Chapter 6: This is my swamp !!

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jolyne: Now, about finding the tractor...

Hermes: There are a ton of tractors out here, right ? In that barn-like building over there.

"You do you. Just remember to at least be convincing in pretending to search for the two missing prisoners. Also, don't get too far."

???: There's only tractors and fuel in there. No people. No point going inside. If the missing prisoners were only in there, there'd be no point in forming a search team in the first place.

Hermes: It's inside there, Jolyne. It's the same one. It's the same one. It's the same shape as the tractor we sax in the Disc, and it's got the same number on the side. 4...

Jolyne: Inside that tire... If we remove that tire.. we'll find discs inside !

"Okay, listen up ! There's a good chance the missing duo have drowned in the water ! You better start searching the swamp !"

Prisoner: Whoa whoa whoa. Who in their right mind would go in there... I'm not going. I only came here because I thought I'd be able to relax and kill some time.

Prisoner: You wanna relax too ? 5$ a bag. Well ? Good price, eh ?

"I heard that ! You can stay if you want, but I hope you're not using your right hand on a regular basis !"

Prisoner: Oh, you gotta be kidding me ! That vehicle's amphibious ?! I thought this was volunteer work ! If we go into that swamp we'll get sick !

Hermes: He... He's having waaaay too much fun... Uhh... ...

Jolyne: let's do it now. Let's remove the tire !

Hermes: hey, Jolyne... Are you getting a weird feeling ? Something's not right here...

Jolyne: Yeah, if we don't take the tire off now, he'll just keep getting farther away from us !

Hermes: No, Jolyne... He said five, right ? That warden... When we left. When we raised our hands for the search, warden, Roccobarocco said that "Five would do". I know I heard him said that... he said "Five". Just before we ran out here ! But now... There are 6 of us ! Hey, Jolyne... What's going on ? Including us... There are six people here.

Jolyne: ... What are you trying to say, Hermes ?

Hermes: I don't know ! But as soon as we got close to that truck, for some reason, an additional person arrived here. I'm positive that when we came here, there were only five of us ! But I didn't get a good look at the others' faces. What about you, Jolyne ? Do you remember what everyone else looked like ?

Jolyne: Maybe you just counted wrong. Did the warden really say "Five" ?

Hermes: I wish I had simply counted wrong. Just hear me out, Jolyne. Think about whose face you remember ! Even one will help.

Jolyne: ... ... I'm not really sure... I was solely focused on running... But... They all have bracelets on.

Prisoner: That's strange... Were there always six of us ? From the start ?

Hermes: H... Hey, you. What you said just now... You're thinking the same thing, aren't you ? There are 6 now, but there were only five ofus at the start... Right ? Do you know when the sixth person arrived ?

Prisoner: ... ... No. Maybe... I'm just misunderstanding... And besides, five, six... What difference does it make to me ?

Prisoner: She was with me from the beginning. I remember. Her name is Etro. Everyone in the prison bullies her. That's why she volunteered to come here, where there are no bullies. Right ?

Etro: I don't... know you.

"Why the hell are they lagging behind for... The six of them... Wait, six ?"

*Blub blub blub*

"Uh ? What the hell is... WAH !!"


Jolyne: H... Hey, what the hell ?! Hermes ! My bracelet ! WHY IS IT MAKING NOISE ?!

Hermes: Jolyne ! Wh- What ...

Prisoner: Mine is too !!


Prisoner: Hey, what's going on ?! All of our bracelets are making noise !!


Jolyne: The bike's covered in blood !! The reason the bracelets started making noise... Is because his body is getting farther and farther away from us ! Wh- Which means...

Hermes: Don't tell me... He fell into the water and it's washing him away ? Wh- Where is he ?! Find the guard ! He should be within a 50M radius of us !! We're in dep shit heeere !


Hermes: No way...

Jolyne: 'No way... The extra person... Took him off when we weren't looking... And is attacking us !! Because we went into that barn... Because we got near the tractor tire with the discs hidden in it...'

Prisoner! UWAAAH !! SHE'S DEAD !! I... It's going to be me next !! Where... Where did the guard go ?!

Prisoner: Search !! He must be on the other side !! Search about 50 meters away from the person who just exploded !!


Prisoner: W- What ?!

"Do what I tell you! Get to the shore and do not get into the water !!"

Hermes: You... What happened ?!

"I have no idea. And that's a big issue. I do not know what might have attacked me, but one thing's for sure, it's still lurking in here. And it's probably what also killed the two missing prisoners."

"I'm postponing the search party ! All of you regroup and get ready to get out ! This is something that must be dealt with appropriate firepower ! ... ... ... Jolyne, your thoughts on that ?"

Hermes: The enemy is definitely one of those three ! I think that one is suspicious ! The chick with the shaved head... the girl that just exploded said she "Didn't know her"... It must be her, there's no mistake ! She's the one who suddenly snuck in ! We gotta kill that bitch before she does !

Jolyne: Wait a second, Hermes... If the enemy is going to interfere with us going into the warehouse and getting the disc from the tractor, we have to fight... But... She's really panicking from that last explosion... And her cuffs were beeping too !

Hermes: Come on, it's just an act ! She's just playin' innocent so she can pick us off one by one when our backs are turned ! It's because we went near the tractor tire... She probably killed the other two lost prisoners as well ! She must be the watchman ! The one responsible for protecting the Discs !

"... Allow me to express... Two... Yes, two pieces of doubt here."

Hermes: That shaved-head is definitely the enemy ! She's dead !

"Just listen up. Let's say she is the culprit, like you think. Wouldn't that mean she was waiting in that warehouse before we even came to these fields ?"

