Chapter 15: Birth

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Anasui: Hey... I want you to do something. I want you, right here on these stairs, too... Make Jolyne trip. Just trip her up a bit... You'll do it, right ?

Foo: ... What do you want us to do ?

Anasui; I'm telling you to "Make her fall"... Do it, now. But, of course, I won't really let her fall... because I'll catch her in my arms, and help her up. Jolyne was half unconscious because of her wounds, earlier. I don't think she really heard that I love her back there. I want to hold her in my arms, once more. So, do it. Make her trip.

"... ... Listen, I can understand that staying here for too long is problematic for managing your libido, but you still can go fuck yourself."

Foo: Why doncha do it yourself ?! God, you're creepy !

Anasui: Wait. You promised me... I will marry her, and you promised to help. Don't forget our promise.

"... I never promised anything. You just tagged along because you fell for a girl way younger than you."

Foo: What the hell are you talking about ?! Listen ! There's that other guy that was with Kenzo, who looked like a knight or something ! He's still out there somewhere ! It's not the time for this right now !

Anasui: I'll decide what's important.

"Would the possibility of me shoving your own head up your dick if we don't move on be important ?"

Anasui: just do it. Or are you someone who doesn't follow their word ?

"Ignore him. We've got better things to worry about then playing wingmen."

Anasui: Do it...

Foo: ...' Sorry, Jolyne...'

Jolyne: It's that "Small guy" !! The small guy is here !! He was watching us from upstairs !!

Jolyne: He has it ! He has the bone in his hands !!

Anasui: ... ...

"And for today's weather report, an immense salt storm is destroying Anasui's pride, more at 3 PM."


Foo: His movements are really weird ! But I won't let him escape !! he must have been hiding in one of the cells all this time !!

"... just wait a second... Don't you think something looks wrong... With his back ?"

"And, Jolyne, correct me if I'm wrong but... You called him 'Little guy' didn't you ? Well... isn't he somewhere around my own height now... No, maybe even taller..."

Guy: Sun... Light...

Foo: Hey, you !! Don't move !! You can't get away ! Turn around, slowly !!

Guy: Feels good... the sun... Light...



Guy: the light... is warm, it gives me energy... Everyone, it's so warm...


Foo: What the... He just blew up and scattered something !! is this guy a stand user ?! Don't get too close ! I don't know what it is, but we shouldn't touch it !

"... It doesn't look like a stand, though...It's more like his body was being transformed into something else... !"

Jolyne: Wh- Where is the bone ?! Where's the bone that this guy was holding when he was on the stairs ?!

"... Fucking gross."

Foo: What the hell... ?! The other prisoners, they've already...

Anasui: When we were down there... This looks like... Plants ? Are they growing ?!

Jolyne: Who ?! Who's responsible for this ?!

???: 'This... Should I assume that this is a stand ability, as well it might be due to the bone... It did this, this power... Ad thi feeling, almost like determination... It's almost as if it's trying to give birth to something. First, the flowers bloom... it's waiting for these plants to finally end their process of growth. So, what should I do with this bone that the other guy just dropped ? Touching the bone itself, or touching the guy in possession of it... I know now that both are extremely dangerous...'

Jolyne: Why would someone activate this ability... ? It... it's growing, rapidly ! What happened to these guys ?!

Anasui: Don't move any further !! Jolyne Cujoh ! Stop right there ! Let me see your face... Turn this way.

Jolyne: ... What ? What's wrong ?

Anasui: Nothing.. Just, stay this way... It's nothing, but, I just awant to check...

Anasui: *Sniff sniff*

Jolyne: Wh- What the hell are you doing ?! What's up with this guy ?!

Foo: Anasui, you bastard !!

Anasui: Just shut up, F.F. !

"So you saw it, too... They all became this way, not because of a stand ability, but the bone itself... that's safe to assume... If it really was an enemy's ability, it would've targeted us first. But it started with them, because the small guy was running around with the bone. Bone you very well may have touched as well... back there when you grabbed that guy with Stone Free... Either you touched the bone, or just touching the guy was enough..."

???: 'Shit... It's getting away. That root-like thing is carrying the bone away...'

Jolyne: The bone !! It's over there !! It's rolling away !!

"You've been infected too, Jolyne !!"

Foo: NO WAY !!

Anasui: [DIVER DOWN] !!

Jolyne: Y- You did it, Anasui ! You got rid of them, from the inside... You've gotten rid of most of it ! Pull them out ! Hurry, pull them all out !

Anasui: ... ...

Foo: There's still some left, what the hell are you doing ?!

'... I never touched either the bone or the guy... Better keep a close eye on it, before it gets... away... What in the name of...'

