Chapter 12: Fight fever

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Jolyne: Pretty good. Looks like I can eat these. These mushrooms...


Jolyne: Uh !! Uaaahh !! B- Bright !!

Likir: YEAAAAHHH !! Look, I did it !! She hid !! Gyahahaha !! She hid ! She hid just like a cockroach ! I won this bet !! Add another 20 dollars to my winnings ! Too bad, man !

Westwood: Shit. Well, I only have 15 dollars on me... Give me a discount !

Likir: Well, all right then...

Jolyne: 'I... In any case... In any case... What I have to do is look for the "Bone" using my strings... Why would the bone be here... ? I don't know that yet... But, as long as I find the bone that's somewhere in this punishment ward first, (Unless someone has it already ,)... Whitesnake will come for it, and so will my father's stolen memory disc !'

Westwood: Hey you !! Who told you to stand ?! I told you to get up, but not to get out of your cell !!

Westwood: Heh heh heh heh ! So, whaddaya think is gonna happen in tonight's Marlins game ?

Likir: There's not a lot of hope... The lead pitcher just broke up with that reporter girl... He's definitely gonna get some hits.

Westwood: You wanna bet on that ? 15 bucks.

Likir: i'm in, but you got the money ? He's definitely gonna get some hits !

Westwood: No, that pitcher is good !

Likir: You're just gonna lose... Heh, heh... I'm looking forward to tonight !


Likir: Oh, whoops, sorry. This valve is kind of hard, when I try to close it... Sorry about that.

Westwood: Be careful... I don't get to change my clothes until we get back to the main prison.


Likir: ... hey, why'd you hit me ? I just apologized. It's not like I got water on you on purpose.

Westwood: really ? Did I just hit you ?

Westwood: What the hell do you want ? Did I really hit you that hard ?

Likir: hat the hell, bastard ?! Hitting me so hard like that !

Westwood: Asshole ! Bastard !!

Likir: All right ! Stop ! Come on, stop, stop ! I'l apologize, sorry ! If you don't have any change, I'll give you my clothes ! that's fine, right ? let's stop fighting ! Come on,what are you doing anyway... ? Calm down... Got up on the wrong side of the bed, or something ? We're friends, right ?



Jolyne: These guys !! What's going on ?! I... It can't be... !

Likir: I... I'm getting excited... ! His body... I can see the "Strong points" on his body ! His most powerful muscles...

Likir: It's beautiful... I can feel his most powerful attributes, I can sense them... I can see the beauty of fighting !

Jolyne: Th- This... ! Their bodies... This thing that seems to be shining...



Jolyne: Wh... What is this... ?! Is this an enemy attack ? Is this guard the enemy... No... I haven't seen the real enemy yet ! But, this is definitely a Stand ! This abnormality... this is definitely a Stand attack !'

Pucci: "Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, least they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you." Matthew, 7:6. Sports Maxx is missing. I don't understand how they could have found out, but I can safely assume that, Maxx's memories have been read... the number of Stand users that I have sent to the punishment ward... Is 4 !

Pucci: If Jolyne Cujoh has gone to the punishment ward in search of DIO's bone ! Then I cannot afford to let her live ! I will use every method to destroy her ! In the Punishment Ward, no one cares if something happens there ! Those 4 will definitely see to it that Jotaro's daughter is completely obliterated !!

Pucci: of course... there are some that don't even realize that they are stand users... But their abilities will be brought out to their fullest ! Survivor will... Although Jolyne Cujoh's abilities will be heightened as well, the other three that I have sent will use their abilities to the fullest to eliminate her ! I will protect DIO's bone ! That is my first priority !


Jolyne: He's planning to lure everyone out...

Pucci: I'm just asking out of curiosity, but... DIO. Out of all the "Stand abilities" that you've seen, the "Weakest" ability... What was it like ? It can from anyone that you've seen around the world, or it can be from someone who newly acquired their ability.

DIO: No matter who you are, you have strengths and weaknesses based on your character. A king has his own strengths... A chief has his unique ones, as well. That's what it means to live. Stands are the same, there's no concept for "Weak" or "Strong". If, for example, there was a Stand that couldn't muster any kind of strength, but instead could "Cancel" any other stand. Would that Stand be "Strong" or "Weak" ? In that context, what is important isn't strength. It's "Might".

Pucci: It was a bad question... Your answer can be simple, just like how children ask each other, "Who's stronger, Stallone or Jean-Claude Van Damme ?"...

DIO: ... the stand named "Survivor" is the "Weakest". But it's a handful.

Pucci: Survivor... the name sounds strong.

