Chapter 11: Ultra quarantine confinment

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Guards: Prisoner number FE40536, name: Jolyne Cujoh !! This is the second time that you've caused a problem ! The first time, attempted escape ! And now... ! Even though we found a dead female prisoner with her head seemingly ripped off in our prison cemetery, you refuse to explain what went on ! Furthermore, you've been acting defiantly to the questionings !! Also, there have been continuous unexplained deaths and injuries going on around you !! We have no proof that you're the direct cause fo all this, but we're certain that you're attracting these problems ! Therefore, we will use a strict enforcement of the rules to straighten you out ! One meal per day ! One shower a day ! These are the only things that you will be allowed here ! Permission to work, permission to read, permission to make a phone call, permission to have possessions, permission to walk, permission to speak ! All of these things have been restricted !

Guards: The duration of your stay here is undecided ! From now, you're to stay in this "Ultra security punishment ward" !!

Jolyne: UWAAAAAAH !! Ugh ! Shit ! Shit !

Inmates: It's a woman... Uhhhhhg... A woman is here... Uhhh... The one that was dragged over here... It's a woman... ! I can smell her... I can smell her scent, rising from the floors... ! There's a woman here... !


Jolyne: Ugh... UH ! Th- This... !!

Inmates: YEEEEEEEEES !! GYAHAHAHAHA !! I hit her with my shit !! Gyahahahahaha !! My shit came in contact with a woman's face !! I want to hit her with mine too !! Heh, heh, heh !! Eheheheheh !!

Jolyne: ... The one thing I can't do here... Is wear my mental strength away... Build unnecessary stress ! It'll also wear me down physically... I, in this ultra security punishment ward, have a mission I have to fulfill ! I have to see it through... To do that... I can't wear myself down for stupid reasons ! No... instead I'll become even stronger !

Whitesnake: All right, Sports Maxx... Listen well... On this earth, just as this Earth has a proven 7 to 3 ration between sea and land... It is said that there is a definite number of living organisms o Earth.

Maxx: ... ... ... ...

Whitesnake: Sports Maxx, this is not a difficult concept... But, it is an important one. It can be said that as the population of humans increase, proportionally, an equal number of other organisms die out... therefore, retaining the set number of life that is allowed to live on earth. But, if there was a way... For one human being to "Possess" those lives, those millions of lives... What do you think that person would be able to "see" ? What does the future hold for that person ?

Maxx: ... ... Uh... Don't ask me, I have no idea. Well, I do think it's an interesting idea... So, uhh, what am I supposed to do again ?

Whitesnake: the thing that I want to ask you about is this "Bone". I want you to try something with it.

Whitesnake: Can you "Revive" this bone with your ability ? This bone, I want you to summon the spirit within it.

Maxx: That... is that a human bone ? Whose bone is it ?

Whitesnake: That doesn't concern you... let's say that it's a an old friend of mine. 'My friend, DIO's bone... I retrieved it from Egypt...' Can you do it ?

Maxx: But, Mr.Whitesnake... You say to revive it, but, that's just one part of the person... Or are you sayin' that you've collected the whole body somewhere else ? I dunno if I can revive it with just one part...

Whitesnake: listen, I just want you to attempt it. This is the only bone of his left, and the rest was reduced to dust and is no longer on the face of this Earth. But ou must do it, Sports Maxx. If you can't understand this, I will have you return the ability that I gave you.

Maxx: I- I get it... But, uh... I did it, already... I've finished... Already...

Pucci: Ugh !

Whitesnake: Wh... What is this ?! The bone ! Where did it go... ?!

Maxx: ... ...

Whitesnake: Where did it go ?! His bone !! Sports Maxx !! What have you done ?! What's happening ?! I'm asking you where his bone went !!

Maxx: I... I don't know !! That's what I wanna ask !! What the hell is that bone, anyway ?! I can't control it ! The bone itself is moving !! B- But I feel it ! I can feel it moving around here ! It's close !

Whitesnake: search ! Hurry and find it !! ... No... Wait... Wait, Sports Maxx...

Whitesnake: This means that it's true... that there definitely is a way to go to "Heaven", just as he said ! I will search for the bone, but for now... I will leave the bone to do as it wishes... And I will make observations... ! So that I can combine it with the information that I git from Kujo Jotaro's disc, to find out the truth !

Maxx: It's in the punishment ward... Mr.Whitesnake... in that direction, the bone... it's in the punishment ward, I can "Feel" it. Someone might have picked it up...


Your POV:

Stand user: Emporio Alniño

Stand: Burning Down the House: -Power: None

-Speed: None

-Range: None

-Persistence: None

-Precision: None

-Potential: None


"Well... This sure was something interesting..."

Foo: Yeah... That's the memory disc that Hermes got from Sports Maxx a few days ago. Of course, Jolyne's already seen it.

Emporio: Jolyne is... Are you saying that she purposely got punished ?! She did it so she could get into the punishment ward to find that bone, and to get her father's memories back from Whitesnake ?!

"... Between all that talk about heaven, and the figure hiding behind that pillar... All of this coupled with the bone, and Jotaro's memory, i'm starting to see a pattern I definitely don't like in the slightest... Jolyne was right, we need to get that bone, and fast..."

Foo: But, it's too dangerous ! Since we know about Sports Maxx's memories, Whitesnake is gonna use all of his power to kill Jolyne, for sure ! If Jolyne's left alone in that place, she's done for ! But I do't know what to do ! I want you to help me

"The ultra security ward... getting in there myself will be a hurdle in itself. It's not the part i'm supposed to be assigned to, not to mention, getting other prisoners in or even breaking Jolyne out..."

