Chapter 19: Fiction to life

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Anasui: The person that's underneath the truck... ! Should I help him ? And how did he get there ?! Why is he underneath the truck ?! And his face... That face... ! DIVER DOWN !!

Anasui: He... HE'S STUCK TO SOMETHING, I CAN'T PULL HIM UP !! Sh... Shit ! he's gonna get pulled under the tires if I don't do something ! STOP THE TRUCK !! MAKE HIM STOP THE...

Anasui: It... It can't be... SHIT !! I CAN'T STOP IT IN TIME !!

Weather: With Weather Report, I made an airbag.

"Nice... hey, Anasui, how the hell did you manage to fall from the truck ? What's happening ?!"

Anasui: You... can't you see me ? Is that me, there ?! Are you saying that I dragged myself under that truck ?! So, including that old man, did our bodies and our souls just split from each other ?!

Dwarves: Everyone's all right ? Where'd Snow White go ? Is she OK ? She got thrown all the way over near that Burger King, go rescue her !

Dwarves: Look ! Speaking of flying, do you know those guys ? they're getting away, see, over there ! Hey, I know them ! Well... I'm not like, friends with them or anything, but... They're Japanese, huh ? Cool designs, but they think they're so cool !

Anasui: ANSWER ME !! Your ability is to separate people's souls from their bodies, right ?! How many of you are there ?!

Pinocchio: I... I don't know. R- Really, I don't know anything... I'm just Pinocchio. But it shouldn't even matter... You can become a hero in the fantasy world, too ! It's a great place... You like me as a kid, right ? Your souls separated because you wished it to happen. The world that everyone wants to go to someday... Bohemian Rhapsody is the song of freedom...

Anasui: Shut up... Since you wouldn't answer my question, you were the one asking for it.

Pinocchio: Wha, What are you doing ? Y- Y- Y... You... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DOOOOOO ?!


"NUL- *SLORPF* H- Huh... ?"

Anasui: Nice ! i'm back again ! Where are the dwarves ?! Where did they go ?!

Weather: ... I have no idea. I don't know what's going on...

Anasui: That was a stand attack. I was separated from y body. My soul was still on the truck ! Got it ? I don't know why neither of you were attacked... But, Weather, it's got to do something with the fact that you don't know Snow White or Pinocchio. You can't remember anything before coming to prison... We need to find the dwarves and destroy them.

"That's not it, Anasui. It's the user we should be going after. I have no doubt that was a stand attack, but these characters aren't the stand... the stand is the ability to bring them to life, and to separate your soul and body, like you said. I've already seen something like that, it won't work until we defeat the user..."

Anasui: ... How do we even know when the user is ?!

"... I don't really get why... But I feel like I can sense where the user is... Like for Jolyne, I know the user's an enemy, and surely not even wounded..."

Anasui: ... What the hell are you ?

"... Starting to ask myself the same question... It's not unusual for me to have stands or stand abilities vanish into thin air at my touch, but... Having it straight up sucked in is a first..."

Weather: In any case we have to go North... Jolyne is heading up North. let's get on the bus.

Old man: Uh... Ugh... Wait... W- Wait...

Anasui: hey, old man... there's red all around your mouth. You hurt ? Well, you're the one that got into the accident. We're gonna go now, see ya.

Old man: Ugh... Ohh... Wait, I can't hear you... I have a lot of hair in my ears... Come closer...

Anasui: i'm telling you to wait a bit... People are gonna start crowding soon and they're gonna call the police and an ambulance for you. Did you hurt your finger, too ? Your nail's chipped.

Old man: That's not it ! All the better to, hug you and thank you for saving my life !

Anasui: ... Your pants are ripped at the back, and something's sticking out.

Old man: This is just a feather duster... I'll dust your pants for you, they must have gotten dirty when you saved my life !

Anasui: Hey, are you all right ?! The corner of your mouth reaches all the way to your ears !!


Anasui: DIVER DOWN !!

Anasui: What ?! I... I CAN'T SUMMON DIVER DOWN ! Th- This is... I... Did I separate again ?! Th- They're not here ! Damn it, where did they go ?! I'm separated from my body again... Which one am I now ? I cant' summon Diver Down... So I'm just the "Body" !

Anasui: H- Hey, look ! can't you hear me ?! that's me ! I'm over there ! We... We left me behind ! Can't you hear me ?!

