Chapter 7: The Pretender

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Hermes: YOU, GET BACK !! Back up so you get far away from the water !!

Ponytail: Hey... You aren't... You... Think there's something wrong with me having a nosebleed ? Are you saying I'm the culprit ?!

Hermes: I told you to get closer to the fields !! I'm going to get to the fucking bottom of this !!

Ponytail: No ! You have to think more carefully ! This nosebleed is from when that bitch suddenly grabbed me ! You were watching, right ? It's because her fist hit me square in the face ! Don't you think this tanned girl might have hit me on purpose ?! See, there's proof of it, her hand ! It's scraped, and it's bleeding !

Tanned: Hey... What are you... What are you guys saying ? I just bumped against her teeth ! And now you guys are babblin' about "One more of us" and "Enemies"... Fine, if you guys wanna play like that, I can prove to you that I was here ! I just remembered, the culprit's gotta be one of you two ! All right ? I remember alligator warden's incident...

Tanned: Before we came on this search ! The thing with the warden's stuffed alligator ! On the grounds... You made fun of that alligator doll ! You, there ! You're the one who insulted it ! "Maybe they got eaten by an alligator" or something !

Hermes: ... Oh, yeah...

Tanned: See ?! Wasn't me then, the one that suddenly appeared ! Ask these guys if they remember that too !

Ponytail: hey... if you're talking about that, I remember it too. After five people raised their hands to volunteer.

Shaved: And after that, there was an explanation by the guard about our exploding handcuffs !

Hermes: ... ...

"... I've got an idea."

Hermes: What ?

Ponytail: BUGAH !!

Hermes: W- What ?! Th... This one ?! Did you figure out she was the enemy ?!

"Absolutely not. I'll be honest, I don't have a clue about which one could be the enemy. So I'm just gonna knock them all out, and then we'll be able to move on."

"See this, Jolyne ? This is how your father and I used to get through things at your age !"

Shaved: ... Asshole. You, just because of that girl, don't think you can punch us... You fucking swine !

Hermes: Huh... Thi... This one... ?!

Tanned: I agree... one by one, after I separated you, I was planing to take care of you...

Ponytail: I didn't think that you had the same kind of ability... Or that the guard was with you on that...

"Huh... So all this time, we were desperately trying to find 'One' enemy... Well, I guess this is 'One' in a way..."

Shaved: Whitesnake... I wonder if he knows about these guys ? If he doesn't, he might want to take their abilities first without killing them, so he can turn them into discs.

Hermes: What the hell are these guys ?! All... All three of them ?! What's going one, where's the real user ?! There can only be one culprit !

Shaved: Sadly, wrong.

Shaved! Stand abilities are...

Ponytail: One... To a person...

Tanned: The women who were here before the investigation... Were the black-hair and the shaved-head. Before you went to the warehouse, they were already here and had touched the tractor. So I killed them and took over their "Knowledge" and their "bodies". This body of mine is...

Stand: The body that I created from the bodies of the lost prisoners !

Stand: My divided body is now whole again.

Hermes: A disc ! There's a disc inside its head... What's going on ?!

Stand: The disc that Whitesnake gave me... This "Ability" and this "Intellect"... I will protect myself, no matter what... And somehow, you knew the exact location of the other discs ! My mission is to destroy anyone who approaches the Discs in the warehouse, that is how I will repay my debt !

Hermes: Fuck !! Where is this Stand's user anyway ?!

"No... You are wrong... There isn't anyone controlling it... And that may be a first for me as well... A stand without a user. Or rather, a stand that is its own user. I don't exactly get how, but... That thing was born from the disc's power itself, and is now protecting them by multiplying itself and staying near the water... This is evolution in action..."

Hermes: You mean that those maggots-looking things were he stand AND the user all along ?!

Foo: [Foo Fighters] ! If you're going to refer to me, call me by that name !

Hermes: What are you even saying ?! There's gotta be a human controlling this thing from somewhere ! How can some maggots learn to speak ?!

Foo: Fred Hoyle, an astronomer, once said... "It is wrong to assume, even statistically speaking, that organisms spontaneously appeared on this Earth... There is a preexisting 'Intellect' of the cosmos that designed the 'origins' of life forms..." So, it can be said that "Intellect" preceded even the Big bang, and that every organism and matter itself is guided by that "Intellect" and is part of that larger "Intelligence".

Hermes: Wha... What the fuck is this thing talking about... ?

"... That was coming from the biggest denier of the "Big Bang" theory, and who also set the basics for what is known as the Multiverse... Just like him, you are a walking contradiction. If only you knew how immensely vast it truly is..."

