Chapter 10: Frogger

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

*How many other humans will one person meet in a lifetime... ? If he or she is searching for someone that will impact the way he or she lives, the number must be very few... It was in 1988, that I met a man in Egypt with the ability to "Stop time" and befriend him...*

DIO: There might be a "Way" to go to heaven.

*The man was young, and beautiful... But he also had an aura about him, as if he has lived for hundred of years... I was 16 years old then, and was a student who wished to serve under god in a seminary. From the moment I met him, we were able to talk openly. He was shrouded in mystery, but we became good friends. Sometimes I would go to Egypt, and sometime he would come to me.*

Pucci: ... ...

DIO: Hey, don't make a face. The "Heaven" that I'm talking about pertains to the human mind... Where your spirit will go... I'm not telling you to die. Your spirit "Evolves", as does your power. Where it finally ascends, is what I'm talking about. I thought that you might understand what I'm talking about

DIO: True happiness lies there... If one is able to go to "Heaven". I understand that happiness cannot be attained by having an invincible body or mountains of money, or even being the ruler of the human race. The true winner is the one that gets to see "Heaven"... I will get there, no matter how many things I must sacrifice.

Pucci: Specifically, how would you go about it ?

*He said that, to find out the way, he needed my help. He said that he has written down his findings in a notebook... And, before I could find out the means to do it... The notebook was burned. It was in Egypt of 1989.

The one that burned it was Jolyne Cujoh's father. Jotaro... Kujo Jotaro read the contents of the notebook, that day... So he burned it, sealing the knowledge with him forever... So nobody would find out... Erased along with Dio Brando, who has spent his existence trying to find a way to attain Heaven... For 20 or so odd years, I wanted to obtain Jotaro's "Memory", containing the way to get to Heaven, that Jotaro had read in the notebook.

Finally, in this prison, I got it... His memories... Along with the Stand that surpassed even Dio, "Star Platinum"... To ensure that Jotaro's body would eventually just rot away... Although, his daughter took some actions I didn't expect beforehand, and some unexpected guests appeared... But that's all taken care of, now.*

Pucci: The guard just retrieved Star Platinum. He should be able to clean up this mess... There's no need for me to get involved any further... I should head back to the chapel.

Your POV:

"Jolyne !! What... What the hell ?! Hey, what do you think you're doing ?!"

Guard: She was here without a pass. This is an attempt at jail break.

"You shot twice an unharmed prisoner with clear intent to kill !! You need to chill the fuck down !! And beside... What are you even doing here, there wasn't any planned patrols in this area..."

Guard: ... What was it... ? This thing... A disc... Oh yeah, Jolyne Cujoh... I was ordered to bring back this disc... And, also, to completely finish her off. I was ordered... Hmm... But, I don't remember who it was... That made the orders... Was it the warden ? It could've been him, or maybe it wasn't...

"... The warden ? What kind of nonsense is that ?!"

Guard: Anyway, I was given orders. To completely blast through her head, with this gun. And you're interfering."


"URK !!"

Guard: I've been... Given orders.

"I... I see... Whitesnake... Well, try to shoot me one last time, then. Try to finish me off, it's the last thing you'll ever do."

Guard: ... ...



Guard: H- Huh... ? Where did he go ?

"Not so far. Hokuto, Kyomu Shidan ! (Nothingness attack)"

Guard: ... ... ... ...

"He'll just stand there for a while. Now, Jolyne, next time you want to contact the ICSF, I'd rather have you tell me about it."


"... ... Kuh..."

Guard: ... ... ...

"E- Even though... I erased his memories... he's still following Whitesnake's orders... How... ? Is that... A disc... ?"

"W... What the fuck... ?!"

Weather: ...[Weather Report]... It has the ability to control the weather... If Whitesnake is around, this is the only thing I can do... The only option left for me... Jolyne, I'm unable to protect you, but I can protect the disc... And, if you have the willpower left in you, you might be able to pull through this...

Pucci: Th... This... !

*February 8th, 1859. In England, in the district of Wales, in the mountains of Glamorganshire... A man by the name of John Lewis, working at a lumberyard, was alarmed by something hitting his roof. When he went outside to see the source of the sound, he found thousands of sardines hopping around on the ground. He gathered them, grilled them, and ate them.

