Chapter 16: Yo-Ma-Ma

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Anasui: Shit ! How do we get this engine to start ? Did they lock the ignition somewhere ?

???: The throttle level, master... Normally, we must have it set to the neutral position. Here. This is an "Anti-wetland" use boat, master... Therefore, instead of water propellers, it utilizes in the back. This lever is the handle, and if you tilt it forward, the rear of the boat moves to the right... backwards, and it moves to the left.

Anasui: Release the mooring ropes !

???: Yes, master. Also, would you care for a drink before we depart ? May I make the assumption that you two haven't quenched your thirst in a while... ? Unfortunately, the water around here is not fit for drinking.

???: Aaaahh ! Or, are either of you hungry ? If you wish, I could prepare a french-style braised frog legs.

Anasui: Don't start a fire on the boat !

???: That's a shame... I even made a pot out of leaves...

Anasui: Get on, Jolyne ! We can leave things at the ward to them.

Foo: ... You'd mind getting back to the beginning of this mess ?

"N- No... I think I kinda need it too..."

*So, we climbed over the punishment ward's wall, and escaped to the eastern side of the building, through the ventilation window... The eastern side is opposite to the sun, plus, the building casts its shadow... So, the plants on Jolyne's body stopped growing and were wilting away. It must be around 5 o'clock in the afternoon... if the sun sets and it becomes nightfall, the growth of these plants will eventually subside and stop.*

"The problem is, the authorities from the main prison must, by now, have caught on that there's been a disturbance in the punishment ward. And if they have caught on, then there's no doubt that Whitesnake has too."

???: *Gulp*

"... ... Eh ?"

Foo: A stand ! An enemy stand !! That thing was in the punishment ward !

Anasui: That soldier-looking guy's stand !

"It... It took the seed ! It swallowed it ! I'M GONNA MAKE YOU FUCKING SPIT IT OUT !!"

Anasui: [DIVER DOWN] !!

???: Ahh... Ahhh ! Mo- Mo- MOOOOOOOORE !! Ahhh ! Get inside of me ! Get inside of me !! MOOOOORE !! Ahhh ! Yell at me mooore !!

Anasui: Ugh... Wh- What... ? This guy's body... It stinks !! The stench ! Shit ! I can't get inside it ! I can feel it through my stand ! The smell, I can feel it from the inside of the body...

"... A remote-controlled stand !"

Foo: It must be trying to get back to its user !

???: Ohh ! Those shoes ! They must have gotten dirty, because of me ! What have I done ? Here, please take a seat on this chair I just made out of twigs. I will polish your shoes. While you're waiting, do you want to read a comic that I stole from the guard room, or would you care to do a matchstick puzzle ? Can you add one match to make a number that's 2 or less ? No minuses. Oh ! Be careful ! A bee !

???: My user... his name is "D&G", but the last time I saw him in the punishment ward, his left arm had been ripped off, and he was crying like an infant... I have no idea where he is at this time.


Foo: I... I just pumped 5 bullets into this guy !

Jolyne: I'm gonna rip your jaw out and take it out by force !!

Anasui: You're facing the sun, Jolyne ! Don't move in the direction of the building ! Get back !!

"... Even with the shade, moving further east would be better. We can't wait here, its too dangerous."

"... ... Act 3, Null."

???: Grrrrzt... Ghhghggg Ahgaaga ZZZbzzzt... Gn.

"... So I can't destroy it... And even if I could, there's no telling what consequences it'd have on the green baby... We should split."

Jolyne: Split ?

"The two priorities are the baby and preventing Jolyne to become a rhododendron. So you two take that... ... Thing with you and move East. We'll find the user and take him out. That'll take care of the stand."

Anasui: One person would be enough for that.

"I know. But it also includes keeping Whitesnake at bay once they arrives. Plus, I already told you, I want nothing to do with that baby."

"Hey, is your face all right ? It looks kinda... Melted..."

Foo: It's not a worry matter anymore...

Guards: It was only about 10 minutes... How am I supposed to report this to the higher-ups... ? In a matter of ten minutes ! Isn't there anyone who could explain what went on ?!

"Guards... Not a lot of them though... I'll try to blend in, and make an opportunity. Go in for the kill."

Guards: What the hell went on in here ?! Look at this place ! Where di the two guards and the prisoners go ?! And what are these dead plant remnants supposed to mean ?!

"What about him over there ? Is he still unable to talk ?"

Guard: prisoner number ME-14067 "D&G" was the only one we managed to find alive, but he's severely wounded... His left arm was almost torn off, it's impossible to question him at the moment... We need to hand him over to the medics...

Foo: 'So, trying to get under the protection of the guards, huh.. Sending that weird-ass stand after Jolyne... Well, you should stop worrying about your left arm, because i'm gonna shoot an F.F. bullet straight through your head ! ... What... ?'

Foo: 'He's... The... The priest, Father Pucci... I understand why the guards would come here to investigate, but him ? Why would he be here ? And also, it even looks like... He's watching after D&G ?! Shit... What the hell would Pucci be doing here... ? Damn it... he's gotten between us and D&G... Every second counts... But the most important thing right now is D&G's death ! I can't just put him out of commission... he's taken the green baby, after all... The only way to stop his automated stand is to kill him...'

