Chapter 8: Incidental Character

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

*When someone works out in the fields or does some form of labor, it's meager, but they get a small amount of pay. One can spend that money on soap, shampoo, towels... Everyday items, at a shop. But, for some odd reason, it's also possible to buy a Rolex watch or a Vuitton bag... This is one of the seven wonders of this prison.*

Jolyne: Move... I'm gonna make the next phone call.

Prisoner: ... ... Have you lost it or somethin' ?! You want to be bagged and thrown...

Prisoner: ... if you sit in a chair, you won't get tired. Have a complimentary diet coke, too. You can come again, anytime !

Phone: ... ... ... This is the Dallas, Texas Incidental Character Speedwagon Foundation headquarters. Unfortunately, we do not accept collect calls from this phone connection.

Jolyne: ... I looked this number up in the phone book, it's the only one I have. And, I'll also tell you that I'm a prisoner of Green Dolphin Street prison, in Florida. My name is Jolyne Cujoh. Put someone on the phone who knows what all of this means.

Phone: ... Please wait a moment...

ICSF: We've switched phones... Are you by chance, professor Kujo Jotaro's daughter ?

Jolyne: ... And you ?

Kakyoin: Come on, I doubt it's been long enough so you don't recognize my voice, Jojo.

Jolyne: Oh... You too... Are you a stand user as well ?

Kakyoin: yes. Just like him, and also a close friend of your father.

Jolyne: I see... I've been filled in as well. The ICSF is a demilitarized research that specializes in biomedics... But... have you heard news concerning the "Disc" ?

Kakyoin: Of course, yes. After we retrieved professor Kujo Jotaro's body from the UUV, we have moved it somewhere, not here in Dallas, and we are currently protecting it in a safe area. But... This is unfortunate, but, technically speaking... We have found no signs of life...

Jolyne: Are you willing to believe me if I said that we could revive him ?

Jolyne: I retrieved a disc. One of them ! He'll come back to life ! All I know is that my father will come back once we give this back to him... And somehow, I need to give this to the foundation. But I have no idea how...

Jolyne: I need you guys to figure out how I can get this disc outside of this prison. I don't have time, i'm running against the clock... I can't hide the disc safely anywhere, I'm in a dangerous position...

Kakyoin: is there a possibility that this conversation is being wiretapped ?

Jolyne: Yes. Probably so... But I've already anticipated that... In any case, if I take action, then whoever's been waiting for me to do so will start moving too... there is a way, right ? But, just totell you, my visiting rights are revoked.

Kakyoin: ... understood... Well, if you insist... How about the courtyard then ? Can you come to the courtyard ?

Jolyne: The courtyard ? The courtyard between the women's ward and the men's ward ?

Kakyoin: That very one... please be there in 20 minutes. If you can do this, we can do something as well.

Jolyne: T- Twenty minutes... In 20 minutes... As in, 20 minutes from now ?!

Kakyoin: This is urgent, right , And if we do this quickly, they might not have the time to listen to this conversation. If you tell us to retrieve the disc, we will do so with all of our power. We will believe your claim that Jotaro will come back to life. However, we are unable to help you escape or to even protect your life, if any such threats occur... Knowing that, do you still have the determination to come to the courtyard ?

Jolyne: ... I understand... I'll go. So the plan is...

Kakyoin: That is probably something we shouldn't discuss on the phone. But, look for "Savage Garden"... You'll know once you get there. We can call this operation "Savage Garden".

Jolyne: Savage... Garden... ?

Kakyoin: Anything else ?

Jolyne: ... Maybe... That guy my father called here... Who is he... ?

Kakyoin: ... ... I'm deeply sorry. But every information about him is strictly confidential. It was an order from your father, and only he can grant access... Even I don't know the full extent of that record...


Jolyne: ...'Savage Garden... ? Is that a thing ? Or a person... ? And, why is he so protected... ? Weren't they just classmates... ?'

Trashcan: the courtyard... Jolyne... It's near the factory... You need permission to pass...

Emporio: But it's also the place where security is the lightest. Because the courtyard doesn't lead anywhere.

Jolyne: H- HUH ?!

Emporio: Over here, Jolyne. Here, here. I can't believe it... Making a plan to deliver this disc on the phone, and alone at that... Before your 20 minutes are up, Whitesnake is definitely gonna find out about this...

Jolyne: I- If you heard the story, please... Emporio, you have to tell me a shortcut to the courtyard !

Emporio: Don't misunderstand me, Jolyne... I told you before, there are no "Shortcuts" in this prison. I've been using these "Ghost tools", so I can get around the halls without being caught. But I understand that we have to do this. As long as you have the disc, you're going to be targeted... And that makes possibilities of your father's recover more difficult.

Emporio: Here's a map of the prison. The music room that we're in is here... The courtyard, like the medical center, can be accessed by anyone as long as they have permission... That's next to the factory. As long as you have some cash, you can probably get to the factory entrance, but... After this point, you need permission. Or, you're going to need some heavy-duty prison-break skills to force your way through security...

