Chapter 21: They do be snailing tho

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Weather Report/Wes Blumarine/Domenico Pucci

Stand: Weather Report, Heavy Weather: -Power Unknown

-Sped: None

-Range A

-Persistence None

-Precision E

-Potential A*

*Oxygen was born when the first forms of green plants developed on this planet... And when an oxygen molecule containing 2 atoms combines with a single oxygen atom in the atmosphere, it becomes...

Although much lighter than oxygen, ozone is much denser. It forms a 25-thick shell, 20 Km away from the Earth's surface... And serves as a barrier against debris from space and also ultraviolet rays, which can cause skin cancer. What would happen if this ozone layer was suddenly destroyed ? Humans are not able to extrapolate irregularities in the weather. They can only known data, and hypothesize about the weather using past records and instances.*

Girls: Damn, they're hot ! they're both hot ! What should we do ? Which one are you gonna talk to ?!

Girl: How about you ? Which one are you gonna talk to ?!

Girls: we're coming, we're coming ! Let us tag along with you !

"Weather... What the fuck... You doing... ?"

Weather: they're girls, you've seen 'em before, haven't you ? You know how you can tell girls who'll go out with you from girls who won't ? Just try to tell if they're smarter than your nearest tree, and if the look dumber than a tree, chances are they'll come with you.

"... ... ..."

Girl: I am Groot...

"... Fever..."

Weather: let's relax for a bit, before we go kill that priest.

Girls: hey, we're gonna tag along, but you guys aren't murderers of anything, right ?

Weather; I'm not... But they are. Also, don't touch the half-dead one, he bites.

Girl: Ahaha, you're so funny !

Anasui: Weather, what the fuck is wrong with you ?! Where the hell is Jolyne ?!

Weather: What, Anasui ? You want me to go on my own ? I'll take them both, you know.

Weather: Hahaha, this is a nice massage ! Further down, on my back ! Niiiice !!


Weather: ... Fucker.

"If you don't stop fucking around right now... You're getting the left one. I may be half-dead, but I can still get you 7 across the ass."

Weather: I see... Guess it could be useful for fixing joint and back pains... becoming a snail, that is. But if you don't want it to happen to you, you shouldn't touch those snails, or the rainbows, either.

Anasui: Is this your fault, weather ?! What the fuck are you doing ?!

Weather: ... Kill me... Do it, any of you, do it. Even I, have no idea what's going on. In 1988... I finally remember something like this happened in the past, too. This seems to be happening unconsciously...

Anasui: What ?!

Weather: I can't kill myself... But if you kill me, this stand power will probably stop. I do feel kinda bad for those who've already become snails, but there's a part of me, who hates living, that feels quite good about all this. I can't stop this on my own.

Anasui: You... Do you remember ? Your memories of the past... But, you... Hey, aren't you trying to find Jolyne right now ?! I'm only hanging around you because I thought you were taking me to Jolyne !

Weather: You shouldn't go to Jolyne right now... It'll be useless, anyway. And that'll also mean that no one will be here to kill me. Can't count on that one, even that little stunt he pulled was enough to put him down.

Anasui: What the fuck are you talking about ?! Tell me where Jolyne is, right now !!

Weather: All right, I'll tell you... But only after I settle my score with Pucci. He's... Headed this way. Within a radius of 20 meters...

Anasui: Huh ? Wh- WHAT ?!

Weather: He's here. The only hope I have for staying alive is to finish him off. I'm putting an end to everything. Him, and also his reasons for storing Jolyne's father's and F.F.'s memories in discs... i'm going to be the one to kill Pucci. And after I kill him, kill me. Understand ?

Anasui: ... ... Sh- Shit ! So Jolyne's still all right, yeah ?! Fine ! I still have to repay F.F., anyway ! I'll go with you ! So, where the hell is the priest ? North ?! South ?! Where the hell is the priest ?! I don't seem him anywhere !

Weather: Don't move. he's not coming... He's already here. Within 20 meters... But I don't know where...

"U... Under..."

Anasui: My Diver Down's already checked for him underground... All I see is snails... Are you really sure the priest is here ?

Weather: I'll check beyond that intersection. Don't get too close to the buildings. I'll check if he's inside them, while i'm at it. WEATHER REPORT !!

Weather: there's no disturbance in the air currents... There's nothing breathing, or moving around. Inside that building, and beyond it, I don't sense anyone there.

Anasui: Hey, so what the hell are you going on about, Weather ?! Is the priest really around here ?! Well ?! Is he or isn't he ?!

Weather: I don't mean it like that. This just means that bastard Pucci can anticipate my moves. He knows what weather Report is capable of, and he's moving accordingly. He's hiding somewhere around here, making sure not to disturb the air. When he moves, it means he's moving in to attack me.

Anasui: ... What about in the car ? Weather. Looks like there aren't any snails in that car. Can your stand sense that air inside closed spaces like that car ?

"U... Under..."

Weather: if he was under the car, I would've sensed him.

Anasui: I've already checked underground.

"No... Under..."

Anasui: WEATHER !!

Pucci: Just... A step too late. Your ability to control the atmosphere, Weather. I already know all about it. This phenomenon, turning anything, man or beast, into snails... As long as I know the reason for it... I have nothing to fear !!

Anasui: H- Huh ?!

Pucci: When I took your memory from you, back in 1988... I managed to find out the way I can overcome this phenomenon !

Weather: B... Bastard !

