Chapter 20: Put back

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Ungalo

Stand: Bohemian Rhapsody: -Power None

-Speed: None

-Range Infinite

-Persistence A

-Precision None

-Potential None*

"Straw... Berry... huh..."

*Manga Shop*

"Of course... 'Rohan, you did see my memories, after all;.. I should've expected that'..."

Ichigo: Just look at the state you're in... What happened ?

"Heaven... New Moon... Bad Apple... Cape Canaveral..."

Ichigo: ... What... ?

"Don't touch... Left arm... Well... Gravity... Singularity..."

???: What happened to you this time... To think we'd be able to meet again in such circumstances, I truly feel sorry for you.

Ichigo: Now's not the time, Aizen... For some reason, we're the ones who have been transported to his reality this time. And this...

Aizen: I wouldn't touch this left arm of his if I were you. Somehow... I can feel some "Attraction" in it... And it has nothing to do with the kind of gravity we're used to...

Ichigo: then why is he in this state ?

Aizen: This is conjecture at this point, but... Like he wasn't supposed to have this power... he's resisting it, and it's taxing his body and soul;.. if he don't do something fast, he'll just be rotting away...

Weather: Ugh... Agh...

Gogh: Van Gogh fired two shots into his head. He didn't die on the first shot... yes, he needed one more bullet to end his life...


Pilot: Flight 8250, to Key West, estimated arrival time is in 45 minutes. Although we've encountered a sudden thunderstorm, we will be departing as scheduled. We will be passing through the rain clouds shortly.

Ungalo: This ability, that I just found out about... the only weakness is if I were attacked directly. But now, no one's gonna be able to catch me. Now I have no weaknesses !

Weather: What... ? The presence that I felt, going North... It's suddenly heading South... It can't be... ! he's in the sky ?! Does this mean I'll never be able to find the enemy, now ?!

Radio: According to experts, the countries that are being affected by this "Fantasy hero" syndrome the most are the US, Italy, France, and Japan. Especially japan, whose video game and animation industry grosses about 3 trillion Yen every year... This loss would prove to be devastating to Japan's economy...

Ungalo: This is "Satisfaction"... I've finally found something that drives me ! All I've done up 'till now is wander around aimlessly, just sinking lower and lower, without knowing why... But now, I get it ! I existed for this ability ! I don't fucking need drugs anymore ! I'll protect the priest with my life ! And my stand... Bohemian Rhapsody ! It's so awesome !

Ungalo: It's so fuckin's satisfying to see a world that treated me like shit fall into chaos and despair !!

Weather: D... Damn ! I can't catch them ! If the Stand user is on an airplane... The, he should be moving faster than 400 KpH... ! The fastest hurricane recorded in history is only 280 KpH ! There's no atmospheric phenomena that could catch up to a plane ! I LET HIM GET AWAY !

Weather: YOU ! If you even try touching that pistol... ! I'll kill you !

Gogh: me ? Of course not ! I wouldn't touch it... I'm another "Portrait of Van Gogh"... It would be bad if I accidentally felt inclined to shoot myself... But you're the one that already shot himself in the head, once... You brought it upon yourself... Van Gogh didn't die immediately. One more shot, and his life will be ended. But that won't be me... You're the one who's going to end it... I can't bring myself to go near that thing, it's too frightening...

Weather: ... Huh ?!

Weather: ANASUI ?! WHAT ?!


Anasui: Wh... What the hell ?! Weather ?! Gargl... Gh...

Goats: YAAAAY !! YAAAAY !! The wolf is drowning ! Just like the story ! Hooray, hooray ! It's a happy ending !

Gogh: It's over. Just like how it should be. I'll live happily in your stead. GH- !

Girl: "Let's fly around in the sky and play, Wendy. Suddenly, Peter pan appeared. No ! I have to go home... i'm going to grow up and become an adult, someday".

Ungalo: Shut up ! Stop mumbling to yourself, kid ! What the hell is this book ?! Let me see that !

Gogh: I... I can't breathe... P- Please, I'll do anything !

Weather: No... This is good. You did well. You're a good artist... You have talent. You've drawn quite the picture.

Anasui: What the hell is that ?! W... Weather... ?

Weather: I made... i'm dead serious... I made van Gogh draw me a "hero"... And if these heroes come alive... So do their stories ! And I just made one up ! This hero has an ability ! And its ability is to eliminate all other "Fantasy heroes"... AND THIS STORY ENDS WHEN THIS HERO BRINGS EVERYTHING BACK TO REALITY !!

Weather: Everything is returning to normal... It's just like the story, Anasui... You and me, we're going to return to our bodies, unharmed...

Ichigo: While you're at it, I think this is yours.

Anasui: Huh ? Who... Did he get separated too ?! Who even are you ?!

Ichigo: ... An old friend of his. Also... I don't think anything affected him, but even so you better be careful. Right now, he's a ticking bomb, ready to explode at any point.

Kid: Hey... I said, hey. We're almost at Key West, so... Can I have my book back ?