Hermes: Okay, I can understand that you're offended by what it said, but what did it mean ?!

"Humans are dumb as bricks to think they have the privilege of intelligence. For that Disc could even give memories to this plankton."

Foo: I thought I told you to call me "Foo Fighters" ! I have more intellect than all of you !

Jolyne: Wha... It can't be ! The Discs ! It's... It's trying to hide them before we get to it !


"Then what are you waiting idly for ?! After it, now !"

Hermes: Huh... I think you've got the one that attacked us earlier griping your leg...

"I've noticed, yes. I think it was trying to drag me to the water."


"Shut up !! These two entities are the same Stand ! It wants to protect the discs and get rid of us at the same time. But right now... I also have my sight set on that tractor's tire !"

Foo: ... You made it... Well, in any case, I will kill you...

"When you decide to say that... You should only say it once the deed is done."

Foo: Hm. I was going to hide the discs somewhere else and then ask... But, no matter... May I ask you one question ?

"You just did that."

Foo: Clever... Are you going to step inside that puddle ? Or are you going to run ? Which way do you want to die ?

"Well, if we're on the topic of asking questions, I also do have one for you. The one behind Whitesnake. Do you know who it is ? Or why they're collecting all these Discs ?

Foo: ... You're an interesting person... I understand fighting to defend yourself... or fighting to defend others... Well, I've yet to really understand that... But, I can see why. But, I don't understand why you would come here just to die... Are you different from the other humans ? Uh... And, Whitesnake ? I don't know... I've never seen a face...

"Guess then, I have no real use for you. Don't resent me for that."

Foo: Going right in to me ?! Foolish !! THE PUDDLE IS ALREADY APART OF ME !!

"U... Urg... !"

Foo: I wonder... Were you really trying to attack me head-on ? Were you going to open that bag of flour so it could soak up all of the water ? Or maybe you were going for the light fixtures above them... Were you going to run electricity through the water ? Well, either way...

"Kuh... Let me guess... Next you'll say 'I have a full understanding of my ability, and I've created an environment where I have no weaknesses... There is nothing you can do now'. isn't it ?"

Foo: I have I have a full understanding of my ability, and I've created an environment where I have no weaknesses... There is nothing you can do now... Huh ?!

"... The human body is comprised of about 60% of water... Of course that part varies, bones are only about 30% water, when lungs are roughly 85%. if you really live off water, I can understand why you want to live inside others' bodies. Must be comfortable."

Foo: What are you blabbering about ?!

"You claim pride in your 'Intellect', Foo Fighters. But in the end, it was your 'Ignorance' that destroyed you."

"'Electricity' isn't the only thing that can travel through water. OVERDRIVE !!"

Foo: Grzzt- GAAAARG !!

"Trapping me with water, was your mistake. And here's just another one."

Hermes: Hell yeah !! I've never driven one of them !

Foo: ... ...

"You were so focused on me alone, I suppose you couldn't hear them sneak around and start the engine. I told you, you've already lost."


"You don't even have to worry."

Jolyne: The fields are softer than the area near the wetlands... the more you run, the more water you lose. And plus, unlike the warehouse, the destination you're headed for this time had no water.


Hermes: It's over !! Dry up and become fertilizer for those fields !!


Hermes: What... ? Hey, what are you... ?



"I'm 'rescuing' it. I don't really know why, but... It was technically obeying Whitesnake's orders, but... By defending the disc, it was defending itself, first and foremost. It was desperately trying to protect its own identity, rather than its life, by running through this field... It knew it would die, but it went in anyways."

"Sometimes, fighting with an egoist goal can be even more noble then fighting for others, don't you think ?"

Hermes: Hey, are you for real ?! This guy just killed five people ! And it isn't even a human anyway !

"I know... maybe that's why I feel close to it. It didn't really have a word in, but it's risking its life. And, you know..."

"Foo Fighters... We aren't trying to steal these Discs. We just want one of them. So the other, you can keep protecting them as you'd like. Just, not against us this time... Against Whitesnake and his goons. How about it ?"

Foo: ... ... ... Your feelings... I don't... understand them very well... But I don't feel like fighting you anymore. And, I... lost completely...

*Stand user: Foo Fighters

Stand: Foo Fighters: -Power B

-Speed A

-Range C

-Persistence A

-precision C

-Potential B*

Hermes: We... We did it ! Inside the tire... It really was there !

Jolyne: I found it ! Finally this disc... It's Star Platinum !! GAH !!