Anasui: 'Before I knew it, I was on this bus... I didn't realize that I've separated, and I was unconsciously moving around... ! What is this stand trying to do ? What is it planning ?!

Fan: be careful, you ! You over there stop runnin' around ! I'm gonna be the one to shake his hand ! It's Spiderman ! I found him first !!

Anasui: You're in my way ! MOVE !!

Anasui: 'Shit ! Where am I?! Why can't I just stay still ?! Where's my body ?! Shit ! Must be running all around the place !' I'm going to go find my body ! You two go look for the enemy Stand user !!

Anasui: 'You're the only ones who aren't affected by the enemy's ability... ! that's what the enemy's aiming for... He's trying to assassinate me first, because I can't use my stand... I have to find my body ! I have to protect it !'

Weather: ... Anasui, where are you ? Are you here ?

"You think it happened again ? He said something about being separated, I think... Like what happened on the truck..."

Weather: This is strange... Illogical, even... The enemy is using their stand ability right now... We can both feel its "presence"... But the user isn't in this town...

"Yeah... me too, I can sense them getting further away... If he was going to attack specifically Anasui, he would have to come closer...How even are we supposed to find the user ? Weather, out of us, you're the only one with a long-range ability... And we still need to catch up with Jolyne and the rest..."

Weather: You want me to try and locate the enemy ?

"Kinda... Hail, thunderstorm, frog rain, I don't care how you deal with it, but put them out of commission..."

Weather: Wouldn't sticking together make it harder for the enemy to target either of us ?

"You don't get it... They're not trying to 'Target' any of us. The enemy's ability is activated purely for the sake of protecting the priest, and it's involving the whole world as we speak ! it's using the energy stored in the works of art to make them come to life..."

Weather: So that must means... Jolyne must be getting attacked by some character as well right now !

"This is a possibility. But if no work of art is close to her, then the chance is she's not even aware of what's happening. We split here, weather, and try not to meet anything or anyone that had an impact on you, please..."

Weather: Shit... The user's continuously moving farther away... I can't catch up to them on foot...

???: Excuse me... Is this the right way to Saint Remy ?

Weather: Ask someone else.

???: ... Oh. You... Excuse me, sir... You know me, yes ? Am I right ? It's me.

Weather: ... No, I'm sorry that I can't help, but i'm not from this town.

???: it's not that... You like me, correct ? Your face says it all. You were touched by my work. My name is Van Gogh.

Gogh: I am the "Portrait of van Gogh". I cut off my ear with a razor last night. You were touched by my art, yes ?

Weather: Shit... Where the hell is the stand user ?! Can I even find them... ? The stand user is... Moving farther "North, I can feel it ! I don't know the exact location but he's moving pretty fast... he's probably traveling by car !

Weather: The stand itself is invincible ! I have to defeat the user ! I must catch up to them !

Gogh: i'm a portrait of him after he cut off his ear... But Van Gogh was the type of painter whose soul slowly wasted away as he painted. Van Gogh barely sold any of his paintings while he was alive, but are you aware of how many self-portraits he painted throughout his life ? A: 0-5, or B: 40-45, which one is it, A or B ? Hey, how many portraits, do you think ? A or B ? Final answer ?


Gogh: the answer is B, 40-45. in order for him to see into his own soul, Van Gogh left that many portraits of himself... And then, he cut off his ear, and at the age of 37... He ended his own life by shooting himself with a pistol. You're his portrait too, yes ? Van Gogh after he cut his ear off.

Weather: WHAT ?!

"Haa... Maybe... I shouldn't have suggested that idea of splitting up... I can barely even walk straight... Feel all heavy... I can see it now, this isn't just me using Act 3 for too long... Back there, I absorbed a part of the Green Baby... And now it's trying to reunite with its other half... Forcing to evolve... My only consolation is that it must be at least just as taxing for Pucci than it is for me..."

Thugs: Hey, hey, hey, what's that... Can't walk straight, man ? Well, y'all lucky here, give us some cash and we'll be showin' you to the nearest hospital.

"God... Dammit..."

Thugs: Ehhhhh ? What was that ? Looks like you want some cuts, don't ya ? With the panic everywhere, it's really easy to get some cash from sorry ones like you, so give it or-

???: Getsuga... TENSHÔ !!



"You... You're kidding me... Strawberry..."

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