Chapter 14: Unlucky spot

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Kenzo

Stand: Dragon's Dream: -Power None

-Speed None

-Range None

-Persistence A

-Precision None

-Potential None*

Jolyne: ... "Feng Sui" ? What are you talking about ? What do you mean, direction of attack ?

Anasui: Feng Sui... It's known as a famous form of divination, like astrology, or the reading of tarots... But in reality, it's not "Fortune-telling".

*According to the East Asians, determining the direction that the flow of energy from "Water" and "Wind" originates from in natural world helps to determine a path that an individual should follow in his or her life? For example, Feng Shui is used to see the good and bad areas that lie in a piece of land, home, and even rooms. If the land or the home is pointing towards the "Unlucky" position, it will negatively affect their wealth, health, and even general well-being ! During warning eras, soldiers would inspect the Feng Shui of the castle of their enemies, to determine from which direction they should attack to confuse the enemy. On the flip side, the others built shrines in those unlucky areas to suppress the negative vibes, to solidify the castle's defense. And ! Feng Shui also applies to the human body... therefore, a skill called "Feng-Shui assassination" was born ! If one is able to determine which direction is the most effective to attack his or her enemy, using Feng-Shui... No matter how alertly the opponent defends their surroundings... It is possible to approach the enemy without even being detected... Therefore making the assassination a quick and easy job. So... it's the "Unlucky areas" !*

Anasui: That's definitely what Kenzo's stand is utilizing ! The impeding unlucky area for him ! That dragon stand is pointing out Kenzo's designated path to kill him ! And once his attacks merge with the dragon... ! That's when his fate is decided ! It can't be... kenzo was in here for 40 years... training his "Feng-Shui assassination" technique ! And it emerged as his stand ability ! That's Feng Shui ! The path that needs to be taken !

Jolyne: S.. So... Even when he's defending... ?! None of the hits could hit that geezer... that, too ?! Are you saying that feng Shui can also protect Kenzo ?!

Anasui: No doubt it can... While that dragon is in his hands, he can read which direction he needs to go to find a safe spot... And while he moves towards that spot... he can move into his next attack ! ... the dragon is pointing out the direction to kill again.


"Don't worry... I've been listening very carefully the whole time."

Kenzo: Hiyah ! Look, Dragon's Dream !! It's because you talked so much that they understand now !

Dragon: Shut up,old man ! I'm not your lackey ! Shouldn't everyone know about Feng Shui ?!

"... I take it you cannot give me his unlucky directions, can you ?"

Dragon: Sorry, none can do. It's true that I'm neutral in a fight, only the old man is able to utilize me to my fullest ! So, this next spot is your unluckiest. Right above your left ear. Right now, this spot is the ultimate red warning sign... Also, your lucky color is purple, and a picture of a goldfish will bring you luck.. Not that you have one at hand, but...

"I will not need it. You, you may have been training your feng-shui assassination for 40 years, but in the face of the 2000 years history of Hokuto and Nanto, you're just a baby. Let me show you, what the true fist of assassins is."

Foo: H- He jumped ?! What the...

Kenzo: ... You're going for a knifehand strike... It doesn't look like I'll even need to touch the dragon. Huh... ?

"... In combination with my own 'Taiyo Handan Ken", I will now judge your sins !! Nanto Suicho ken no ougi !! ENJÔ HAKUREI !! (Flaming white grace)"

Kenzo: WHAT ?!


Kenzo: Ah... Ahhh...

"... Please don't dodge. it'll just be more painful once I hit if it's just a graze."

Jolyne: The... The iron bars ! He severed them...No, he cut them with his bare hands !!

Anasui: Not only cut... The bars are on the verge of melting... The strike generated enough heat to melt steel...

Kenzo: ... So, it won't be as easy... It seems as if I do need to use the dragon to finish you off... My next attack, has already been decided by your direction of death.

"... ... So what is it ? Hey, Dragon, you know what's coming ?"

Dragon: I told you, it's your unlucky spot, right above your left ear ! But, I don't know what's gonna happen next, and also, if I were you... I would try to keep the damage that you're gonna get to a minimum.

"... Zero is a minimum."



"No... What's dangerous here isn't the fan itself... Right above my left ear, was it ?"

Dragon: Y- yeah... ?


"Nishi Shinkû Ha. That stand of yours, sure is helpful. You're basically telling me the exact direction you're going to attack me."

Kenzo: You think you're so smart, don't you... Those techniques, what are they ? What are you ?

"... I've been known by many names... But in that situation, the one that suits me is, Shinigami. The God of death, judge of souls."

Kenzo: ... God of death, huh. I... I used to. I used to have 30,000 followers who listened to my preaching, and followed in my footsteps... But ever since I came to this prison, my life changed to one of scorn... Everyone scorned me and laughed. I was even treated like a fool by some piece of pedophile trash who kidnapped children... 40 years. For 40 long years, my glory days... Those were my glory days ! 40 years ago, I was crowned by glory !!

