! Move it ! I have permission to go through ! I said move iiiit !!

McQueen: ... ...


"Prisoner MA57258, I... I really don't think offing yourself in the vicinity of the prison is allowed."

Hermes: Is that all you've got to say, fucker ! Hey you ! WAIT ! STOP ! LOOK ! L- LOOK AT MY LEFT ARM ! It's been burned a little, just like yours ! You acquired a strange power that makes it so that whenever you try to die, it attacks me and does the same damage ! S- So stop it ! Don't think about suicide ! Why are you thinking about dying ?! You still have a ton of fun and lucky things to experience !

McQueen: ... ... I... Four years ago... I was just cleaning. I was cleaning the shotgun I had in my apartment... This happened four years ago... See, for some reason, the shotgun had a bullet in it, and exploded. The bullet went flying out the window... My apartment was on the tenth floor.

McQueen: Then... Riiight then, a woman who had jumped off the 11th floor fell down past my windooow... She was trying to kill herself, and there she was, in the air. The bullet went riiiight through her. It blew her heart away.

Hermes: ... What ?

McQueen: There are people who win biiilions of dollars in the lottery. But the opposite kind of people exist too... That's what I am. That woman should have hit the ground and died ! But everyone said that I shot and killed her ! I was only cleaning... But what did the judge call me ? "Cold-hearted"... That's what he said...

Hermes: Whoa... That's some luck. Did that really happen ?


Hermes: WA... WAAAAAIT !! ST- STOP ! Think carefully ! Don't move that finger !! I know ! My panties !! My panties ! Have you ever received a pair of panties ? If a girl gave you her panties, you'd feel lucky, right ?!

McQueen: ... ... ...

Hermes: Right now, you're in the middle of the worst situation in your entire life... But... If you got a piping hot pair of panties right now, it'd mean that lucky things can happen to you even at the absolute worst times...

Hermes: Kyaaaaa ! I'm so embarrassed ! I'm going to give them to youuu... My pantiiies ! The ones I'm going to pull off right heeere ! See ? Lucky things can happen, can't they ?

McQueen: ... You'll really give them to me ?

Hermes: Kyaaaaaaaaah !! ... ... I'll keep my promise. But listen up ! Everyone hates knowing that tomorrow's Monday. But... We live on, thinking about how another fun Saturday will come around. It isn't always Monday !

McQueen: I got arrested on a Saturday. You're really trying your best to say something that'll give me courage... But you're just saying all that idealistic stuff because you want to save yourself, right ? If that thing about my death damaging you is true, then you're just acting like you care about me so that you can get this situation under control. All that stuff about hope and lucky things is just lib service, right ? Your heart isn't it.

Hermes: Um.. uhh.

McQueen: That's aaaalways how people are to meee... people hate trash... But, I'm worse than trash. I'm so insignificant that people don't even see me.

Hermes: ... Hey, wait... Hey ! It's true that I'm talking to you because I want to survive ! But you're forgetting one thing ! You're being used ! Your heart, or whatever ! That Whitesnake guy is using you ! Now listen carefully ! If you'd only stop thinking about death, nothing will happen !


McQueen: You... You're suuuuch a good person... You really are.. You're wonderful ! Your heart was really in that line ! I really am luuucky... That I met someone like you... It alleviates my loneliness... To know that such a wonderful person will be ending her life along with me ! Thank you, thank youuuu... If you stay with me forever... THEN I'M TRULY HAPPYYYYYYYYYY !!

Hermes: 'H- He's evil... He's made of nothing but... Pure, rotten evil !'




McQueen: ... ... ... Heh ?


McQueen: Why isn't it workiiiing ?!

"I dunno, ask that question to whoever pulled the cable. Act III."

McQueen: Wha-

"I've always hated self-entitled bastards like him."

Hermes: You... Actually just unplugged the whole thing... ?! When ?!How ?!

"You guys were so preoccupied by panties matter, I pretty much could've been polka dancing the whole time, you still wouldn't notice me."

Hermes: But... How ?!

"I have mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still, that I become invisible for the eye. Here, just take the disc and be done with that."

Hermes: Wait... That means you had everything under control... But you still decided to let me go about my panties ?! Why ?!

"You really just assumed I was the nice guy, didn't you ? I just happen to also be after that guy behind Whitesnake, and that's it. At this point, I couldn't care less about what happens to you. If you got here, it must've been for a good reason anyway."

Hermes: You're an absolute asshole!

"I know. Well, that's about the opinion others can have of me. Which I couldn't care less for. Now get out before the guard that I am makes your stay here mandatory. You've got 5 minutes."

Hermes: Fuuuuck... But that made me remember, McQueen... he has 5000$ hidden somewhere ! I'm going to take that as payment, you bastard ! And Whitesnake... He's the one responsible for this... I don't know what he's trying to do in this prison, but it's clear if I let him be, this bullshit won't stop. I need to find Jolyne... Jolyne Cujoh !

3rd Person POV:

Prisoner: Uuuu... Here it comes ! H- Hurry up... Th- The door ! H- He... Help !

Prisoner: We were just trying to... Change the tractor's tires... We just touched it. And then ! And then ! Hurry up and get ouuuut !! Help me ! We need to close the door ! It's coming ! Put some force into it ! Pull ! This door's heavy ! Just a little more ! Pull, come on !! Hurry !! Just a little mooooore ! Close iiiit !!