November 20th, 1947. Florida, Tallahassee... September 27th, 1971, In Ocala, Florida... Between the years of 1887 and 1974, there were more than 50 reported cases of fish, frogs, snakes, and even sheep falling from the sky, in the state of Florida alone... It was said to be caused by tornadoes... It was the most believable. And, the poison dart frog, who are abundant mostly in Central America... The bright color on their skin... It is a warning sign to snakes or spiders, not to eat them. Under their skin, they have a deadly poison that the aboriginal americans used in their blowguns...*

Pucci: Th... The color of these frog's skin... ! Are these... Poison dart frogs ? If I remember correctly, the deadly poison that kills you even on light contact is "Beneath" the skin... if it gets inside my body, it would completely destroy and stop my heart as well as my respiratory nerve tissues, in mere seconds... that's what's flying around in the air, right now... [WHITESNAKE] !!

Pucci: No ! My passcard's been buried underneath the frogs, and I can't see where it is... ! Th... This ability... It can't be, "His" weather controlling ability... Weather Report... He's supposed to have lost his memory... ! The one hiding behind the oil drum was him... Somebody !! Is anybody there ?! Somebody, open these gates !! Anyone !!

Jolyne: P... Poison... they're poisonous, these frogs...

"Jolyne, don't move ! Right now, it's a choice between taking the disc or shielding, and I can't do both !"

Jolyne: W... What's going on ? Did you... get shot ? The wound's deep... if any poison gets in these wounds...

"I am well aware of that, and that's why I'm asking you not to move around. You've been shot too, and I don't think anyone would dare try to take the disc covered with frogs and poison right now."

Pucci: Calm down... Keep your peace of mind... What should I do... ? 2, 3,5,7,11,13,17,19... Calm down, count prime numbers to keep your composure... prime numbers are solitary numbers that can only be divided by one and themselves... They give me strength...

Pucci: 23, 28... No, it was 29... 29, 31, 37... Shit ! There are frogs on my 800 dollar pants ! Weather Report is in the laundry hall... it's too far... I have to assume that it's impossible to stop these frogs. I have to escape... the only way is to get out of here, somehow.

Pucci: 41... Maybe, that guard in the courtyard... What happened to him ? That guard, who I was controlling with Whitesnake... Can you hear me ?! Can you hear my voice ?! Guard ! Get back in here ! I order you ! If you're on the floor, get up and get in here !

Guard: Faaaatheeeeeerr... H- Help meeee... Please, ask god to spare meeeee... Tell himmmm... To let me liiiiveee... !

Pucci: ... 43, 47, 53... Th... This kind of poison... 59, 61... Come over here, as you are. Can you hear my voice ? I want your passcard . I want you to come over here, and hand me your pass...

Guard: Will I... Will I be okay... ?! Tell him to spare my lifeee... !

Pucci: Hey ! Don't take your pass out back there, you idiot !!

Guard: Faaaaaatheeeeer... !!

Pucci: S... 67, 71...

Guard: What the... This is... What's going on... ? Those frogs... They're falling from the sky... the only place where this is happening is in the courtyard area... What the hell is going on here ?!

Pucci: I- I'm saved ! Come over here ! I want you to open this gate right now !!

Guard: F- Father... ? What's going on here... ?

Pucci: I have no idea ! It must be a tornado... But that doesn't matter, just hurry ! I dropped my passcard, and it's impossible for me to find it again... I can't open this gate !

Guard: of course, I understand... Right away... Th- These frogs are... ...

Pucci: What are you doing... ? There's a guard who's fallen over here ! This is incredibly bad ! I want you to come here immediately and open this door !

Guard: Someone's fallen... W- Wait a moment... please calm down, father... I... I'll go send help right away. Please stay cam...

Pucci: ... Wait ! Where are you going ?! All you have to do is press the buttons for the gate's controls !

Guard: I... I understand ! But, there might be some reason for this... I have to ask my superiors... Calm down... Stay calm, father !