Anasui: N... No way... ! He was hiding under that mass of snails ! YOU ! PUCCI !!

Anasui: 'What ?! The snails... From the car windows ?!'

Pucci: So you touched it. Then, it's all over for you. You should have stayed out of my business... And away from Jolyne Cujoh. You could have peacefully waited for your sentence to end... well, I suppose I could leave you... All of you will eventually die as snails, anyway. Besides me and Weather, of course. And also...

"Haa... Gh... Gah... Hhh..."

Pucci: ... It sounds like, my apprehension was uncalled for. You may have taken a part of the Green Baby for yourself, but in the end, it didn't recognize you as a "trustworthy friend". It's now killing you from the inside, the will of DIO is for me to attain heaven... And to stop you from interfering.

Anasui: How... How could the priest have hidden himself inside that mound of snails ?! And he's also controlling them... ! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THESE SNAILS ?!

Pucci: ... If you're going to die, weather... I want it to be a few hours later. I cut off your leg so you would die slowly. So that this phenomenon that you created will kill everyone that stands in my way, first. The one to aid me in attaining "Heaven"... weather, it turned out to be you.

Weather: Gh... AGHHHHHHHH !!

Pucci: 3 days until the New Moon. It will finally begin... What the Green Baby desired, the manifestation of heaven that DIO strove for... Within my own body.

Anasui: Diver Down ! I phased him inside... Inside of Weather's body... !


Anasui: Grab onto the priest and get him closer, Weather ! The priest's stand isn't a power-type ! If you can keep a hold on him, in close-range, your stand's power is much greater ! Grab him ! Don't you fucking dare let him get away !


Anasui: WHAT ?! M- My leg ! He did it again ! My Diver Down's leg, too... ! That fucking priest controlled the snails again ! Wh... What did he just do ?! He used a piece of glass... And, reflected the light... ?!

Pucci: This happened in the 1930's. Upon examining a certain politician's campaign poster... They found the word "Sex", which was cleverly airbrushed into the photo in several different places. It was written so it would be disguised within the folds and the shadows of his skin and clothes, and it was done in such a way that, glancing at it casually, no one would be able to see that scandalous word.

Pucci: But for 37 years, many people remembered that seemingly normal campaign poster. Also, during the 1957 movie "Picnic", there was an experiment conducted where an image of popcorn and soft drinks was inserted into every 1/24 seconds of a shot. It's impossible to notice, of course, but when this image was repeated... The moviegoers started to complain about their thirst... And the movie theater's popcorn and beverage sales increased by 58%. This form of advertising persisted until the FCC finally banned it.

(A/n: This was later revealed to be a hoax and marketing trick.)

Pucci: This is what psychologists called "Subliminal messaging". When things or images are portrayed on an unconscious level, instead of direct transmission, when it slips into the consciousness of unsuspecting and unaware minds... It becomes a powerful underlying force that determines the actions of an individual.

Anasui: What the hell are you talking about ?! Bastard !

Pucci: the sun that is beating down upon this town, right now ! Due to the refraction angle of the sun's rays, the weather is causing a subliminal effect on the inhabitants of this town ! Is there an image of snails being reflected within the sun's rays ? Or maybe it's because the sun is reminding us of prehistoric instincts ? Everyone is convinced that they're being turned into snails... And this deep subliminal effect affects the subjects physically, as well.

Anasui: Wh... What the hell... ? What is he trying to explain... ?!

Pucci: This is the answer. This Weather Report's hidden ability. In the past, when this occurred in our home town... I saw a blind woman walking in the streets, as if nothing was happening, and that's when I understood.

Pucci: Weather... Even if I can't so, I can still sense where you are. Even when I "Take out" my ability to see...

Anasui: Ugh... Guh...

Pucci: If you're thinking that you can avoid this effect by closing your eyes, Anasui, I'm afraid that it's too late. Even in the cave underneath the hospital, there was a faint glimmer of sunlight... And besides, once one gets under the subliminal effect, even if this town becomes enveloped in night, the snails will continue to appear. And the "shell-wearers" will continue to eat at your flesh ! This is how this climate phenomenon, this subliminal effect, works !

Pucci: Subliminal effects are all in the mind. But, humans can age faster just by willing themselves to do so... And give themselves ulcers just by being stressed. Once the heart is impacted by this effect, it doesn't matter how hard one struggles to block it out of his mind. You would understand, you're a stand user after all. If I were to start filming what's going on right now... The people of this town would only see themselves as snails, rolling in the filth that they created, thinking that that is the truth... This phenomenon will continue as long as Weather is alive... And besides, weather, you would have eventually noticed that I had taken my own ability to see. That's why I took the time to explain this ability to you. I think I'll take the other one too, while I'm at it...

Pucci: I don't think you'll be standing up, ever again.

Anasui: Aghhhh !! DIVER DOWN !!

Pucci: DON'T YOU DARE ACT OUT OF YOUR LOWLY AND INSIGNIFICANT FEELINGS !! Humans must strive to attain Heaven ! The one who strives to find it will be able to lead all of mankind to it ! You're merely interfering... Just because I have to sacrifice the lives of a few to do so... "DOMINE QUO VADIS ?" YOU'RE GOING TO BE CRUCIFIED !!


Pucci: H- AH ?! Gh... What... ? I lost... My balance... This shaking, what happened... And... Did the ground just tilt... ?

"haa... Haa... Haa..."

Pucci: You... 'The shock originated from him... What could have...'

"Haa... Haa... Bad... Apple..."

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