Pucci: 359, 367, 373, 379, 389, 397... And now, in the 400's... Hmm, the prime numbers in the 400's... First, 401... 409, 419, 421, 431. The wound that D&G has on his left arm, the severity of that wound... It can only meant that Jolyne Cujoh is still alive, somehow... That's the only conclusion I can draw. And also, this abundance of plant debris that's here in the punishment ward... I can only assume that that's due to "Dio's bone". It used the prisoners, and now, it's planning something that's beyond even my imagination... 457, 461, 463, 467...

Pucci: This is fantastic ! It's finally begun ! For 22 years... I've been waiting for this ! Whatever D&G saw here... I must get all of the details from him ! Hey, Guccio... It looks like you didn't see anything, but something must have been born from those plants. Don't you think this is a cause for celebration, Guccio , I will obtain it, soon... What do you think true happiness is ? i'm going to obtain the way to heaven ! Celebrate it... What was born here is heaven itself ! Celebrate the dawning of the new world... !

Pucci: Good... Praise this phenomenon ! Handel's "Messiah". This is the perfect recording, conducted by Gardiner in 1982... How perfect ! The music is almost radiant ! it's said that Handel continued to perform this song, even on the day before his death.

Guards: All right ! Looks like more help is on the way ! We should leave D&G with the medics, and question him later. We need to search the place thoroughly, to find out where the other prisoners went... I don't know if we're gonna be able to find out the truth about what happened, but... Let's go !!

Pucci: No, the questioning... Will happen before he gets medical attention ! What was born here, it would be fatal if I were to let it slip through !

"Alright, close the door ! we're leaving."

Medic: All right.

Pucci: Hm ? It's that same guard again... Did he come here with the rest of the search team ?

"... Father Pucci ? It seems we inevitably run into each other wherever there's trouble. Don't you find it weird ?"

Pucci: Indeed. But since you're here, may I ask something of you ? I'd like to ask a few questions to D&G...

"I'm sorry, but that won't be possible. He's in no condition to answer."

Pucci: Do not worry, It won't take long.

"... Really, it's impossible... And, as a matter of fact... I don't think he'll ever be able to answer any question, especially from you."

Pucci: What ?

Pucci: 'What ?! That face under the hat !'

Foo: Eat this. Unfortunately for those with automatic stands, they're completely helpless, when attacked ! that's the risk you had to take !

Pucci: 'It's Foo Fighters ! Why is she here ?! When did she get here ?!' Look behind you ! Sh- She's going to kill D&G !!

"I know that."


"After all, I created that opportunity so that she could take the shot."

Pucci: What ?! You... How troublesome... You trying to kill D&G... that must mean that his stand, Yo-Yo-Ma, has been tracking Jolyne at the moment, correct ?

Foo: What ? What is he talking about ?

"You haven't pieced this together yet, F.F. ? After all, in order to have it deployed, Whitesnake's user has to be close by, don't you think ?"

Foo: He is...

Pucci: What gave you this idea ?

"Oh, quite a lot of things, actually... Your constant talk about heaven, your presence every time Jolyne was in trouble, and Whitesnake attacked... That figure in Sports Maxx's memories, or the fact it even happened in the prison's chapel..."

Pucci: ... How troublesome. You killed D&G, and I still had some things I needed to ask him... Well, if that's the case... Would you mind answering these in his place ?

"... F.F, run. Go warn Jolyne and Anasui about Whitesnake's identity, and help them preserve 'that'."

Foo: But you...

"Out top priority is to ensure he doesn't get his hands on whatever that thing is ! This is exactly why we split up on the first place ! i'll keep him here, so get out of his range effect, and warn Jolyne !

Foo: Y- Yes !

Pucci: ... I take it you saw it, didn't you ? Back in the punishment ward... What was born ? What was it like ? Was it a plant ? Was it beautiful ?

"Why would you care about that ? You'll never see it in person anyways."

Pucci: Hey... i'm the one asking questions, here. I can easily just read your memory to find out what happened. Where Jolyne is, too... But, I want to hear your thought about it. If you thought it looked soft, or beautiful... Those are your feelings, and not part of the disc's memory.

"... You're afraid, aren't you ? Afraid of losing whatever that was ?"

Pucci: ... Did it move ? Fast ?

"No idea. But you should worry about its own safety. With Jolyne and Anasui, it's worth wondering if it's still alive."

Pucci: ... it's impossible to kill whatever was born, it's imply not possible. No one can possibly kill it. I know this. I'm more afraid of Jolyne losing it, more than anything. Only one who has Jotaro's memories has the ability to control it... And currently, I'm in possession of those memories... i'm almost there ! What was it shaped like ? Did you see if it grew, and if it did, quickly ?

"... I'll tell you that much... Whatever was born from this bone... It terrifies me. And that is all you're going to know about it. Today is the day, DIO's evil legacy is put to an end !"

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