Pucci: 'Yes, I'm perfectly calm... the one who isn't, is you... ! 73,79... Are you planning to leave me here... ? There's deadly frog poison on my face which is seeping through my skin, and meanwhile all you got was a bit of juice on your boots... Consult your superiors ? You should be doing your job... ! I guess that my life means that little to you...'

Guard: I'll be right back, father !!

Pucci: Whitesnake, give me a disc !! poison dart frog... I can't control all of you, but I can give orders to at least one of you ! After you fly 10 meters, explode, all right ? I order you !!

Guard: GYAAAHHHHHH ! MY EYES !! My... S- Somebody !! My eyessss !! AGHHHAAAA !! The poison... !! S- Somebody help me !! F- Father !! W... Where is the exit ?! I need medical attention !! Please, call somebody, father !! Where's the damn exit ?! Please !! Where is it, father ?!

Pucci: ... 83, 89, 97... If you want me, I'm right here... What you're thinking is, if I can open this door and get some help, you can get medical aid, is that right ? Then, why don't you come in the direction of my voice ?

Guard: Fatherrr !!

Pucci: ... Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum... So, what should I do with it ? I got rid of Jolyne and that guard, but I can't leave it as it is... My next goal is to retrieve that disc ! Somehow...

Guard: D... Did the door open ? Father ? Please... take me with you ! Where are you, father ?!

Whitesnake: The rain... It's stopping... Where are they... ? Jolyne Cujoh and that guard's bodies... They can't be too far away from the disc...

Pucci: You frightened me there, for a second... But, there is no way the frogs can defeat a snake. Search. 'Whitesnake's range of movement is about 20 meters... I'm running a high risk by being here, if anyone sees me... But, my Whitesnake has to be the one to safely retrieve the disc. I can't let Star Platinum lie there, under those dead frogs...'

Whitesnake: ... "A dead prisoner's spirit comes back to Earth, to bring more companions over to the land of the dead." I've heard that in the East, there are stories of that nature... But, this seems to truly personify that story. How horrific... Well, the disc must be around here somewhere...

Pucci: Whitesnake... Sweep the area between where you are and the gate. It should be around there...

Whitesnake: And here it is. I've retrieved the Disc.

"Yeah, thank you for that. You've spared us the pain of looking for it ourselves. But damn, did it really fly all the way over there ?"

Whitesnake: What ?! How could ?!

"Such are the many wonders of life. Of the art of the ripple, or even of 'Life magnetism'. After all, the poison of these frogs is located under their skin. So, has long as they don't get butchered by the landing, they're perfectly harmless."

Whitesnake: ...' he created a mattress by sticking together the first frogs to fall, and it cushioned the fall for the rest of them... And worst of all... he can see ! He's a Stand user as well !'

Jolyne: Do you really have time to be daydreaming like that ? We were waiting for you to find the disc.


Jolyne: It was already here. The messenger for the most advanced biomedical foundation... It wasn't actually a human. It was here, right on time... Weaving through the rain of frogs, right here in the courtyard. "Savage Garden", the name of that pigeon. That trained carrier pigeon will bring the disc to its rightful place.

Pucci: ... WHITESNAKE !! There's a gun near the gate, the one that the guard dropped !! Pick it up and shoot the pigeon down !!


Whitesnake: That guard, he used all the bullets... ! There are none left ! Shit !!

"... We won."

Whitesnake: Don't underestimate me !! Nothing has changed !! Even with Star Platinum, Jotaro Kujo is still a broken puppet !! He won't even be able to recognize you !!

"... Not yet, Jolyne... You can't fall down here. Whoever the user may be, they still have the memory disc in their possession... But I swear... Now that he knows about me, I can't try and stay low about that anymore. I'll find who that is..."

Pucci: 'Nothing has changed... the only reason that I stole Star Platinum came from my sentimentality, of avenging my friend... the important thing is the memory disc that's still in my hands... Everything is according to plan ! The only way to get Heaven is through Jotaro's memories !'

Pucci: 'And now, I know that guard's an enemy... An acquaintance of Jotaro, but at what point did he hide the truth... 20 years ago... That was right before...'

*The ICSF has received Kujo Jotaro's Star Platinum disc. But, in order to restore Jotaro's mind, they need to retrieve the memory disc as well...*

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