Hermes: ... That sounds about right.

"That shouldn't be possible. Enemy or not, she's still a prisoner. Remember, there's roll calls every morning and night, and prisoners have to return to their cells. With how far that barn is, not to mention surrounded by wetlands, the chances of her waiting there for 24 hours straight are infinitesimal."

Hermes: That doesn't change the fact that there's one more than we started with ! The culprit must be one of these three... But, who could it be ? Someone who could protect the Disc in these fields...

"And that's the second piece of doubt... I don't think any of them is the enemy."

Hermes: What ?!

"I was the one being attacked... Yet when it proved that it didn't work, their reaction wasn't what you would expect. Surprise, yes, but no shock from seeing your surprise attack ineffective. So let me say that again, Hermes. None of them is the enemy here. It's something else."

"Now let's get back. I'll investigate this whole thing a little later. Officially, the two missing prisoners fell in the swamp trying to escape and were killed by some animal."

Hermes: G- GET BACK !! There's something there...

Jolyne: ... What ?

Hermes: JUST GET BACK !!

Jolyne: Did you see something, Hermes ?

Hermes: ... It was nothing... But, I think I'm gonna follow your advice from now on, and stay away from the water... Also, we better not travel alone from now on.

Jolyne: Hm. And these cuffs are a real pain... To get the disc from the warehouse, we need to be withing 50 meters of each other...

"Don't worry about that. I'll check out the barn later."

Jolyne: That's good. Let's go, Hermes. Hermes ?

Jolyne: Hermes ! Wh- What ?! It can't be !!

Hermes: 'What...What is going on ?! In that bucket... I suddenly saw my face !'

Hermes: 'Wh- What ?! In front of my face... This... What is this thing ? It's some sort of larva !

Hermes: 'What the fuck ! This thing ! There's two of them now ! ... No ! Now there are four ! This thing... These things... It wasn't that there was nothing in the bucket... I just wasn't looking hard enough... There were already several of them in the bucket ! Argh ! Their power !! KISS !!*

Jolyne: Hermes !!

Hermes: T- The water... Don't go in the water ! The water is... Dangerous ! There's more of them... Multiplying, even !!

"Multiply... is that what attacked me earlier ?"

*Beep beep beep*

"That's what it has been trying to do this entire time ! Splitting us apart and trying to get us to enter the water !"

Jolyne: [STONE FREE] !!

"... Someone tell me I'm dreaming... Jolyne, she's... Traveling on the woven threads..."

Hermes: Jo... Lyne ! Ugh ! It can't be... Are you... ? Your... Your body... ! If you continue, you'll unravel yourself and die !!

"That's not the thing... That thing won't stay idle ! And she won't be able to attack or defend herself like that ! Get out !!"

Hermes: No way !!

Jolyne: ... Yeah... I agree... It's really a no-win situation. Gimme a break... From my body, if I don't release all of that string from my body, I would have been killed... This guy's power...

"Oh... her torso... Because of all the string she lost, there's a hole... So she could trap its arm. And I was really worried for a moment...

"That won't stall it for long ! Hurry and get back to shore !!"

Jolyne: I know... That's why we must not get up. Hermes, grab it in the water... The string that I pulled out to get here !

Jolyne: 'Wh... What ?! It's fast ! It has power too, but this speed ! What the hell is this ?! If a stand is too far away from its user, its power and speed should weaken ! Shit ! It's going to catch up !!'

"Hold on tight ! NUOOOOOOOOOOOH !!"

Jolyne: 'Wh- What ?! WAAAAAAAAAAAH !!

Hermes: Guarf !!

"Heh. Catch of the day ! But don't relax now, get farther away !"


"Its arm... Its regenerating..."

Hermes: that thing... I don't know what to call it exactly... But it multiplies those little stands to make a whole ! It was in that tiny amount of water in the bucket and it pulled me in !

Prisoner: ... What the hell just went on with you guys just now ? It seemed almost like you guys were running on the water...

"For the last time, all of you get away from the water !!"

Jolyne: ... Listen. I know what you said earlier... But I still think the enemy's one of them... I guess, to get the disc, we have to find out who and defeat her...

Hermes: Don't try anything weird ! I know the enemy's one of you bitches ! Everything... the guard getting attacked, the disappearing of the prisoners, trying to drown us is that bitch's fault ! And the culprit is one of you guys ! We're going to find out who that is ! Who's the one that snuck in here ?! We're gonna have to make one of you remember ! If we don't get serious and find out who it is... We're all going to get killed !

Prisoner: What the hell are you saying... ?

"Don't move. Someone here wants the rest dead. And, if I remember correctly... I think the girl that exploded said she didn't know you, did she ? How about it ? Is there anyone who remember ?"

Hermes: Weren't you way too far to hear ?

"I have good ears."

Shaved: Wait a second, you ! You gotta be kidding ! How do you think any of us tried to attack you ?

Hermes: Shut the fuck up ! You're not the ones asking questions here !

Shaved: Well, I'm going to say that I don't remember seeing you or them !

Tanned: Hey ! You know that I was here from the beginning, right ? I said that I didn't want to get in the water. You remember that, don't you ?

Ponytail: ... I don't remember you at all.

Tanned: Hey ! No one knows who you are either !!

Jolyne: Wait a second.. You there.. You have a nosebleed...

Ponytail: Huh ? Oh, it's true. Why do I have a nosebleed ?

"You though of something ?"

Jolyne: Maybe... I didn't see too clearly, but... When I punched that enemy stand before... there was one person that staggered...

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