Anasui: You're not using the correct terms. It's not "Growing", so I can't "Pull them out"... They've become a part of her. Her body's being transformed into these. Should I try to remove more of them ? Is there pain... ?

Jolyne: ... No. I guess I must have touched that bone... And, now that this is happening, you need to get away. If you touch me, you might get infected too...

Anasui: These are real plants. It's made of fiber, and therefore, alive... I don't know what type of plant this is, but there's no blood running through them, just chlorophyll. Either way, I'll do something about it...

"... It's the 'Light'. Jolyne, you need to get back to the shade. After all, these are plants, it's only natural for them to grow when exposed to sunlight..."

Jolyne: What are its motives... ? What is it trying to accomplish ?! What would be the benefit of turning everyone in this ward into a plant ?!

'Everyone in the ward... ? Wait... 32... 33... 34... 35...'

Jolyne: We have to get that bone !

Foo: But how ?! If we touch that thing, we'll get turned into a plant too, Jolyne !

Jolyne: I'll get it... i'm already infected, anyway...

"Don't. Stay in the shade, Jolyne. I've kept my eyes on it the whole time anyway, and... I... I think it's better if you see for yourselves..."

Jolyne: Huh ? Wait, the bone, where did it go ?! Where is it ?! I thought I saw it roll over to this flower, here...

"That is correct... But... I have no words to describe this, and... It terrifies me..."

Jolyne: ... A... Star ? What... What is this, a birthmark... ? I can see something through it...

Jolyne: A... baby... It's green... ! What does it look like to you... , That thing inside the shell... !

"... I've heard of carrots that looked like snoopy... or farmers who found radishes that grew in the shape of breasts... But this, this is something else... Something..."

"It's... Alive ! I don't exactly know how, but... This is the bone ! The bone was enveloped by all these plants and grew into that thing !"

Jolyne: That thing... You're gonna pick it up ?

"... I'm scared... This isn't just something dangerous... This is something that goes way beyond what I can comprehend... But one thing's for sure, Whitesnake will try and take whatever will be born from it... And I can't let that happen."

Foo: The sun's tilting to the west, and light is flooding in ! We have to get back where the sun won't hit you, or who knows what will happen ?!

Anasui: Go further back, Jolyne ! You have to go in the opposite direction of the sun !

Foo: What's gonna happen once we retreat to the back, Anasui ?! The exit's on the West side ! We're not gonna be able to escape from this shit-hole ! And to make things worse, there's at least one more guy waiting to kill us !

"Escape, huh..."

Inmate: Ah- He- Help me... He- Help meee... P- Please... Why are these things happening ? After everyone drowned, they got turned into plants and died... I'm terrified... please, take me with you ! PLEEEAAASE !! I'm going to turn into a plant too ! Please, get me out of here !! i'm too scared too move !!

Anasui: ... Fine. What's your name ? Are you hurt ?

Foo: H- Hey ! What the hell are you saying, Anasui ?! This guy might be an enemy ! Don't get too close to him !

Anasui: Oh, really ? Are you an enemy ?

Guccio: I... I don't know what you're talking about... M- My name is Guccio... I... Jut don't want to become a plant ! Please, I'm so scared...

Anasui: Calm down, I'm saying it's fine. You'll be able to get out alive... You can stand, right ? Guccio. Don't worry. Just stand...

???: A Green child... No one told me that this would happen... My job was supposed to be simple, "Kill Jolyne Cujoh". That's what I was told, and that's what I'm gonna do...

???: 'Where's Jolyne ? Where did Jolyne Cujoh and the other three go... ? Did they already escape ? No... If they're going to escape, they would have used the roof windows... I couldn't have no seem them.'

???: Hey, you. What are you doing here ?

Foo: What the hell, Anasui ?! That guy was definitely an enemy... or what, are you telling me that you have the ability to tell who's an enemy and who's not ?

Anasui: I don't care, either way... All I care about is whether or not climbing over this wall, will led us safely out to the western exit of this tower... Am I wrong ?

"Safety is key..."

???: Hey, i'm talking to you ! Where are the other four ? Why haven't you been turned into a plant... ? Where are the four that were with you back there ?

Guccio: I... Out... walk, walk...


Guccio: walk, outside... help me... out, I just want to go outside...

D an G: This is too much... he's been mutated to become some sort of human trap... AGHHHHH !! IT HUUUUUUURTS !! Ehhh !! No way !! M- MOMMY !! I don't want this left arm anymoooooore !!

Guccio: What an ordeal... But yeah, I'm outside ! All Whitesnake told me was to use Survivor and make everyone fight, geez...

*Guccio, user of Survivor... Out of commission.*

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