Chaptre 18: This shit ain't Disney

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Guard: Please sign here... We've activated Level 4 security security for the entire prison. Even the chief is not permitted to cross the bridge over to the prison in his personal car. We must ask everyone that, when they want to leave Green Dolphin island, to take our designated trucks. Please present your ID card and a form of identification. And wait outside the gates after you pass through the metal detector.

Guard: Good morning. Your hair's gotten longer, how many days has it been since you were last on the mainland ? Father.

Pucci: ... 'I have no further use for this prison... the child that was born... is already in my possession... All I have to do is wait for "heaven"... And the last piece to fall in place...'

Your POV:

Anasui: What did you just say ? Weather Report !

Weather: Jolyne is... No longer in the women's ward, nor solitary confinement. Or anywhere else. I can sense it through the air currents. It seems as if she's escaped. Just now...

Anasui: ... Wait a second... ! And how the hell would you know that ?! She's not here anymore ? Who told you that ? Besides, everything's relatively calm right now !!

Weather: What are you going to do ? I'm going after the priest.. i'm going to escape.

Anasui: '... Who are you, Weather Report... ?'


Anasui: H- Huh... ?

"Get out... Both of you... We're going after the priest... Right now..."

Anasui: What... What are you even talking about ?

"I... I finally decided to give some old friends of mine a call. You guys are supposed to get transferred to another prison right now. So, we're getting out."

Anasui: ... Didn't you say something by the lines of "They won't come after us, the transfer is already planned" ?

"They're after Jolyne... She's the one who broke out of jail. Even so, don't show your face. May I remind you you're supposed to be going for some random prison in California, not Cape Canaveral.

Anasui: ... I... Don't think I can ignore this anymore... What is wrong with your arm ? It looks like that glove you call "Act 3" but... Now it's covered with these green shard sticking out... And that star-shaped mark on the back of your hand...

"... The path to Heaven... Split in two... Waiting to the New Moon..."

Anasui: Are... Are you okay ?

"... Usually... My stand can consume a lot of energy to maintain itself... Only a few hours at a time... It's been 3 days, and I can't do a thing about it... It is evolving, under influence of the Green Baby... Must find the priest... New moon... Heaven..."

Anasui: We're loosing him.

Old man: Oh... Thank you. I'm fine, sorry for startling you... I just slipped, how embarrassing... Don't worry, it's nothing serious, it's just the rain... Whenever it rains, the knee that I hurt when I was in carpentry starts to twinge... Ugh...

weather: When it rains, your knee hurts...

Old man: Mm. That's right... It's nothing new. Thank you for your kindness.

Anasui: ... Hey, don't do shit that'll make us stand out, Weather ! We're fugitives, remember ? he's gonna remember your face, and report us. The cop cars are patrolling the place... We gotta get a car and get out of here, quickly.

"What... What are you doing... ?"

Weather: Did you paint over the prisoner number on your back ? I want to wash my hands... But this faucet doesn't even have a spigot... I'm looking for it.

Anasui: That's the kind of sink that doesn't have it, Weather... We didn't have that in prison, but...


Anasui: Out here, we've been using sinks like that for 20 or 30 years...

Weather: ... ...

Anasui: You don't remember ? What are you, really ? I noticed that Green baby had that same star-shaped birthmark that you both have now... And apparently, Jolyne's father has that mark, too. If you don't remember, then just think about it... Why were you at Green Dolphin ? Whitesnake... No, the priest... Why would he have just taken your memory, and let you live ?

Weather: ... All I can say is that he's my enemy. To find out the true reason, I'll hunt him down and defeat him. But before that, we have to get out of here. But as you said... There are cop cars all over the place.

"And helicopters, too... Probably the FBI..."

Anasui: they probably have machine-guns... Shit, of course they'd have machine-guns ! That's why I told you we should've stolen a car earlier... ! Come on !

"if we steal one, they'd know which one we took, and they'll always be on our tail... It'd be impossible to chase the priest all the way to Cape Canaveral..."

Anasui: i'm talking about what's going on right here, right now ! So, what, you wanna take the bus or something ? When's the next one ? You want to wait for the bus to come at the bus stop ?

Old man: Oh... Are you three waiting for the bus ? I feel very good right now... It's like, the pain in my knee is gone... I feel so good. There's even a light shining through the clouds.

Anasui: ... Ah !

Old man: I'm not in pain at all... I feel so good right now. Maybe it's because you were so kind to me... Where are you going ? If you're waiting for the bus, it won't come for another hour. How about I give you a ride on my truck ? You can get off wherever, you will have to ride in the back, though... Oh, I feel so good !

"... Weather Report..."

Weather: We're lucky. Let's take the offer...

"We're in a hurry... before the New Moon... Gh..."

Anasui: Are you really feeling alright ?

"It's just... Sometimes, I'm getting dizzy... I feel like everything around me starts getting slower and slower..."

Anasui: Jolyne... How is she getting around right now ? She's safe, right ?

Weather: Jolyne is going North... I can sense that much...

"North... The Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral... that's where we need to go..."

Anasui: ... It's also where the Disney place is... You ever been there ? Or do you not remember ? The Disney World resort, they planted thousands of trees in the wetlands and made an artificial lake to create it. It took about 50,000 people to do it. The place is supposed to be twice the size of Manhattan, roughly the size of Rome... I've never been to either of those places, though...

"I have... Have you ever heard of Polnareffland ?"