Hermes: Jolyne !!

Jolyne: U.. Ugh... I- I'm all right... I just got rejected by the disc;.. But there's no mistake... This is the Star Platinum disc ! Its power is amazing... My father... Jotaro Kujo can be revived with this ! I've finally got it !

"That's good and all... But as long as we don't get our hands on his memory disc, he won't come back... Continue searching."

Jolyne: What, isn't one enough ?

"Discs come in sets of two. That McQueen guy, he's got no memories left now."

Etro: Hey... There's a window on the ceiling up there... if you fall from there, you think you'd die ?

Foo: ... ... Hey, wait ! It's me !! Foo Fighters !! The only body that was still usable was that chick who was being bullied, so I repaired her face and arms and stole someone's cuffs. I thought I'd like to inhabit her body for a while... I can't be too agile, but I can live on land.

Foo: Ah... Looks like I can't use this finger as a component anymore.

Hermes: ... What the hell is this thing trying to do ?

Jolyne: Inhabit her body... ? Are you planning to come back to the prison and pretend to be that prisoner ?

Foo: ... You intrigue me. Whitesnake had no idea about you, yet, it feels like you can change things...

Foo: My name, according to this girl's memory, it Etro, prisoner number FE399423. Usually uses approximately four segments of toilet paper. Favorite actor is Johnny Depp... "Scissorhands" Scissors are awesome ! Childhood dream was to get kidnapped... Everyday she considered getting swept away, and got lost in department stores on purpose. So, when she became an adult, she kidnapped a kid for ten days and got seven years... She didn't want the ransom or anything, she just sort of did it...

Foo: Hey... You're bleeding... I guess I hurt you, huh ? Does it hurt ? But I can't really fix it...

Hermes: WHOAAAHHH !!


Foo: Ohhh, water~ ! it's water ! I need water... i'm getting thirsty ! Humans have to use their mouths to drink water...

"You know, it's kinda obvious to tell something wrong with you. At least learn how to use a cup.

Foo: A cup ? it's really easy, ya know drinking out a cup !

Jolyne: hey... I want to ask you, more about Whitesnake. Does he or she come to this warehouse often ? Where are all the discs containing the memories ?

Foo: No... Whitesnake rarely even comes near this tractor... I've never seen the actual user either. There are no memory discs in there. And those that are in there, are probably the ones that Whitesnake doesn't really need.

"he doesn't need them ,"

Foo: You guys probably know this, but to gain a stand ability, you need potential. If you don't have that level of potential, no matter how strong you are, the disc denies you. Stands are your ability level, after all. That's why those discs over there are ones that are unusable. Whitesnake only comes around once in a while to use them, just like reading old comic books. The ones that are important must be kept somewhere else.

"So, the thing Whitesnake really wanted to steal from Jotaro... Wasn't actually his power... But his memory. What could they be after in that case ?"

Foo: The guards are here...

Hermes: What are we gonna do ? These other discs, I guess we can get Foo Fighters to hide them somewhere, but what are we gonna do with the Star Platinum disc ?

Jolyne: My next goal is to get this disc out of these prison walls... And give them to the foundation, where my father is... If we don't revive him, his body's going to start to disintegrate. The memory disc... i'll definitely retrieve it later.

Hermes: Outside the prison... ? It's harder to get stuff outside than bring it in... And to make things worse, we're gonna get a body check now ! They'll check us five times, at least... Are we gonna even be able to get it inside the main building ?

"Just leave that to me. And, F.F., raise your hands so you don't get shot. Remember, I got attacked by an alligator, and you helped me out of this. Unfortunately, the others whereabouts are unknown, got it ? Make sure your stories match each other."

Whitesnake: It was just a lure... His daughter was just a lure to make sure Jotaro would come... I thought leaving her would yield no consequences. But... Jotaro Kujo's daughter ! What went on here ? Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum... It was a stand that was not particularly of any use to me... So I hid it here... But if his daughter has retrieved it, that's a whole other story...

Whitesnake: There were two killed. Could she, alone, have fought Foo Fighters, killed it, and taken all of the discs from the tractor tire ? While being watched by the other prisoners and the guard... That guard... Wasn't it the same that was with Jotaro... Can it be, that he helped Jolyne ? Is he a comrade of her... ?

Guard: Father... It's almost sunset, we must be heading back to the main prison... The warden has announced that this search is a failure.

Guard: Are you that worried about the missing prisoners... ?

???: A little bit more... After all, I am on night duty until Sunday's services.

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