*In 1982, in the region of Lorraine, in France, a group of 6, comprised of both men and women, went on a hiking trip in the mountains, got lost and eventually all 6 of them died. When they got lost.. When the investigators looked into the reason, they found signs the group had engaged in combat on the mountains. They had all participated in each other's massacre. Both men and women had strained their muscles until their bones cracked under the pressure. And there was even a tooth that has been so forcefully knocked out, that it wedged itself into a rock, it was that intense. Even the one that has survived couldn't make it down, because of his wounds.*

DIO: What I later figured out... The night before, the six had stayed in a mountain lodge, and had quarreled with the lodge owner... Apparently, one of the women had insulted the man for having bad body odor.

Pucci: the lodge owner was the Stand user ?

DIO: Yes... But what did he do ? Why did the 6 people fight ? The answer is, he "Didn't do anything"... he didn't do anything, but, slightly... he got angry at the woman who had said he stunk. And, that rage in his head, became a small, a very small "Electric signal", which eventually traveled down his nerve system... And ran into the ground. That's "Survivor".

*The electric impulse traveled through the ground, and went to the group of 6... It was necessary for the ground or their boots to be wet, in order for it to conduct, but...*

DIO: the electrical current that runs through the human brain is very weak, approximately 0,07 volts. A stand that runs on such a small amount of energy... And also, "Survivor" doesn't directly attacks the target. It essentially doesn't do anything. It can't incur damage, it can't control people, it can't hurt them, it can't make people fall asleep... It can't do any of that. It just makes people angry.

DIO: It just works to weakly stimulate the limbic system in the human brain, and awakens the fighting spirit... Just because one woman insulted him, the lodge owner was able to make all 6 people fight.

*The amount of hate that breeds inside someone is due to their own faults. Even since he was young, anyone who came near him frequently got into fights. His parents got into a fight that almost killed both of them, and they got divorced. His siblings all live separately.*

Pucci: Before, you said that... This ability was a "Handful".

DIO: It's a useless ability. It can't differentiate between friend or foe. If all of your subordinates fight, your organization would disintegrate.

Pucci: ... That... Would you be willing to "Give it" to me ? If you don't need it, just the stand...

DIO: Are you planning to extract the ability and store it on a disc ? That sounds good... "To each his own"... One day, it might become useful...


Jolyne: There's a Stand user here... An enemy... Someone's sent a stand ability here ! They have to be here somewhere... Someone who made those two guards fight... And the bone is here somewhere ! I definitely have to get the bone ! No matter who it is, I won't forgive anyone who gets in my way ! Anyone who tries to get in my way, I'll kill... Ah... ?'

Jolyne: 'What ? Kill.. ? Did I just think that ? What is this weird feeling that's flaring up inside me... ? Is this... My fighting spirit ? This feeling that tells me that I have to conquer anything, no matter what happens to me...'

Jolyne: 'This guard... he's planning to do the same... The same thing he did to that other guard... But, unfortunately, he's nothing in front of my [Stone Free].'

Westwood: I can see it, FE40536. Your "Strong points"... A string-like thing... I can see it coming out from your muscles... it's beautiful... ! Is that your most powerful weapon ?

Jolyne: 'This guy... his movements, just now... the fight that he had with the other guard, even though it was vicious and extreme, it was just simple punching... But, this ! He's gone beyond normal human physical movements ! This guard... I have to eliminate him quickly, with all of my power !'

Your POV:

*Stand user: Narciso Anasui

Stand: Diver Down: -Power A

-Speed A

-Range E

-Persistence C

-Precision B

-Potential B*

"... You know, when I said it would be near-impossible, I meant getting into the ward. Getting out of here was not the problematic part for me."

Anasui: What... ? Are you two coming along, as well ? I'm fine on my own...

"Listen, last time someone said that to me, one of my friend got shot in the head ad stabbed in the back. Not taking the risk again."

Foo: Hey, I did ask you for help, but i'm the one deciding and making orders here. I want you to get that straight, understand ? And, also... About the assassins who were sent to the ward where Jolyne is... It's obvious, but there are probably more than one of them.

"I mean, Whitesnake has proven to be cautious and somewhat of a perfectionist... he's really planning on getting rid of Jolyne, so even just 2 of them is unlikely... 3 or more, attacking at the same time... Don't forget that."

Foo: So we are going to find them before they attack Jolyne, get rid of them, and come back here, all right ?!

Anasui: Hmph. Well, fine. I'm planning on coming back before that guard regains consciousness. And... We've already established that i'm going to marry Jolyne. Make sure you don't forget that.

"You're 25, she's 19. You're lucky the age of consent in Florida is 18."

Anasui: What would you do if it wasn't ? Throw me in jail or something ?

"... You know... I don't know if I got up the wrong side of the bed this morning, or if you're doing an incredibly good job at getting on my nerves... But I'm getting pretty pissed off right now. So you better hurry before I decide your face would make a fine piece of art on the wall."

Foo: ... Wait a second, what the hell are you talking about ?! I don't get you !!

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