Anasui: It's an amusement park in Italy, I think... ?

Anasui: Look at this... What a crappy guidebook ! None of the characters are on it ! I want to see the Disney characters, goddammit ! Where the fuck is Mickey ?! Can't call this s guidebook if there's no Mickey... or maybe this idiot couldn't get permission to put the characters in his guidebook.

Anasui: Hey ! Did you see that sign just now ?! Fuck's sake ! If there's no Mickey, this shit ain't Disney !!

Anasui: H- Hey ! There's something back here ! Is it an enemy ?! [DIVER DOWN] !! I GOT IT !!

"Good, but... You know there's more than one of them..."

Anasui: Well, I've got this one. But what the hell is this thing... ?

Anasui: Be on alert, you guys ! The user has to be around here somewhere ! Like you can sense where Jolyne is going, ever since the priest got his hands on the Green Baby, he can sense where we're going, too ! And he's sending people against us !

"... Even so, the possibility of this old man being the Stand user is absolutely impossible. There's no reason for him to have gone through all that trouble to approach us. He could easily have attacked us while in hiding..."


Pinocchio: Y... You shouldn't do that. You should not hit me. Children all around the world will be sad.

Anasui: ... ... WHAT ?!

Pinocchio: Ugh... C- Can't breath... Please, stop that... Ugh...

Anasui: This... Looks like it can talk. There was more of you on this truck, right ? Are you working together ?

Pinocchio: N- No... I'm alone...


Pinocchio: Oh ! Oh ! Uh, s- sorry ! I was wrong ! I- I didn't mean to do that, I promise ! Oh no, what should I do ?

Anasui: Y... You...

Pinocchio: Uh, m- my nose just grows on its own... It's like a reflex, whenever I lie, it grows longer... I- I just told a lie, so... But what I said isn't a complete lie... I mean, it's not like i'm working with someone, but that doesn't mean I'm alone... So, yeah. When you say "Another one", do you mean Mickey ? It looks like he already got off this truck and went somewhere else... See ? Look, look ! It's not a lie ! My nose is going back to normal !

Anasui: What the hell is this thing ?! What the fuck do you mean by Mickey ?! What Mickey are you talking about ?! Is that the user's name ?!

"... Well, that's Pinocchio... I think. And I don't think there's a lot of Mickey around..."

Pinocchio: he's right, you know. You're the one not making sense ! Mickey is Mickey ! And what do you mean by "user" ? I don't know about that !


Pinocchio: Ugh ! It's weird, saying this about myself... But I think I'm a pretty good guy. I'm definitely nice to the children... I was probably your friend too, when you were young... S- So please, no more violence ! O, oh yeah... Speaking of friends, Mickey's not here anymore, but I think those "Seven" are still here. I just saw three out of the seven... see, there's the half-eaten apple.

Anasui: Hey, what the fuck is up with these guys ?!

Dwarves: That apple isn't poisoned, you know. It's ok to eat it. The one Snow White ate was poisoned, though. She didn't actually eat it, she chocked on it. She didn't actually digest it. But ya know... Would you really eat somethin' that a weird old granny gives you ? We're really careful about Valentine's day chocolates, too. It's because she's so careless that makes us want to protect her.


Pinocchio: Who do you like ? Who did you like best when you were a kid ? Who's your favorite character ? Not me ?

Dwarf: I'm a fan of the Terminator, specifically the T-2000 one. he's not on this truck, though. Chewbacca, too... But you know, I'll always like Snow White the best !

Dwarves: HEIGH HO !! We know what they say about us, they say we go into a sleepin' girl's underwear, and do dirty things to her ! We've heard all those bad rumors ! But we're innocent ! We have a platonic relationship, right ?!

Anasui: 'Th... these guys... they're... ? I know them... I know what they are... But, what the hell ?'

Radio: reporting the special news. It is currently 1:30 PM. Mickey Mouse has suddenly disappeared. We have not yet discovered his whereabouts... He has suddenly left all of his posts, all around the world. I repeat, Mickey Mouse has disappeared ! Paintings and prints of him have also mysteriously faded, and we are currently investigating the cause of this phenomenon. We have also received reports that similar things have been happening to Pinocchio and Snow White. Please, we urge you not to panic...

Anasui: Is that what's going on ?! they've "Come out" of the books ?! But why would they... ?

Weather: *Munch munch*

"Man... Having all the characters from your childhood suddenly coming to life... This is every fan's dream. You could dedicate an entire writing style to this."

Pinocchio: Ehehehe... Hey, who are you a fan of ? Me ?

Weather: i'm sorry, but I don't know you... Now go away, before I kick the shit out of you.


Dwarves: You were the one who said he could eat it... You were the one who gave it to him, too. You also told him to read the book. Besides, it's not poisoned, Snow White just choked on it.

Anasui: What the fuck are you guys talking about ?

"... ... Hm ? H- Hey, Weather... Don't you think... Someone's missing here... ?"

Weather: Huh ? W- What ?! Anasui ! WHERE ARE YOU, ANASUI ?! Hey, where did you go, Anasui ?!! Ah ?!

"H- Huh... Old man, please stop the truck !!"

Dwarves: WHOOOOA ! THIS IS BAD !! This is terrible, everyone !!

Anasui: What happened ? What is it, you guys ?!


Anasui: TH... THIS... !!

Pinocchio: ... You've been "Separated"... But anyway, who did you like the most ? It was me, right ? I thought so...

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