Jolyne: using force... I guess I'll have to get used to it. Wouldn't it be better to find that guard though ?

Emporio: I thought you'd say that. But we don't know where he is, and searching would take too much time. Well, I was talking to Weather Report here... And he says that he wants to go too. That's why he's here. You should go with him, he'll kelp you out.

Emporio: Just to tell you, Weather Report isn't a ghost. He acts like one, but he's human. The reason he doesn't talk much is because he lost his memories. He has no recollection of his childhood or why he was placed in prison. He's a prisoner, sentenced for 6 years. He has a habit of walking on his toes, and even though he likes to read TV guides, he never watched television. When he talks he doesn't open his mouth much, so he has a tendency to talk really close to your face. His breath gets a little steamy.

Jolyne: ... He'= doesn't have a memory... Maybe it was stolen by Whitesnake ?

Emporio: Probably... He says that he wants to know who he really is. And he also wants to know why your father's memory disc was stolen from him.

Weather: ... ... ..

Emporio: ... he told me to tell you that his stand hasn't developed from discs. He's a born stand user... His ability is...

Emporio: The ability to control the weather... And his stand name is also... [WEATHER REPORT].

Weather: ... ... Pretend... That you didn't notice. Surprised by the sound... Someone just looked in.

Weather: Now we have confirmation... That you were, indeed, being traced. And also, of the enemy's face...

Your POV:

'... So we've finally managed to get one of two discs back... If that can at least make Jotaro come back to life, then I guess it's no too bad we couldn't find the other one... Then again...'

'It raises more questions that it gave answers... If Whitesnake wasn't after Star Platinum but Jotaro's memories, what would he be after ? What am I missing here ? The puzzle's almost complete, and yet... I know I'm missing one vital piece to really put it together... Something that must've happened while I was away... ...'

"... ... Ruminating... Where am I ?"

???: It appears, another lost lamb has found the way for redemption... is there anything I can help you with, my child ?

"... Father Pucci... Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, my footsteps just... led me to the prison's chapel, I suppose..."

Pucci: My child, there is no thing such as fortuity. If your steps led you here, there was a good reason. Is there a weight on your heart ?

"... You could say that... It's been 20 years... And sometimes, I wonder... Am I really on the correct side of these bars... ?"

Pucci: You sure are troubled, my child. Please, don't hesitate to confess your sins.

"My sins... Don't misunderstand what I said. I do not regret my acts. It's not what I did that weight my heart... But what I couldn't do..."

Pucci: Even so. In God, all men can found peace and solace.

"God... Such a vague concept... I've never believed in any god, and, to be honest... I think I would be more likely to spit in "GOD"s face rather than take a knee... What happened happened, and no amount of faith or prayers can change it."

Pucci: ... Then, what it is that worries you, my child ?

"... What will happen next, I guess... ? More than once, I've found myself in that situation, with no idea what to do next... Two decades ago, I've already accomplished all I had to do, and yet... Yet, for all this time, it's almost as if I was running after that... trying to run after it and away from it at the same time... Just running aimlessly, with no real purpose... I suppose this is what I'm missing..."

Pucci: A purpose...

"Yes... That feeling of emptiness... Wondering if I'm even human at some point..."

Pucci: ... In recent animal studies... Ehem, depending on how they train them, it's been proven that even dogs and parrots can learn to read, or to use fire, or even to appreciate art. In that case, do you understand what the difference is between man and animal ?

"The... Difference ?"

Pucci: It's the desire to "Go to Heaven". Humans think about it... However, dogs and parrots can't grasp this concept. The idea of "Heaven". Humans should spend their lives trying to attain "Heaven". That's the beauty of humans. Do you understand ?

"... Not really. I told you, I do not believe in that... How does that concern me ?"

Pucci: Animals have "Desires" too. But they are only driven by "Instinct". They desire "Food", "Water", or a "Progeny". Humans, on the other hand... They search for something else. They desire a "Purpose" in life. A reason for them to continue and press forward. The fact that you, yourself are searching your "Purpose" is indeed proof of your humanity.

"Even so... As for purposes, I have no needs for anything, no strong desires... I don't even know if I have the energy to move forward..."

Pucci: It could be directed towards oneself... Towards someone else... Or even towards something... What counts is to find what your soul desires, and no one else than you can do it.

"Something left... Then, maybe..."

Intercom: HALL 7B !! There is a disruption, the sirens have been activated !! HALL 7B !! There is a disruption, the sirens have been activated ! Please investigate the cause ! HALL 7B, there is a disruption, the sirens have been activated !!

"Again... Can't have a day without things going crazy... If you excuse me, father, I have obligations too. Thank you for your words."

Pucci: It is my duty, my child.

Pucci: ... ... Now I am certain... He is acquainted with Jotaro Kujo... And his presence here, exactly when Jolyne got incarcerated... I wouldn't be surprised if he was acting directly from his orders... And "20 years ago"... That was when "That" happened... Why would Jotaro try so hard to protect him like that ?

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