Radio: A follow-up report on the fantasy heroes incident. This just came in... Suddenly, everything is back to normal. It ended as quickly and abruptly as it began. Every book, movie, painting, comic, theme park, video tape... Everything is back to normal ! Botticelli's Venus and Snow White are safely returned to their respective places. Spiderman and Snoopy have also came back...

Kid: Are you asleep ? Was the book boring ? But it's so full of hope and fun...

Attendant: Little girl, we're going to be landing soon... Sit down, now.

Radio: Yet, we have received reports that Pinocchio has not returned to its original place... The same situation seems to have happened to the main villain of the manga known as "Bleach". Contacted on that matter, the author, Rohan Kishibe, declared: "Don't worry about that, it's just following the normal course of the story."...

*Bohemian Rhapsody. Use name: Ungalo. Realizing that he would be reverting to his hopeless life, he lost his will to live... the numbers of dead or injured are still being estimated.*

Pucci: In reproduction... As proven by the actions of both the egg and the sperm. To be "Born" is also to be "Chosen". And the chosen one, even in his struggle against the others, is merely being pushed upwards and even protected by the fighting figures beneath him.

Pucci: the people who are drawn to me through Fate ! They exist only to push me upwards towards my goal, attaining heaven ! If Jolyne Cujoh has truly escaped from prison and is heading towards me... Her, or anyone who bears the "Joestar" name... They will merely become another existence that I will have to step over !

Pucci: You three will protect me and take me to Cape Canaveral ! That will be the reason for your existence, and your source of happiness ! Sons of DIO, there are only 4 more days until the new Moon !

Anasui: Who are you talking about, weather ? Is it Jolyne, who's coming ? Or are you talking about the priest ?

Weather: ... No. I'm talking about 3 people, Anasui. Jolyne, the priest, and another one ! There are three people near us ! But none of them have encountered the priest yet. I want to find him first.

Anasui: ... You really think killing the priest would solve this situation ?

"Haa... Haa... Heaven... Dio... Moon.."

Anasui: He's been doing nothing but mumbling these again and again, and his fever keeps rising...

Weather: this is the only solution I can think about at the moment, but we won't know until the priest's down... Search ! Where could he be ?! Is he inside a building ?!

Anasui: Easier said than done, we don't even know the direction he's in, Weather... Weather ? What's wrong ? Where's Jolyne ? Why the hell are you curled up like that ?

Anasui: Weather ? What's up ? What the hell are you doing ?

"D... Disc... Rainbow..."

Anasui: the rainbow ? What about it ?

Weather: Haa... ! Haa... !

Patient: ... huh ? What are you doing ? That's my seat ! Hey, come on ! That was my seat !


Anasui: W... Weather ?

Doctor: excuse me, sir, but are you a patient here ? The seat that you're sitting on is reserved for those who are... KH-

Weather: Shut your mouth. If you really want him to sit down that much...

Anasui: Wh- What the hell ? What are you doing ?! Weather ?:! What the hell are you doing to that doctor ?!

Weather: ... Then you can be his chair ! There, have a seat, cripple. Heh... Now I'm feelin' better.

Anasui: Hey, Weather ! What the hell are you doing ?! Where are you going ?!

Weather: weather ? Who the fuck do you think you are ? So, my new nickname is "Weather Report"... Well, I don't dislike it. Anyway... Why don't we go have a little fun, Anasui ? Let's just go insane, how 'bout it ? You can leave that drag behind, this is an hospital, after all. i'll kill my brother eventually, but let's do that later.

Anasui: Brother... What the hell ? Hey ! Where are you going ?! Is that where Jolyne is ?

'... What is this, all of a sudden... It's almost as if... As if, he's a completely different person...'

Versace: A rainbow... The rainbow's coming closer. You're in deep shit... You're fucked, but, I am, too. So I guess I can tell you. Don't touch that rainbow, the rainbow Weather made. Pucci tried to prevent him from ever using it again, but... Weather's ability is to control the Weather. You know that much, right ? Well, not that he remembers how much of the weather he can control, but Weather should actually be able to destroy the ozone layer.

Versace: Do you get it ? The ozone, that's way up,there, in Space, do you know what'll happen if he decides to destroy it ? All I know is that we'd be totally fucked. Everybody will die. Everybody... Even though this was a huge gamble, I'm going to try to use Weather to my advantage.

Jolyne: So, are you saying that this rainbow indicates that Weather has his memory back ?!

Hermes: And what the fuck does the ozone layer have to do with that ?!

Pucci: Jolyne... I don't really care about what happens to either of you, but, if you want to live, you should try not to let Versace get away. Make Versace get rid of the rainbow.

Pucci: Weather Report's stand sometimes functions unconsciously. The weather is a difficult thing to control, it can sometimes act on its own, without Weather noticing. This rainbow us also unconscious. Versace should never have restored weather's memory. Listen to me... To stop the rainbow, you have to either kill Weather... or extract Weather's memory again... Although, Jolyne, I don't think you'd be capable of killing Weather.

Pucci: Versace should be able to extract the memory disc from weather's head. Because he can "Un-earth" it. Or else... Everyone here will die, before the New Moon... Except for me, of course... And maybe, him too...

Anasui: What the hell is happening ?!

"Don't touch... The rainbows..."

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