Kenzo: And now, it's going to be that way again ! The reason for my surviving the fire, Feng Shui, came back to me as my stand ability ! No doubt, people will start to revere me as their savior now... Even if I can't escape this prison, the prisoners will all become my followers ! AFTER I TAKE CARE OF YOU !! SHOW ME ! THIS IS THE LAST ATTACK ! DRAGON'S DREAM !! SHOW ME THE WAY TO MAKE MY FINAL ATTACK !!

Dragon: ... ... ... ... Uhhhh...

Kenzo: Dragon ! What's wrong ?! Show me his unluckiest spot !!

Dragon: Uh... Uhhh... Uhhhhhhhh... I... I can't...

Kenzo: WHAT ?! What do you mean, you "Can't" ?!

Dragon: I can't determine his unluckiest spot ! In fact... I can't read his Feng-Shui directions at all !

Kenzo: H- Huh ?! How is that possible ?!

"Hokuto... Musô Tensei (Nil-Thought Rebirth). Hokuto Shinken's ultimate technique, achieved through understanding of sorrow, and becoming one with the souls of the dead..."

Kenzo: You... The definitive killing direction, coupled with my perfect position of defense... It took me 40 years to perfect Feng-Shui assassination ! I've finally mastered it !! I'M GOING TO BE A LEADER AGAAAAAAIN !! NOW I'LL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS A SAINT THAT'S RIVALED ONLY BY BUDDHA !! NOW DIE !!

"... You can train your body all you want, the weaknesses of the human mind stays the same. When in a state of panic, or high stress, they will start focusing only on the immediate objective, neglecting everything else."

Kenzo: Huh ? GUH- !

"In your case... You focused so much on attacking me, to find my unluckiest spot... You stopped caring about your own safest spot for a second."

Kenzo: Guurh... You... I was still in it... How...

"True, you were still in it after your last attack. But don't you think it's strange ? At that moment, Jolyne and the others were on your left, weren't they ? So why are they on your right now ?"

Kenzo: Gaaahh... Dragon's Dream !!

Dragon: hey, don't yell at me like that, I'm neutral. Shouldn't you be angry at yourself that you didn't even notice how he made you do an 180° ?

"And now that I've got you... You can't find any new safe angle !"




*Kenzo (78 years old). Stand name: Dragon's Dream. Deceased.*

*Stand user: Y/n L/n

Stand: Dark Void Act III, Darkest Void: -Power A

-Speed A

-Range E

-Persistence A

-Precision A

-Potential E*

*Right now he's in a "Sleep state". He wakes up, positioned as monks do... And, although he has long periods where he's awake, he also sleeps for twenty four hours at a time. It's to be expected because he has absolutely no memories... Speaking, reading, eating with a knife and fork... He's lost all of these things.*

Doctor: How about his ability to learn after his revitalization from death ?

Kakyoin: It's completely normal... His brain waves and mental state are all clear. He has learned how to take a shower. He has also learned about 30 English words. But, such facts as his name being Jotaro Kujo, or the essential meaning of the word "Water" is still lost to him. Or his parents... He even has no recollection of his daughter, even when we show him photos... But, as long as we keep him safe in this facility, there should be no problems... We will sustain him in perfect health...

Doctor: ... I wonder, about that... I see no fluctuations in his weight, but his muscle mass is dropping. Do you understand what this means ?

Kakyoin: ... ...

Doctor: Since he has no memories, it can be said that he has no "Objective" or goals in life. What happens to a body that belongs to someone will no will to live ?

*In a flash, the muscles begin to degenerate... because the person is not active, this degeneration happens at an unimaginable speed. Until... It becomes hard for the person to even breathe, because of their loss of stamina... It becomes a struggle to even move their lungs...*

Kakyoin: ...What would the countermeasures be in that case... ? Doctor...

Doctor: I don't know... Maybe the only way is for us to regain his "Memory"...


Interns: He's wounded ! Someone help him !

Kakyoin: I- i'm sorry, doctor... I forgot to warn you, please refrain from touching his head... or rather, maybe, his hat... I assume that its a physiological defense reaction...

Doctor: Did he activate his Stand ability ?

Kakyoin: yes... i'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but it's not because he remembers it... It's just an instinctual reaction.

Kakyoin: Joly... Ne... Jolyne ? N- No way... I must be seeing things... It can't be.

Foo: It's odd... Your wounds... Even though I took care of them, and healed them.. On your right arm...

"... Don't these look like words ? This wound..."

Jolyne: Wait... F.F., you don't have to heal these... It's not a wound, or anything, and it's getting better. 'Was that a dream... ? A sudden dream, when I was unconscious... No, my father... he, even before I was born, he's been protecting things... When he wasn't by my side, just like what's going on right now... It was so that mom and I wouldn't get involved. I felt it... Now, I know that I understand my father, with every fiber of my being...'

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