Foo: Yeah, about that, You should chill a bit. Especially after what happened with Sports Maxx...

"What about it ?"

Hermes: Where did that bastard go ?!

Jolyne: The... The cemetery !! I'm sure he went there ! that's bad ! If he can revive the corpses here, he'll have an army of invisible zombies !!

Foo: I saw the guard going around there not too long ago... if he's still there...

Hermes: We've got to hurry !! or else... Wait, what's that ?

Jolyne: Sound like... Music.. ? Is it coming from the cemetery ?




"Hey, I'll have you know Hamon was purposely created for that."

Foo: I know, it was your enthusiasm that was scary. But if even you can't get to the ward like that...

Emporio: It... It's impossible... Even Weather Report, who's in the infirmary right now, wouldn't be able to make it there... I... Of course, I want to do something, too...

"... What about him ?"

Emporio: Don't rely on him. Anasui won't help you.

Foo: ... "Him" ? This guy... Is he a male prisoner ?!

"F.F., you should stop assuming people genders. Not because it's socially not acceptable, but it's just too much of a bother with how everyone tends to dress. But, in any case..."

*The "Ultra Security Punishment ward" is situated 520 meters away from the women's ward... It is located on the southern section of the men's exercise grounds. Complete isolation... The people placed here are prisoners who need to be protected from the others, for example the elderly, and those with mental disabilities... Also, it is for those who can't fit in with the other prisoners. For example, people who have murdered children, those who are prone to violence or frequently attempt to escape... those who are extremely vicious... And, those who show no signs or desire to correct their past wrongs.*

"To get there, you have to leave this building on a prison van, so there's no such thing as a 'Secret path' to get there. I've never even been there myself, just so you know... So, if Jolyne is in there... Right now, all we can do now is hope that she's all right... The only way I could even get there is to get assigned to it, which is... Well, rather unlikely, at best..."

Foo: If sneaking in isn't an option... What about going in by force ? Hey, you there... How about you ? You're a "Stand user" too, right ? Were you born with your ability ?

Emporio: I told you, Anasui won't... ! Don't even talk to him ! He won't help, no matter what happens...

Foo: Why ? I would do anything ! If he can somehow help us get to the punishment ward !! I'd do anything to repay him !

Emporio: F.F. ! Don't !! he's not the type of person that "Helps" other people ! You... You've never heard of him ? Even the name, "Anasui"... ? He's a "Murderer".

"... Emporio, this is the maximum security 'Green Dolphin Street prison'. What kind of people exactly were you expecting to see here exactly, apart from criminals ?"

Emporio: You don't understand... Anasui's full name is "Narciso Anasui". You haven't heard of him ? He was on TV, and in the papers... Ever since he was a child, the reason isn't clear, but he had a habit...

*No, not a habit. A "Syndrome", is a better word. A syndrome where he gets the desire to "take things apart". When he was given toys, he would take the toys apart. If he saw a phone, he would take the phone apart. If he saw a clock, he would take it apart. He "Needs to take things apart". That's just how he is. When he was 10, he took apart a neighbor's Porsche, and was placed in an institution for 6 months. he's even taken apart a telegraph pole. And when he was 21, he went to his girlfriend's place, to go visit her.. And his girlfriend was in her room, making live with another man. Anasui "Disassembled" both of them on the spot. So that they would never "Come together" again.*

Emporio: His psychiatric analysis came out, and the result, surprisingly, said that he was "Normal". But nevertheless, he was placed here. If Weather report wasn't here to keep him calm, there's no knowing what Anasui would do. That's the kind of guy he is... So, you should give up...

"What, because he killed two people ?"

Emporio have you ever killed someone ?!

"I've stopped counting somewhere in the thousands."

Emporio: W- W... What ?!

"See that ? That's the importance of 'Context' and 'Situation'. Anywhere else, and what I did could only be considered as a genocide, but in my context, it was self-defense, and against a literal army. Even though, I already have enough blood on my hands to soak red the entire carpet all the way down to hell..."

Emporio: Ah... Ah...

Foo: 'This guy... Is he really a 'man' ? I don't know what kind of stand he has... But I can't go to where Jolyne is alone... I need help. And, I definitely need this guy's help...'

"Hmm... I suppose we could try to force our way through to the ward... though I can't guarantee our or Jolyne's survival if we do..."

Anasui: Fine, ok... I'll go protect her. Jolyne Cujoh...

Foo: ... .. Huh ?!

Anasui: I'll help. And, if she says that she wants to find that "Bone" or whatever, I'll help her do that as well. let's hurry. She might be under attack right now...

Emporio: ... ... Wa... wait a second ! Anasui, what are you thinking ?! Wait, Anasui ! What are you plotting ?!

Anasui: Plotting ? It's just as I said... I'll protect her with all of my strength. I've fallen for her, for the first time I saw her, completely. And now, to go to the punishment ward for her father... Her determination completely won me over. If I can protect her until the end... i'm going to marry her. That's the condition. Understand ? F.F., was it ? You said that you'd do anything... then, celebrate us. It's necessary for a wedding.

Foo: ... Huh ? What are you gonna do ? Hey, what did he say he was gonna do with Jolyne ?!

"I'll be honest, I... I'm a little lost there as well..."

"Okay... You've kicked that door. What now ?"

Anasui: Just you wait.

Guards: What's going on ?! What was that sudden impact sound ?! There's nobody around anymore !! Shit ! Making fools out of us !! Check the door !!

Anasui: Celebrate us.

*Narciso Anasui: Height 178cm

Prisoner number: MA28050

crime: Murder, sentenced to 12 years

Stand name: Diver Down

Ability: can store his stand's "Power" and "Speed" into objects. Then release it at will...*

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