Prisoner: ... What are you doing ?! Pull it harder !!

Prisoner: .. Those aren't my arms, bro !

Prisoner: I- I know.. The one who wasn't pulling hard enough... WAS MEEEEEE !! WAAAAAAAH !!

Your POV:

Director: Aaaaahhh... Mmmm. It's such a nice weather out today. But Charlotte... Oh my... What could all that commotion be ? Why on Earth did we have to gather everyone up here at the sports ground ?

Charlotte (Alligator plushie): This morning... Two prisoners went out to work on the farm and didn't come back ! They're missing !!

Director: No kiddiiiing ?! Whoaaa ! That's some serious trouble !!

Charlotte: It's impossible to escape through the farm. Did the two of them fall into the marsh ? Or perhaps they got into some kind of fight ? Maybe a poisonous snake bit them ? I think we should create a search team and look for them !

Prisoner: Why didn't she consider that they could have been eaten by an alligator ? Maybe it was a girl alligator !

Hermes: ...

Director: Who was that ? What did you just say ? Charlotte was explaining things just now ! Who interrupted her ?


Director: ... Forget it. i'm going to select some of you and create a search team. The main guards and the dogs are busy, you see... You won't get paid for your work, and neither will your sentences be shortened. I'm simply making a request to your senses of compassion. Would anyone like to help ?

Guess: Hey, Jolyne. You just got out of solitary ! Why do you want to go and tire yourself out again ?!

Jolyne: because then I'll be separated from you.

Director: Good. Five should do... Now, I want you all to attach a "Like a Virgin" to your wrists. Mr.Guard, please explain the precautions to them.

"Yes, sir. OKAAAAY ! All prisoners who go to the farm have to put a Like a Virgin around one of their wrists. It's also know as the Invisible Bars ! Now, if you try to take off these bracelets, deal any shock to them, or destroy them, they'll instantly explode. I repeat ! These bracelets automatically explode !"

"Also, i'm wearing the base unit here... If any of you get farther than a radius of 50 meters away from it, electric signals will also make your bracelet explode ! Got it ? As long as you don't get any funny ideas, you'll be safe. Only the prison's main computer can unlock them ! If you lose your wrist, even just going to the bathroom will become an ordeal ! Okay, let's go."

Hermes: ... ... A radius of 50 meters... WAAAAAH !! Hey... HEY, HOLD ON A MINUTE ! HEY !! WE HAVE TO RUUUUUN ?!

"Okaay ! Now you split up and start searching to the left and right ! You can see the orange fields over there. Beyond them is the pasture ! Inside that thicket is the marsh, which has crocodiles in it, so be careful !"

Hermes: ... Jolyne. Why did you volunteer for the search team ?

Jolyne: Did you bring the Disc ? The Stand ability Disc you took from that McQueen guy...

Hermes: I think I've watched it enough since you came out.

"Well, on the bright side, we had the confirmation that returning the Discs to Jotaro will make him come back to life. That's what happened to McQueen after returning the one with memories to him."

Hermes: To think your ex-babysitter would be a guard here, it helps a lot. Like these fake cuffs.

"Fake ?"

Hermes: T- They're fake, right ?

"Why would they be ? I have no way to make fake ones. So don't go too far, please. I'd hate to explain to Jotaro how and why his daughter lost a hand."

Hermes: ... Hehehe... Heh.

Jolyne: ... I want you to watch this Disc again. Whitesnake... I think I'm starting to understand what his goal is.

Hermes: I just told you, I've watched it enough ! I couldn't get a single clue from it... It... Because it doesn't show anything.

Jolyne: Just watch it again !! That's the whole reason I came out to this farm...

Hermes: Huuuh... Gaaaah ! This alwaaaays makes me feel sick, y'knoooow ?

Jolyne: Hermes ! If you watch it one more time, you'll understand !

Whitesnake: McQueeeeen... This Disc is the perfect match for you... it's yours... Your stand ability...

Hermes: Goddammit !! There's this gross smell spreading out in my head ! The movie's over ! There's nothing else recorded on it !

Jolyne: Watch closely, Hermes ! That isn't the end ! See the Disc he's trying to put into McQueen's head ? Take a good look at it ! At the surface... At the split-second reflection !

Jolyne: I think I'm starting to understand what he's after ! There's something reflecting in that Disc ! That's what he's after ! Whitesnake has been gathering these for years now ! He has a collection of abilities !

"Discs... And quite the collection, at that. Now that I think about it, the two prisoners that disappeared were tasked with maintenance on these tractors..."

Jolyne: he's been gathering Stands and memories from other stand users since long ago. And then he put one of them inside McQueen so he could use him !

Hermes: Gggh !

Jolyne: He has dozens of Discs... Which means he needs to hide them somewhere that the other prisoners and guards will never find them ! Inside a tire ! My father's Star Platinum and memory discs may be in there too...

Hermes: The farm tractor ! I can't believe there are so many other Disc ! So that's why you came here, Jolyne !

"... I still think there are some shadowed areas on that canvas... But we'll see, you girls go to that warehouse."

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